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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *I reach over and hug Beck, then suddenly feel a quick burst of anger and something if Dell is standing beside me, touching my shoulder, and look up at her in mild surprise* I'm so sorry Beck, and you too Dell... I really didn't ever mean to scare you like that. I could never leave you...and most especially not to go back to the hell that by the grace of the Ancients, I was brought out of when we got thrown into this reality. For all the trouble we get into and all the times I've cried since we came here...I would never...I could never give up what I have here with you guys.


      (Wow, some gift you have there Sis!)
      I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
      traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



        Originally posted by McBecklover View Post
        (Wow, some gift you have there Sis!)
        (It's not mine, only borrowed, and only just found out about it myself, could be handy if my spirit guide comes back with me, but I think he is tied to the earth)

        *I snap back to myself and feel light headed, and somewhat surprised, did that really happen?*

        You ok Dell? Maybe you should lie down.

        -No I'm good, wow, good wine!
        You haven't had any yet.
        -It smelt really good?
        maybe I should take it away. *he reaches fro the glass, but I grab it first*

        -Oh no you don't, I think I need this....Dr's orders! *takes a big sip*


          Sis, did you just...*I stare at her for about a full minute* I think you did, I full on felt you standing beside me, with your hand on my shoulder for a moment. Say, now I wonder...

          *I focus on Dell, trying to send her my current feelings: how happy I am to be in this reality with my sisters, how I could never leave them ever, and a quick burst of what can only be called relief, her words had comforted me in some strange way even though it had really been a's taking a lot of energy, but I think perhaps my gift can go both ways when I need it to...I watch Dell carefully for any response to the quick burst of feeling I'd sent her way*


            *I'm sitting there still trying to work out what just happened, when I feel relief, and happiness, I look to my spirit guide who speaks in my head.....(My gift to you, use it well). I look at Aang on the screen and think...*

            -I can feel you!


              *I catch Dell's thought and smile at her, thinking* I heard that!

              *then I remember I'm still sort of hugging Beck and turn to look into her eyes* Sis, I swear to you, I will never ever leave you, no matter what I may say when I get upset. Got me? *I give her one more squeeze and leave my arm around her shoulders still as I look back up at Dell*

              And as for you, the same promise goes to you, big Sis. I will never leave this reality. Not by choice anyhow, I can't speak for random things like the event that threw us all to this reality in the first place, but I will never leave you by choice. I swear it, and you have every right to come over here and kick me swiftly if I ever even think of leaving again. Alright?


                -alright, it is a deal!
                and that is time about up, say your good byes quickly!

                -Bye Beck good to see you, and slap Aang every now and again if you think she needs it ok?
                -As for you will be hearing more from me, you can count on it!
                Be nice Dell, she said she was sorry.
                *I just look at him and smile*


                  *i sit looking confused as i thought i just felt Dell's slight anoyance at Aang & then Aang's releif*
                  I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                  traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                    *I look over at Beck and then back to Dell, suddenly wondering if Beck could feel Dell and I exchanging emotions*

                    *I raise one eyebrow at Dell* He's got a point, I did say I was sorry and I really am sorry...but I wouldn't have it any other way, big Sis. I might even be a bit concerned if I didn't hear more from you.

                    *I think to Dell quickly* Thanks, big Sis. I needed that.

                    *I wave* Bye, big Sis, talk to you later!


                      *The link goes down. I think to my Sister over the miles*

                      -You are never going to get away from me now


                        *As I close the laptop, I think back to Dell* Ah, but dear big Sister, it goes both ways. You can't escape little Sis either...not that you could anyway.


                          What are you smiling at Dell?
                          -Just something Aang said.
                 were angry with her?
                          -Not anymore, we made up.
                          When? I didn't see it
                          -There was nothing to see, it was all in the eyes, and between the lines.
                          Oh, I see. *but he clearly doesn't*

                          -It's late sisters dear, and I am tired, good night, sweet Dreams!


                            *I smile to myself for a moment* Alright big Sis, do get some sleep. Good night! *I think to Dell, happy that we don't necessarily need the video calls to keep in touch. Should any of us get into any more trouble, the other two sisters are merely a thought away*

                            A- Aang, Love, I 'eard that whole conversation about y' wantin' to leave...*he walks out from around the corner, his blue eyes shining with what I can only think must be tears*

                            Oh A-Carson, my Love, you were never supposed to know about that! *I jump up and go to him, wrapping him in a hug and I can feel one of his arms wrap about my shoulders and the other hand cupping my chin and tilting my head to look up at him*

                            A- Aang, Love, ye are th' best part o' my life...I couldna' go on wi'out ye. *he strokes my cheek with the thumb of the hand that is still cupping my chin gently* I canna' bear th' idea of ye leavin' me.

                            Oh Love, if you heard the whole conversation then you know I could never leave you. Not for anything. You mean more to me than anything in my old reality ever did. *I look into his shining blue eyes, my green ones beginning to glisten with tears as well*

                            A- Thank y' ma' Love. I jus' 'ad to 'ear you say it to me directly. *both arms are now wrapped around me, pressing my body to his as he leans in to kiss me passionately and I feel one of his hands gently stroking my hair, the other hand settled on my lower back, and we stand like this until I remember Beck who is still sitting at the table and I turn around abruptly to where I can see her*


                              *i have tears in my eyes, staring at the wall not noticing its Aangs & A-Carson tears im crying*
                              I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                              traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                                *I see Beck's tears and it suddenly clicks in my mind that she must have been feeling what A-Carson and I were feeling as I recall the way she had reacted when Poet's guys had been angry and when I had been so upset the other day*

                                *I pull away from A-Carson completely and sit facing my sister, I reach out and take one of her hands in mine* Sis? Did...are you feeling what A-Carson and I just felt? *I look at her carefully and silently wonder when this began happening to her*

