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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    -I heard that sis! and it would seem that Poet can get in more trouble than me, I mean I only fell off a horse, got lost, kicked in the leg, had a traveling blood clot and had to have emergency surgery. Hmm, now when I list it like that, it sounds bad, but Poet is much better at finding troubles than me.
    *I smile sweetly and wink to Joey, he doesn't look amused*


      *I raise my eyebrows at Dell* And then after the blood clot was removed, you tried to walk when you weren't supposed to and fell, got the nurses nice and narked at you, and Beck and I had to 'Gate to Earth and call in a favor with Jack to get you sent home early so we could properly care for our big Sis. *I shake my head and then look over at Joey*

      Joey, your sister does have a nose for trouble, it seems...but she's also really good at getting us out of trouble and getting her guys out of trouble. I've done my best for as long as I have known her to keep her safe, though...she's a tough one. So is my big Sis. For all the trouble they get in, they do always get out of it alive.

      *Joey smiles at me, knowing I do tell the truth, he's still not amused to hear that his sister has been in so much danger, but I can sense he is grateful she had someone to look out for her while he couldn't be there to do it himself*


        -hey you can smile! you look good when you smile Joey! Just so you know, I don't lead Poet into her troubles, nor does she lead me....I guess we are a bit the same...we feel if we can save someone else from getting hurt, it is worth the risk. But sometimes it is not worth the telling off you get afterwards! *I smile at Aang* and sometimes it is just more fun to take a risk or two!


          *I smile at Dell*

          Oh I have had my moments, dear big Sister of mine, where I have thoroughly considered killing you for the risks you chose to take if you made it back alive. But every single time you get into trouble, I end up spending countless hours by your side, comforting you or working my medical magic to bring you back to full health, forgetting all about the idea of punishing you for the risks you took, because there's no way I could stay mad with you when I'm just happy you've lived to come home to us one more time. And you well know the lengths I would go to in order to make sure you come home alive.

          *I slip up and think of the scar running the length of my back, left from the run in I had with Keiva and the Genii, the beating I took to keep Dell safe...I inadvertently wonder how much of the scar will be visible over the top of the back of my wedding gown*


            *I pull my sister into my arms for a hug*
            -wear your battle scars with pride! You were so brave that time, and you did it to save me. Like me you decided the risk you took to save me, was worth it. It must be a family trait!


              *I hug Dell back, and at the same time I realize I'm actually sort of proud of my's my proof of how far I would go to protect my sisters*

              Hey the risk was definitely worth it. It kept you safe and it kept my promise to Shep that I would look after you and make sure no harm would come to you. I'd much rather I take a cut and a few bruises to save you from it than have had to watch you be the one to take the beating. I think it is a family trait...and if the scar on my back is the only scar I have to show for it, I guess I've done a damn good job.


                You have!


                  *I am still hugging Dell and reach over to pull Beck into the hug as well, for about the fourth time in two days I realize how lucky I am to have both of my sisters alive and well, here in the city with me. We all took a big risk just by becoming so attached to each other that we truly believe we are sisters, because we all know well that every time we set foot on another planet, in a Jumper, even on Earth...we risk losing it all...but we didn't let that keep us from forming the bond that now defines who we are*


                    (ok, now there is just no where to go after that!)

                    *continue to hug because it hides the tears*


                      (Oh I'm just being soppy tonight, forgive me, I think the Bunny we've been discussing has me in a soppy mood!)

                      *I can sense that my big sister is crying even through my own tears, that's just how my mind seems to work, so I don't let go...Joey doesn't need to see that all three of us have tears dripping down our faces now*


                        *a few minutes later, when my senses tell me we've all got a hold of ourselves, I send A-Carson a thought: If you're able to come take a shift to care for Poet and nSteve, it would be good.*

                        *moments later, he comes walking in with a petri dish in one hand and a laptop in the other...he will see to Poet and nSteve while he works on the antidote, and I look at both of my sisters now, asking them silently if they'd like to go and have our Spa night now, have a little "sister time"*


                          Answer in kind...yes lets do this!


                            *Beck also answers me with a thought, I smile at my sisters and the three of us leave the room together, stopping briefly at my & A-Carson's room to grab my nail polish collection and facial stuff...why I keep so much spa stuff around when I hardly use it...who knows!*

                            (Sorry, it's almost 3am here and my eyes are starting to drift shut...)


                              Was just going to say i have to go to bed, so sleep sis, talk to you tomorrow night, as long as they have WiFi in Yosemite national park!
                              they better do, or I'm not staying!


                                Damn right they better have WiFi in Yosemite!

                                Alright Sis, good night, and for once I didn't fall asleep on you!

