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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Hey Sis...I have a ML Bunny of my own right now for a very sweet Shep whispering it in my ear...


      *my eyes light up*
      don't suppose you are going to tell me are you?


        I could or I could just go ahead and write it...


          Oh that too!


            Shall we see where Shep takes this bunny as I write? Give me just a few to get it down and then I'll let you read it


              I can't wait....I was to tired to dream last night, only got nonsense!


                Not quite finished yet, but I have to go partially MIA--My turn to cook dinner--and I don't want to be cruel so here's what I have at the moment.


                She shakes her red hair out of her face as she stands alone out on the balcony. She came out here sometimes; to the place where they’d had their first kiss…it is a comfort to her, a place that holds one of the most wonderful memories she has of Atlantis. She knows he will find her, and that is why she chooses this place to come to.

                She looks out over the city spires as the suns begin to set, the city becoming silhouetted against the brilliant orange and purple sunset, thinking that this city is her home now. She leans on the balcony railing watching the sunset, enjoying the beauty of the scene in front of her.

                He steps silently out onto the balcony, stands there just watching her. He thinks to himself how beautiful she is, the graceful curves of her body, the shine of her red hair in the setting sun. He takes a step closer to her, and she turns to face him, a smile on her face. This makes her even prettier, he thinks. But there is one thing about her that mesmerizes him every time he looks at her.

                “Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?” He wraps his arms around her and gazes into her face. He loves the way the smoky blue color of her eyes stands out against the dark red of her hair, how her eyes are so intense, but he has never seen them cold. How can such blue eyes always look so warm and soft? He’s sure he doesn’t know, but he keeps looking into her eyes.
                Last edited by Aang; 22 February 2013, 04:09 PM.


                  Oh crap! oomph!
                  Hello floor!
                  Um, I'll be down here if you need me!


                    What can I say, all this talk of blue eyes set me off on a ML moment


                      Woah, sorry for disppearing like that - been having major internet problems today!
                      Then I got distracted watching How To Train Your Dragon... (Love that film so much... )
                      And now it's about bedtime... :/
                      Cripes, looks like Poet's had a time of it... Sorry I couldn't be around to help as well...

                      Hopefully the 'net has sorted itself out now and I'll be on a bit more tomorrow...
                      'Night all!
                      "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
                      "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
                      "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
                      "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

                      >-- Czechs Rock! >--


                        Aw good night Jae'a! I've been in and out myself, cooking dinner (but um, waiting on Mum to come and help me sort it, I might have gone and stuffed up dinner...*face palm*)


                          just re-read it Aang...and re-thunked!
                          Good editing job!


                            Hehe wondered if you'd catch that...


                              Oh yes! is that it, not that it isn't wonderful and all, but is there more?
                              just curious you understand!


                                Well like I said, I wasn't done at the time--had to cook dinner--but I didn't want to be mean and make you wait for what I already had. There's going to be a whole conversation there when I'm done, I think.

