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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    I've always thought that a "pot belly" was a very small 'beer gut' but what do I know.

    "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

    My clone:
    Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


      Originally posted by Arlessiar
      Anyway, we could use a good labcoat hunter or someone else in the LCLA. We have a president, an ambassador and a priestess yet. Wanna join? There are always vacancies!
      Err.. well.. I love both Carson and Rodney in (and out of )their labcoats. And I have a labcoat of my very own even if it is a light blue. So... sure, sign me up too! Don't know what I'd do though.... so until I figure that out... here's a few more labcoated Becketts for the collection:


        Originally posted by Renenutet
        I've always thought that a "pot belly" was a very small 'beer gut' but what do I know.
        Lol, well yes, of course....but since Beckett seems quite without a pot belly I was wracking my brain to come up with an alternative!

        I'd like to join the Labcoat thingy ...what does LCLA officially stand for again?? I thought I had to ne invited or something and I'm not sure what my position would be, but I could help with the wrangling. And is it for ALL Drs. with labcoats or just Carson?
        Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
        :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:



          McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

          TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

          McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

          MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


            Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
            I'd like to join the Labcoat thingy ...what does LCLA officially stand for again?? I thought I had to ne invited or something and I'm not sure what my position would be, but I could help with the wrangling. And is it for ALL Drs. with labcoats or just Carson?
            LCLA stands for LabCoatLoveAssociation. And it's open for everyone as long as the person has a thing for labcoats somehow! I'm happy about everybody who wants to join.
            Well, the LCLA started when my fondness for labcoats began to show while thunking about Beckett. So I'd say it's still mainly about Beckett, and it's mainly on his thunk thread. But it's also for Rodney and for the labcoat love in general, Beckett simply wears the labcoat more often than Rodney, so there are also more pics of him in it.

            So far there are
            DrWho'sRose - Ambassador of the LCLA. She's more than great in providing wonderful pics for the LCLA!
            Celestial - Priestess of the LCLA. Chanting the thunk hymn and making sure we don't go astray.
            Me, Arlessiar - President of the LCLA. It's my mission to recruit new members!

            I invited kimaken, don't know if she wants to join, I hope so!
            GateTrippin', strivaria, Meredith - I'd love it if you joined us! Just pick a profession you'd want! Defend or protect us, be a pic hunter, a love song writer, whatever - most important is still the thunking!

            In this context:

            Good night, A.
            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


              Are we back yet? I have tried 3 times to post here!
              GW crashes are giving me a headache. (I did try and correct my little spelling mistake from before and GW crashed)

              Arlessiar out of the *Gutter* into criminal activity! Nice. Also good recruitment for the LCLA I have been lax in that department sorry.

              Spoiler "Duet"
              (More stupid stuff from me sorry ) At least be gratefull I don't have photoshop abilities!!!



                Originally posted by strivaria
                Heh, didn't see the 'pot belly' skill before... not sure exactly what that means. What I found interesting was the 'sky diving' bit. How can this man jump out of perfectly good airplanes and yet say 'no f-ing way' to a rollercoaster?! Granted, I'd love to try sky diving at least once... but really... rollercoasters are wonderful!

                Anyway.. back to thunking. I took a look at the little movies on that official site... oooooh boy! That was very cool to see that short look at him in so many different roles. And that first hi-res pic... it should come with a warning: Caution, may cause dizziness and shortness of breath. Some viewers have experienced excessive salivation while others experienced loss of conciousness.
                oohhh I love your signature!! International Thunk alright!!!

                But Beckett is SUCH a cutie
                BSG convert....


                  Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                  Arlessiar out of the *Gutter* into criminal activity! Nice. Also good recruitment for the LCLA I have been lax in that department sorry.
                  Yes, what can I say, I'm a bad girl. But I swear, I only have the best intentions - for the LCLA!
                  Don't worry about active recruitment. I'm quite sure all those great pics you provided over the last days were good advertising!

                  Nice Carson pic btw. "He's a very patient man, but you can only go so far until he loses his temper..."

                  Bye, A.
                  ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                  ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                    Originally posted by Arlessiar
                    LCLA stands for LabCoatLoveAssociation. And it's open for everyone as long as the person has a thing for labcoats somehow! I'm happy about everybody who wants to join.
                    Well, the LCLA started when my fondness for labcoats began to show while thunking about Beckett. So I'd say it's still mainly about Beckett, and it's mainly on his thunk thread. But it's also for Rodney and for the labcoat love in general, Beckett simply wears the labcoat more often than Rodney, so there are also more pics of him in it.

                    So far there are
                    DrWho'sRose - Ambassador of the LCLA. She's more than great in providing wonderful pics for the LCLA!
                    Celestial - Priestess of the LCLA. Chanting the thunk hymn and making sure we don't go astray.
                    Me, Arlessiar - President of the LCLA. It's my mission to recruit new members!

                    I invited kimaken, don't know if she wants to join, I hope so!
                    GateTrippin', strivaria, Meredith - I'd love it if you joined us! Just pick a profession you'd want! Defend or protect us, be a pic hunter, a love song writer, whatever - most important is still the thunking!

                    In this context:

                    Good night, A.
                    Stupid forum kept freezing on me every time I got on last nite! Could be because I have dial up service at home, so I have to sneak in a few comments while at work.

                    Yes! I want to join the LCLA! Do we have secret handshakes, decoding rings, and disappearing ink for our messages? For a profession, let's see...LCLA Collections Coordinator? After all, we don't want to get the various labcoats mixed up, do we? Or...I could serve on the Strategy Planning Committe: my first strategy suggestion is that we get a couple shrewd but comely maidens from our membership to coyly pretend they're sick and/or badly injured. Then when Doctor Beckett rushes over to do his medical stuff, they GRAB the labcoat off of him...well, okay--they can grab him by the labcoat and bring him IN his labcoat! Any volunteers?


                      Originally posted by kimaken
                      Yes! I want to join the LCLA! I could serve on the Strategy Planning Committe: my first strategy suggestion is that we get a couple shrewd but comely maidens from our membership to coyly pretend they're sick and/or badly injured. Then when Doctor Beckett rushes over to do his medical stuff, they GRAB the labcoat off of him...well, okay--they can grab him by the labcoat and bring him IN his labcoat! Any volunteers?
                      Well from that post you sound just crazy enough to join us. Will have to check with the President she hold all the power. As Ambassador I am more then willing to say.

                      Welcome to the LCLA.


                        Originally posted by kimaken
                        Yes! I want to join the LCLA! Do we have secret handshakes, decoding rings, and disappearing ink for our messages? For a profession, let's see...LCLA Collections Coordinator? After all, we don't want to get the various labcoats mixed up, do we? Or...I could serve on the Strategy Planning Committe: my first strategy suggestion is that we get a couple shrewd but comely maidens from our membership to coyly pretend they're sick and/or badly injured. Then when Doctor Beckett rushes over to do his medical stuff, they GRAB the labcoat off of him...well, okay--they can grab him by the labcoat and bring him IN his labcoat! Any volunteers?
                        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                        Well from that post you sound just crazy enough to join us. Will have to check with the President she hold all the power. As Ambassador I am more then willing to say: Welcome to the LCLA.
                        The president is willing to say the same! Welcome to the LCLA! You're definitely crazy enough to join us! Wonderful!
                        No secret handshakes yet. But since we never meet this might not be that important. Maybe something like a codeword? You know, everyone on the McKay thread knows teapots...
                        Head of the Strategy Planning Committee - sounds good! We need many good plans if we want to get a good collection. And we have to take not only Carson by surprise but also Rodney! So, I hope you have some good ideas! And if from time to time not only a labcoat arrives, but a labcoat with a cursing and struggling doctor inside, then we'll be even happier!

                        Bye, A.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          Originally posted by Arlessiar
                          The president is willing to say the same! Welcome to the LCLA! You're definitely crazy enough to join us! Wonderful!
                          No secret handshakes yet. But since we never meet this might not be that important. Maybe something like a codeword? You know, everyone on the McKay thread knows teapots...
                          Head of the Strategy Planning Committee - sounds good! We need many good plans if we want to get a good collection. And we have to take not only Carson by surprise but also Rodney! So, I hope you have some good ideas! And if from time to time not only a labcoat arrives, but a labcoat with a cursing and struggling doctor inside, then we'll be even happier!

                          Bye, A.
                          Thank you, ladies, thank you! So I get to be HSPC of the LCLA--gee, with all those initials, you think I sound important? LOL

                          Carson will be fairly easy to, you know.... Rodney, on the other hand, is quite another matter. Hmmm, we could send in a recon into the labs while Rodney is offworld. Better watch out for Radek, though--I think he has eyes in the back of his head. And that Oriental chick from LfP, the one who worships the ground Rodney walks on--she could be a problem, too.

                          Another idea would be to ambush Rodney on the way to his morning cup of coffee. We'd need the top ninja strike force for that mission, though--Rodney before coffee...could get mighty ugly!

                          Anybody else's labcoat we need to collect?


                            Originally posted by kimaken
                            Thank you, ladies, thank you! So I get to be HSPC of the LCLA--gee, with all those initials, you think I sound important? LOL

                            Carson will be fairly easy to, you know.... Rodney, on the other hand, is quite another matter. Hmmm, we could send in a recon into the labs while Rodney is offworld. Better watch out for Radek, though--I think he has eyes in the back of his head. And that Oriental chick from LfP, the one who worships the ground Rodney walks on--she could be a problem, too.

                            Another idea would be to ambush Rodney on the way to his morning cup of coffee. We'd need the top ninja strike force for that mission, though--Rodney before coffee...could get mighty ugly!

                            Anybody else's labcoat we need to collect?
                            Oh dear! What have we done? Created a monster, hehe, a monster Labcoat snatcher.


                              Originally posted by kimaken
                              Thank you, ladies, thank you! So I get to be HSPC of the LCLA--gee, with all those initials, you think I sound important? LOL
                              Carson will be fairly easy to, you know.... Rodney, on the other hand, is quite another matter.
                              Yes, HSPC of the LCLA sounds important!
                              Wow, you’re really taking that job serious, right? Cool! I’m impressed! Great plans!

                              Did Zelenka ever wear a labcoat?
                              And did someone notice how nice Carson's labcoat flies when he is running up the stairs in "The Siege 3"? I tried to make caps of that, but they are too blurry.

                              Bye, A.
                              Last edited by Arlessiar; 12 August 2005, 08:10 AM.
                              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                                CB: They’ll never find it! I found the perfect place to hide it!
                                RM: You do know that they have someone who plans their strategies now?
                                CB: Relax, Rodney, they can’t steal every single labcoat I’ll ever wear!
                                RM, thinking: Believe that if you want to. They’ll rip that thing off you in the blink of an eye. But they will never get mine, hehe.

                                RM: Another one?
                                CB: Yep. They’re really getting better. You?
                                RM: Look at me. Might give you a hint.

                                Bye, A.
                                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~

