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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *he catches the look from Dell and shrugs his shoulders before giving me a quick kiss and escaping the room*

    A- I'm sensin' a bit o' girl talk comin' on...I'll be back a' our quarters if I'm needed, Lasses.

    *I then look over to Dell*

    Um well the wedding still needs some planning and we have to call and get Abby excused from school to be my flower girl...but let's just say I made sense of a few things today and someone made me realize just how much all of you mean to me.

    *I stand there and grin like a fool*


      -Well about time, but I'm sure if we plan it right, it can fall in a weekend...about a week from now! I'm going to need my best man!


        Oh well yes of course, it has to wait until Shep is here! Um, been doing some research and I suppose you want to know what I'm forcing my bridesmaids to wear? *I look at my two sisters, grinning cheekily*

        Beck: Yes and I'd also like to know what your flower girl will be wearing too!

        Oh right, you have to approve of how I wish to dress your daughter... *I reach for a tablet computer nearby and start tapping buttons on the touch screen, popping the screen from my laptop up on the tablet so I don't have to go and get the laptop*


          -oh I'm not sure I'm ready for this bit.
          Beck I know just what you mean, do you remember what she wanted us to wear at christmas?

          -I remember we didn't wear it! *we laugh*


            *I snort* And Dell, who was it that took that disaster of a dress Jack had for you and re-styled it within ten minutes in a dark closet and had you looking just wonderful for that mission? I can have good taste when I want to!


              -yes you can, must admit...but there have been exceptions!
              Beck not to mention bridesmaid dresses are traditionally really bad!
              *she ducks the slap*


                *I am laughing as I go to slap Beck and miss*

                I would have you know, I was actually considering giving you a color and letting the two of you pick which style bridesmaid dresses you wanted to wear, but now I'm going to force you to wear what I've picked out!

                (sorry this is taking so long, trying to locate the files for the dresses I chose and get them uploaded...)


                  Ok sock it to us!
                  *I duck behind my hands as if I have to take cover*


                    *I snort once more, still laughing, and tap a few buttons on the tablet before turning it to show them*

                    Here's what I have so far...I can still keep looking if you like though.


                    My dress, just in case you forgot-

                    Bridesmaids' dress...

                    And what I thought for my flower girl


                      -Oh I do like that! I think I could work with that! what do you think Beck?
                      BeckOh I think Carson will love it

                      -Um that is not the way you should be thinking, It is Aangs day!
                      Beck Don't tell me you didn't think of what Shep would think of you in that dress.

                      -Well um, it wasn't the first thought, and not the first thing that came out of my mouth!


                        *I giggle* Well if you girls and Shep and Carson are to be in my wedding, I guess they better like what you'll be wearing! Besides, A-Carson and I will be too busy staring into each other's eyes and telling each other how we'll always love and cherish each other...I really don't think we'll notice if Shep and Carson are staring at you two. *I grin*

                        *I shake my head to clear my thoughts from the miniature mind melt I just gave myself*

                        Ah, I still need to find a proper beach to have my wedding on. Who wants to come for a fly in a jumper and help me? Shep isn't here, so Dell can't get in trouble for it


                          -Yes pick me! *I jump up and down with my hand in the air*

                          Beck Guess who has been cooped up to long!
                          -ahh, shush up!
                          Beck I'm up for it!


                            Well then let's go, girls! *I laugh at Dell for a moment before I run off toward the Jumper bay*


                              *Not to be left behind, I run after my younger sister, and am then overtaken by my other sister, crap I need to work on my fitness more! but at least I can run now, this morning it was all I could to do hop halfway across a room!*


                                *I glance back at Dell, she's seeming to keep up just fine, and we skid into the Jumper bay...that's when I remember I haven't asked Liz for permission yet*

                                Umm...hold on a second...

                                *I press my earpiece* Liz, we're on a wedding planning session...mind if we take a Jumper up to find the right beach for the occasion?

                                It's fine with me, just do be careful up there and do keep your radio on so that we can call in if we need you.

                                Thank you Liz!

                                *I open the hatch on Jumper Three and step in, taking my usual seat* Who's my co pilot today?

