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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    You can handle it right?
    So why should I worry
    Oh Hi Elizabeth


      Yeah, I can handle it. We're just flying around above the city and the main land a bit, nothing I can't handle. Had to fly one of these things when the Wraith attacked the city just before you came to Atlantis actually.

      Fly one what?

      Oh hello Liz, um...a jumper...

      Where to?

      Um, to the main land...

      What's this about?


        well we thought we could scope out the beaches and find a good one to have a large family type beach party and BBQ on, you would be invited of course.


          I'm guessing Aang is going to fly the jumper then? Alright, you have my permission, but stay in radio contact at all times. And Aang? Do be careful.

          Alright, thank you Elizabeth. Come on Dell, let's go!


            -Thanks Elizabeth.
            -Yes, can't wait to get up there.
            -Oh, Elizabeth, you don't happen to know where Shep is do you?

            He is checking out something out on and South Pier.

            -Ok, thanks, see you later.
            *turns to Aang*
            -there now I don't have to keep looking for him


              You lot have fun!
              I (we? ) gotta go to bed now...
              "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
              "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
              "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
              "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

              >-- Czechs Rock! >--


                Good night Jae'a

                Hmm smart idea to ask Liz if she'd seen Shep. Alright, let's go.

                *I turn to head for the Jumper bay*


                  Night Jae'a and um yeah, Jae'a

                  *we walk off to the jumper bay and find one to take*
                  -Ok. show me how it's done!


                    Alright, let's turn this thing on. *I lay my hands on the control interface and the small ship lights up and starts to lift off* *I think about the comm system and then speak* Alright, open the jumper bay doors, we're ready for liftoff

                    *a voice comes back over the system* Aang, you have a go!

                    Thank you. We should be back fairly soon! *I focus and the ship goes up through the roof doors, we are now flying above the city*

                    Still got the old Jumper skills, it would seem. *I look over at Dell quickly and then back out the front window of the Jumper*


                      -Yes you do! Set course for the main land...make it so!


                        Main land, gotcha. *I smile and the ship moves forward* Course set to the main land! Hmm I used to be able to make this thing do tricks...


                          yeah? spirals?
                          Hey can we take it under water?...might be handy to check the beach that way too. *give her an innocent look*


                            I can do spirals. Hold on tight! *I glance over to make sure Dell has grabbed on to something and then the Jumper goes into a spiral* See?

                            *I straighten the ship and look over at Dell again* We can take it under water but I have to watch how deep we go. This one has the option of both the shield and the cloak so I can make sure we're basically watertight, but I'd still rather not end up like Rodney did the first time that was tried...


                              oh no, not deep enough to worry anyone! Those spirals were cool!


                                Right, and this is just a simple flight to check out the beaches. Because trouble doesn't follow the two of us the same as a cat follows a mouse, just waiting to pounce when we least expect it. *I roll my eyes and send the jumper into another spiral before straightening it out and flying the rest of the way to the mainland*

                                Alright let's get looking for beaches then.

