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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    (added spoiler read on )

    Gabriel: she feels like that, her mind may tell her she is not, but her heart tells her, that it doesn't matter, because she didn't go to save her in time..... *suddenly hands start shaking as if he was in pain, tears rund down his cheeks, he gasps for air*...too much...this is just too * he sinks to the floor, passing out*
    Last edited by DarkenLycht; 18 March 2013, 10:49 AM.


      *Beck and I fall to our knees at Gabriel's side, I reach out to check his vitals and pull his motionless body into my arms, his Queen's pain must have been too much for him to bear...she must have tried to...NO! I find that I am sitting on the floor, hugging Gabriel and crying. I know I should find a place to settle him and make him rest, but I can't force myself to stand up...I stay there, holding him in my arms, the tears streaming down my face*

      *Beck wraps her arm around my shoulders, I feel her hand stroking my dark brown hair*

      Beck: Sis, it's alright. Please don't cry. *the three of us sit there on the floor, Carson is nearby with a slightly worried expression, for once he doesn't know what to do*


        *Dante appears holding Poet in his arms*she did it again *he looks at Gabriel sadly* I wish I knew a way to heal her pain *looks at Carson* I had to bite her but you must really put her on suicide can't go on with her like that and though our senses work good even we need some rest, and she may find exactly that time to try it again


          Aye, I'll 'ave ta let aCarson know. *he turns to me, I've managed to slow my sobs slightly but am still not fully calmed* Aang, Lass, maybe y' best go see wha' aCarson is up to. Beck?

          *Beck nods and takes Gabriel from my arms and I stand up shakily, look at Poet lying in Dante's arms, and suddenly feel a pang of guilt, as if I should have known this would happen, and it worsens as I realize that there was nothing I could have done, my gentle words and kindness do nothing but comfort myself and I really don't know what else can be done for her...*

          I...I'm sorry, I'm going to get aCarson, I'll be back in a minute. *I turn and slowly walk out of the kitchen, not sure I can face nMichael again like this, but I head for the lab anyway and knock sharply, aCarson comes and opens it, sees the tear stains on my face and the pain in my eyes and takes me into his arms silently, and the tears begin to fall quietly down my cheeks again*


            nMichael: *looks up to aCarson form where he stands working on somnething* we won't be done before tomorrow evening I's tricker than I thought it would be, his blood is old....yet this will be enogh time for her to try and hurt herself again, so as much as I hate to say this put her in the strongest chains you can get and inject her as much of the sedative you can...she can I guess take, at least three times of the normal dose without risking anything *looks at Aang* I know you can't forgive me, but.....what Poet goes through now, cannot happen to your sister because of what I did, I know it was wrong, but I could not wait longer until it would strat to happen to your sister, because knowing someone you love is in such pain breaks you, and you cannot be mended ever from this...Poet's lost so much already, I didn't want her to lose her friends


              *I look up from sniffling into aCarson's shoulder and finally look nMichael in the face*

              I may not be able to forgive you yet for the pain caused by what you did or for the words you said to my sister, but I do understand why you did it...and I have to thank you for saving my sister...or for giving me a way to save her, perhaps. For that, I truly am grateful. And I am sorry for the things I said to you...just understand that seeing my sister like hurt me. I would say I had lost control of my emotions, but it would be a was more as if I didn't wish to control them at the time, I only held on enough to keep from doing anything I would truly regret doing.

              *I sigh heavily* Poet has already tried again to end it...Dante had to bite her in order to stop her. I had just come to ask for help from aCarson, though you did tell me what will need to be done to keep her with us until you're done here...

              *I make my way to the locked medicine refrigeration unit against the wall and take out three vials of the sedative and find a clean syringe, all of which I place in my pocket*


                nMichael: I know what you felt, I can feel emotions, they hurt me and I knew it would be that way, I expected it...I am not a fool to not see how much you care for your sister and friends, yet nothing, not even if your rage had ended my life, could ever hurt me more than what Poet goes through...I don't know how strong your gift is compared to our powers, but we all can feel her pain like a salted blade constantly pushing though our hearts... *he looks back at his work and shakes his head*we must be really careful here, aCarson, the blood has already started to change over the years, yet we can clone him the way he was, only takes a bit longer


                  I do my best to keep my gift controlled and I usually do well, but when either of my sisters is hurt, it's as if the pain might as well be my own, that's how much it hurts me. When Dell was injured, I felt it as if my own left leg was injured...when Beck...well after you did what you did last night, I could feel the chaos she was feeling, it was so strong in my mind and my heart. I only went into her mind to save her because I could feel her screaming out to me in my mind, begging me not to let her go, not to let her die to us completely. I didn't know at the time that you would have kept her from being lost forever, so I went to her myself.

                  A- I do love ye dearly Aang, but this is a bit 'arder than an ord'nary clone. Can I ask ye to go, take care o' Poet so tha' we can work an' get this done? *he kisses me gently before he turns back to his work and I nod and turn to make my way back to the kitchen*


                    *runs towards a river, its water wild and cold as ice, someone calls her name in panic...she needs to reach him before he is swollowed by the water...she runs faster but suddelny she feels a pain in her leg, going right to her brain, taking her breath away..she falls, tears run down her face...she has to reach him but can't move, he is drifting away too far, still calling her name, as she tries to get up..she has to, no matter how much her leg hurts....his screams fade and then there is just the sound of the river..she lies there, crying and screaming his name* Joey! *she opens her eyes tears, streaming down her face, her heart beating as fast as it causes pain and her hands shake, then she looks at Dante, her eyes sparkling furiously* why haven't you let me do this, why haven't you taken my whole life? It's not right I am here, instead of him, but I will make it right *starts holding her breath*


                      Awe I love Beckett, he's one of my favorite characters. I loved the scene in Letters From Pegasus where he's recording a message and starts crying part way through, bless. Also I've decided to name a house after him in one of my fics, I think Beckett Manor has quite a nice ring to it. What do you think.
                      McKay: A Bow and arrow, what is this, Lord of the Rings.
                      Tony: Why do you think I call him Legolas.
             - a03 || Tumblr


                        Indeed that is a nice sounding name


                          *I felt the fresh stab of pain from Poet as she woke up and suddenly my slow walk became a run, I skid into the kitchen and past Beck, who still sat with Gabriel. I pull the syringe from my pocket and with shaking hands, I put all three vials of the sedative into it and then I look at Poet once more*

                          I am sorry, my dear friend, forgive me...but this is for your own safety. *I take her hand in mine for a brief moment and give her a small smile before I push the needle into her arm and release the contents of the syringe into the vein, a triple dose of the strong sedative. I look up at Dante*

                          nMichael...said that she could stand at least a triple dose before it would do any damage. He told me that with a triple dose of this, she should be chained up...with the strongest chains we can find. To keep her from harming herself further for the moment. I don't like to do it to her, but if it will keep her with us...then it is what we must do.


                            Originally posted by Nikki Alexander View Post
                            Awe I love Beckett, he's one of my favorite characters. I loved the scene in Letters From Pegasus where he's recording a message and starts crying part way through, bless. Also I've decided to name a house after him in one of my fics, I think Beckett Manor has quite a nice ring to it. What do you think.
                            That's my sweet Scotsman alright. I just wanted to hug him in that scene, poor guy. And I think Beckett Manor does have quite a nice ring to it.


                              Dante: *looks at Aang sadly* she always that the claws of a dragon, but nMichael also gave her the strength of one...a dragon even stonger than her old friend Kyran...but however nMichael is not to blame for this since he couldn't ever know it would be such a power up to her, and it was her wish...being given that power ennables her to save her firends from almost any harm, except the harm she does to us, if she uses that power against herself...and he is right about what he says...the meds will keep her powers down to a level that won't allow her to break chains, but only if those are strong enough

                              (I have to go sorry, good night)
                              Last edited by DarkenLycht; 18 March 2013, 02:41 PM.


                                (good night, sorry, I had class but got out early and tried to wait for the snow to subside and it didn't work, just got back to my room.)

                                (Spoilered for wall of text. Sorry for the wall of text, taking care of like 3 things)


                                I think I know where we can find some Trinium-strengthened chains brought from the SGC...that should be strong enough...I hate to do it though.

                                *I walk off to find the chains, I figure we will chain Poet in the guest room somehow, so that I may go and see her and watch over her. I find the trinium chains in a supply closet and bring them back, and then tearfully and carefully help my friends chain Poet down to a hospital bed I'd moved to the guest bedroom beside the actual bed. I smile sadly at her currently sleeping form on the bed and brush a few strands of her black hair from her face*

                                I am so sorry, dear Poet. I just can't stand to lose you, and neither could your little monsters. They care about me and I them, but I could never replace you, I could never give them what you do...and I could never heal the emptiness that losing you would leave in their souls. What I can give them right one more day that you are alive.

                                *one lone tear drops from my cheek and I turn away, going back to the kitchen to collect Gabriel from Beck, who follows me back into the guest room and I can see the pain in her face as we are near Poet. I gently lay Gabriel on the bed beside the smaller one we have chained Poet to and give him a single dose of the sedative to keep him resting without worry or pain for a while. As I brush the hair from his face and use a soft cloth to wipe the pearls o sweat from his forehead, I try to keep it to myself, but I've got a soft spot for Gabriel and it kills me to see him this way, but I know the only thing that can heal him would be if there was a way to heal his Queen*

                                *I look up and see Dante, looking exhausted and worn out, half leaning against the wall and I take him by the arm, leading him to a comfortable chair near the beds*

                                Sit, Dante. I can see you are worn out, dear. I'll leave Carson on guard duty, he'll check in every half hour or so and if you need, he's only one room over and across the hall. Beck and I will be taking a little trip tonight. *I look at Beck and motion to the door, we both leave and I pull the door closed behind us*

                                Beck: Sis, where are we going?

                                You need to send Abby back to school, right Sis? Would it make you feel a bit better if you and I take her ourselves, make sure she's settled? And while we're on Earth, we could visit Dell in the hospital...see our poor big Sis face to face and not have the 38 minute 'Gate call limit. And it would get you away from all of this for the rest of the day at least...

                                Beck: That sounds fun, Sis. You're right, I'd feel better if I knew Abby was safe at school...and it would be nice to see Dell.

                                *I smile and give her a quick hug before we both make our way into Abby's room, where she is playing with her doll quietly and smiles as we come in*

                                Abby, sweetie, it's almost time to say goodbye to Daddy and Uncle Carson. Mummy and I will be taking you back to school soon. Let's pack your things.

                                Beck: That's right honey, Aunty Aang and I are going to take you back to school...come give Mummy a hug! *she kneels down to be at Abby's height and catches her up in a hug, I think I can see two large tears roll down her face before she buries her head in Abby's hair and I feel the sharp stab in my mind that tells me Beck is missing her daughter already. I squeeze Beck's shoulder and then slip out of the room, sending her a thought on my way out: I've got to tell A-Carson where we're going.*

                                *I slip into the lab again and stand in the doorway, nMichael looks up at me and I look at him, almost daring him to say something to me, I know my green eyes are flashing dangerously, but then A-Carson turns around and sees me there and comes over to me with a smile*

                                A- 'ello ma' Love. How are ye doin'? I canna' talk long.

                                My Love, I'll probably see you late tonight or early tomorrow, I'm going to Earth with Beck to take Abby to school and we're going to detour to the hospital where Dell is being kept and visit her. We figure she'd be happy to see us and I can see for myself her leg is being cared for properly.

                                A- Aye, do be careful. I know 'ow trouble seems t' follow ye three everywhere. *his eyes sparkle a bit* I'll see ye later, ma' Love. *he kisses me passionately for a moment and then turns back to his work, but my hand lingers on his shoulder, I don't want to leave him but I know nMichael needs him*

                                *I look up at nMichael, knowing my eyes are no longer flashing with anger, but glistening with tears, and I nod slightly* It is done, Poet is sedated and chained...she will be safe from herself for the time being. I've asked Carson to check in on her every 30 minutes and Dante knows where he is if he is needed before that.

                                *my hand slips off of aCarson's shoulder and I leave the lab, heading back towards Abby's room to help Beck and Abby pack her things for school*

