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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Nightmarepoet View Post
    n but ye know no one can hide yer emotions from Poet, if she wishes, she c'n read them all bu' she is most o' the' time no' doing tha'... *he bites hios wrist* an' what's wose, she most o' th' time forgets t'eat...they all do *he lets sme of his blood run in to Poet's mouth and then does the same for nMichael* tha' should be enough t' make them feel a bit better....
    Yes, I know. And that is why I feel bad sometimes...knowing that I can't protect Poet from the full force of my emotions as I can my sister. That if she wishes, she can just...feel it all. *I sigh, looking at my friend as nCarson lets his blood run into her mouth*


      Falina: It is good to see you again Kar'ana. It has been too long.
      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


        Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
        Falina: It is good to see you again Kar'ana. It has been too long.
        Kar'ana: Falina. It is good to see you as well. The time could not be avoided...this is what becomes of only having Ha'tak vessels with their useless hyper drives and trying to cross two galaxies. *she laughs*


          *n smiles* dona' feel bad 'bout it, ye canna' change tha' anyway

          *wakes up slowly, looking aroud to see nMichael lie next to her* Michael....'looks at him sadly*


            I suppose you're right, nCarson. I really should learn to listen to you Carsons when you speak... *I smile, then notice Poet has woken up*

            Poet. It's good to see you're awake. *I smile at her gently, I really am happy to see she's woken up again*


              Falina: I am going to return control to my host. *bows head*

              Sparky: Holy Crap! So that is what it's like sharing a body! *faints*
              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                Kar'ana: I should do the same. We will speak later. *she bows her head and when she looks up, it's Janet again*

                A-Janet: Yes, sharing a body is somewhat disturbing at first...but you grow to love it. The knowledge, the health...the company.

                A- *he catches Sparky when she faints* Aye, poor Lass isn'a used ta this yet. She's new ta' bein' a Tok'ra host. *he looks at sShep* She'll be fine, Lad. She just may no' remember some things after th' symbiote speaks. Tok'ra are th' good ones, they are no' Goa'uld.

                *Janet's eyes flash*

                Kar'ana: Finally, someone understands the difference without being told. Thank you, aCarson. *her eyes flash again and it's Janet once more*


                  S- Can't we get her to the infirmarary?
                  sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
         Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                    Nothing is good about that ever; Aang...I must stay sleeping forever, so I can't hurt anyone....*she get's up and goes over to hug Gabriel* why can't I?

                    Gabriel: because without you awake, life would be sad and *he looks down to nMichael* he needs you awake at his we all do

                    No one does! *she frowns* no one needs someone who is always resposible for bad things happening to them....

                    *nMichael puts his hand on her shoulder* you should really let people decide that for themselves and I know I need you more than air to breath *he puts his arms around her as her self hate starts to fade again slowly* but no one else than you will decide to...*he cuts her off by kissing her* anyone who is here has decided to need you....
                    Last edited by DarkenLycht; 26 March 2013, 11:51 AM.


                      *all three sisters look over to Poet and knowing what my sisters are going to say, I speak for all three of us--I have been doing that a lot lately, I notice*

                      Of course, Poet. The reason we are even sitting here right now is because we need you. *we all smile*


                      A- Aye, we can. Let's go, shall we? *he turns to leave, holding Sparky in his arms gently, with A-Janet following behind*


                        S- Can't you move any faster A-?
                        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
               Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                          Really? *she looks at them as if she would not believe the truth in these words*


                          *suddenly Corey appears next to aCarson* hi there, just wanted to see if you got something to do for me I am bored


                            A- *sighs* Aye, suppose I can. *he starts to move faster although he knows there is nothing to worry about, and a moment later, they're standing in the infirmary and he places Sparky on an infirmary bed, checking on her vitals to be sure she's alright*

                            A- She'll be fine, she'll wake 'erself up soon enough. *he smiles at sShep and aJanet*

                            *he turns to look at Corey*

                            A- 'Ello Lad. I've got somethin' y've never seen before. Janet?

                            *aJanet steps forward and her eyes flash yellow*

                            Kar'ana: Hello. Corey, is it? I've heard of you. I am Tok'ra, my name is Kar'ana.

                            A- She's one o' the good guys. *he smiles*


                              S- *Is completely focused on Sparky*
                              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                                *meanwhile back in the living room, all three sisters stand up from the couch*

                                I know you can feel us, Poet. You could reach out and feel that we tell the truth if you anted to.

                                *we all make our way over to her and hug her together, a group hug of sorts*

