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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    (well of course I would never hurt him, else I'd have to deal with you about it! But I might threaten him if he wasn't already laid up!)

    Sleep? What sleep? *yawns* If you haven't noticed, I've kept forgetting to sleep since we got back to Pegasus. But I'm good. *I smile at Dell* And Shep's sense of humor obviously didn't even get bruised when he got hurt. *I stick my tongue out at him and then start laughing* He says I sound like a nurse, because of spending so much time with A-Carson. *snort*

    Well you do!

    A- Aye Love, ye do sound like a nurse on occasion. *he sticks his head around the door and grins, staying well out of my arms' reach and my face starts turning red*

    HMPH! I do NOT sound like a nurse, Dr. Beckett! Now will you and your patient stop teasing me before I stop you both!


      Ahh, I can see life getting back to normal already.
      It needs to get a lot more normal yet, I'd like to be able to get up and...well, lets just say I'd like to be able to move around.


        Oh this is normal to you, is it, Dell? No explosions yet, I'd say it's too peaceful. *I smirk and jump out of the way knowing what's coming next, only to crash into A-Carson and land on the floor laughing* ...Ow...suppose I deserved that...

        A- Sorry, ma' Love. *lifts me to my feet with a smile* Didna' mean to knock ye over like that

        Oh it's alright, Love, I know. *I smile* I'm not hurt...okay maybe my ego is a bit bruised, but I'm not hurt.


          Huh, see that, I can knock her flat with out moving a finger!
          With abilities like that you should be on an SG team.

          *I just look at him*
          No, your right, I would never let you become a SG team member.


            About two weeks later...

            A- Ye think we've kept th' lad cooped up in 'ere long enough?

            Aye, if 'e has someone to look out for 'im, I think 'e can go back to his own quarters now.

            A- Shall you tell 'im or shall I?

            I'm 'is primary doctor for th' moment, I'll do it.

            A- A'right, Lad, an' I'll come 'elp you get 'im ready to go.

            *they walk into Shep's room together*

            Shep, Lad, y're to be released to go to your own quarters t'day. Dell? I'll be trustin' that ye'll keep this trouble maker out o' trouble until 'e's completely healed and back on active duty?

            *A-Carson has set to work unhooking various monitors and taking out the IV drip*

            A- Aye, but we'll need ta have one more look at th' wound before ye go. Dell, Lass, would ye like to stay 'ere an' learn 'ow to care for his wound or would ye like to go wait wi' Aang just outside?


              I'll stay if you don't mind.


                A- A'right then, Lass. *he smiles at Dell, then without looking up, keeps talking* Aang, would ye come in 'ere?

                Yes Love, what can I do? *I walk in wearing a lab coat and already holding the fresh gauze and such that they'll need to re-bandage his wound*

                A- Jus' be 'ere in case we need ye. *to Dell* Aang's playin' nurse for us t'day if ye hadn't noticed.

                First thing, we'll 'ave to take off the current wrapping. *I step up and pull the blanket up a bit and help Shep to sit up a little more so the hospital gown can be taken off so we can see what we're doing, then he sits back against the propped up pillows*

                Watch it, Aang. *he smirks up at me, then winces a bit as A-Carson peels back the tape holding the gauze pad over the wound* Like pulling off a band-aid. *he smiles*

                *I step back to let the Carsons work and reveal the wound to Dell, it doesn't look too bad now, all stitched up and mostly clean, but it's clear that it used to be a bit of a hole toward the right side of his chest, which is why it had bled so much*

                Stitches look good, nothin's pulled loose or anythin'. Seems to be healin' up quite nice. *looks at Dell* First thing is t' clean it. It'll be a bit sensitive ta touch for a bit though. *Shep winces slightly, but still smiles as Carson takes an alcohol pad and wipes between the stitches as best as he can* Aye, looks ta be healed up nice.

                A- Aye, so it does. The next bit is th' medicated ointment that'll help wi' the localized sensitivity a bit an' keep it healin'. *he has gloves on and puts a bit of ointment from a tube on a clean gauze pad, which he then places over the wound and I move back in to help tape it on with medical tape*

                There we are, Lad. All cleaned an' re-bandaged. Now don't be gettin' it wet just yet an' do take it easy on th' stitches. But they're the dissolving type so once it's healed up, they'll go away on th're own. No need ta come get them taken out, just check in wi' one o' us after a bit. *both Carsons move away from the bed, leaving Shep still bare-chested, and I walk back into the room with a set of white scrubs in hand, best I could do on short notice*

                Dell, we're going back out to the waiting room a moment, would you like to help him get dressed so you can take him back to his quarters?


                  (by the way yes I did just try to totally melt the hell out of your mind with that one, Dell. Have fun with your bare chested Shep )


                    *I take the scrubs from Aang*

                    You make a great nurse sis, I don't know why they don't give you a job in here.

                    *As she goes I turn back to Shep*
                    I get to go home!

                    So do I! lets get this top on you.
                    *I help him put it on. I hold up the pants and smile*
                    Just get them over my feet a bit, I can do the rest. *he goes to sit up and swing his legs over the edge, I help sit him up, then put the pants over his feet and up to his knees. He pulls them up as he stands, I steady him, and the gown fulls to the ground....nothing is reveled (haha, take that!).

                    Do you think you can walk as far as our quarters?
                    I'd like to say yes, but I doubt it.

                    I'm sure there will be a wheel chair close by
                    *I put my arm around him, and he leans on me a bit and we head to the door*


                      (don't tell me you never thought about it though, missy!)

                      *A-Carson and I are waiting outside the door of the room with a wheel chair for Shep, and I am holding an ID-badge in my hand*

                      A- Before ye go, do congratulate Aang, she's just passed 'er last test and become an official nurse 'ere in the infirmary. Carson 'ad told me 'ow she helped when Shep was first beamed to th' Hammond and how good 'er bedside manner 'ad been while watching 'im, waiting for ye to come back, Dell. Besides this way I c'n keep an eye on 'er at all times. *his eyes sparkle*

                      Aye, she did well, an' I thought she could use a job t' do around the city if she's a permanent resident, if ye catch my meanin'.

                      So my final test...was to help clean Shep's wound and re-bandage it, because it would put me in control over the well-being of someone I cared about and test whether or not I could handle the responsibility. Apparently, I can *I smile widely*
                      Last edited by Aang; 31 January 2013, 08:17 PM.


                        Congrats sis!
                        * I help Shep sit in the chair, then turn to give her a hug*
                        And you thought I was teasing you! Driver? take me home!

                        Oh that's how it's going to be is it, maybe I'll just leave you in a hall somewhere.
                        *I start pushing him out the door and down the hall*
                        You wouldn't dare.

                        What to try your luck buster?
                        I know something I do want to try

                        I'm sure I heard Carson tell you to take it easy


                          Well at the time I did think Shep was teasing me. The Dr.s Beckett didn't tell me any of this until a couple of days ago when it was coming up on Shep's release date...*I say half to myself*

                          A- 'Twas easy enough to see ye work wi'out ye knowin' we were watchin'. If we'd told ye, y'might have been nervous.

                          Very true, Dr. Beckett. *I grin and hug him*

                          A- Aye, that it is...Nurse Beckett! *he looks down at my hand, which he is holding in his own hand, for a moment*

                          *I look down and notice the ring on my finger*

                          Well hell if that mission didn't make me forget about the wedding plans! So I will be Nurse Beckett then!


                            Originally posted by Aang View Post
                            *Beck's Carson, being very protective of his patient, refuses to let A-Carson take over even for a short bit, and is beginning to doze off at his desk along with Beck*

                            A- Lad, we're always tellin' the lasses that sleep is important. It's even true for doctors such as ourselves, ye really should go get some sleep.

                            I couldna' do tha'. I canna' leave Sheppard b'cause I canna' get the sight o' 'im when Aang uncloaked 'im out o' my mind...

                            A- Aye, I do know how ye feel, but ye have to rest sometime. What use is an over-tired doctor who canna' barely function ta' anyone? *he lifts Beck and takes her back to the bed she'd been laid in earlier, knowing she won't want to be any further than that from her Carson, but feeling that she might be more comfortable there than slumped over at the desk*

                            Aye, true, but I canna *yawns* leave 'im...

                            *I am sitting in a chair just outside Shep's room, quite content to listen to the conversation in Scottish accents going on in front of me*
                            Aye, I would loved to have been awake to hear the two Carson's chattin away! *happy sigh*
                            Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                            *I need to take a short trip to the little room, but as I let go of Shep hand to move away he wakes*
                            Mmm, where you think your going?

                            Just the loo, I'll be right back.
                            I've heard that before.

                            What you think I'm going to camp out in the bathroom for ever?
                            Ok, but if you take to long I'm coming to get you.

                            Yeah? like to see you try, no I was joking, stay down, I'll be 5 mins tops. How are you going to handle it when I take time out for a shower? And you can take that smile off your face right this minute!

                            *I finally get to go*
                            ahaha! Shep is a naughty boy!
                            Originally posted by Aang View Post
                            (don't tell me you never thought about it though, missy!)

                            *A-Carson and I are waiting outside the door of the room with a wheel chair for Shep, and I am holding an ID-badge in my hand*

                            A- Before ye go, do congratulate Aang, she's just passed 'er last test and become an official nurse 'ere in the infirmary. Carson 'ad told me 'ow she helped when Shep was first beamed to th' Hammond and how good 'er bedside manner 'ad been while watching 'im, waiting for ye to come back, Dell. Besides this way I c'n keep an eye on 'er at all times. *his eyes sparkle*

                            Aye, she did well, an' I thought she could use a job t' do around the city if she's a permanent resident, if ye catch my meanin'.

                            So my final test...was to help clean Shep's wound and re-bandage it, because it would put me in control over someone I cared about and test whether or not I could handle the responsibility. Apparently, I can *I smile widely*
                            (wow two weeks just flew by. felt as if it was still only yesterday! Also Abby has now been on quite a long holiday, with two weeks just passing & the mission was how long? say a week? So Abby's been gone 3 weeks now. Should be nearly time for to be coming home )

                            *The last two weeks I have basically lived in the infirmary with Carson, Dell & Shep, while A-Carson & Aang came by everyday to work & see Shep & Dell. I was sitting on my temporary bed reading a book, when I hear Carson telling Shep to congratulate Aang, & then Shep & Dell had left & A-Carson was calling Aang "Nurse Beckett". I smile & I get down from the bed & walk over to Aang*
                            Well congratulations Sis! An Atlantian nurse. Now ye get to be with ye Carson even while he's working & ye can assist him. Well done Nurse Beckett! *hugs Aang*
                            I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                            traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                              *Walking down the hall I stop and take Shep out onto a balcony and park the chair, then I come round in front of him and lean back against the railing*

                              What are we doing here?
                              We just need to work something out, you see where ever I take you now, is where you set up camp for good.
                              Not sure I follow.

                              Well it has come to Elizabeths attention that we have been staying at Carsons for the last few months, and leaving our own quarters empty. She doesn't like waste, so a decision has to be made. She accepts that we are an item, and for the most part, where ever you are, I am. So do we stay in your quarters, mine, or Carsons guest room.
                              Well both yours and my quarters are too small for 2 people to live comfortably, but I think we do need a space of our own.

                              Ahh, walked right into Elizabeths trap, you did.

                              Ok plan. There is a set of quarters right beside the Carsons one, that adjoins. It has it's own front door, and small living room, but also has a connecting door to their lounge and kitchen.
                              So that is what that door is, I thought it was a cupboard.

                              So whats it to be?
                              *he braces himself on the arms of the chair and levers himself up to a standing position, waving off my offer of help, and takes the 2 steps over to me, putting his arms round my waist, and looks into my eyes*
                              So lets make it official then, and move in together, you me, and rooms built for two.

                              I like that idea. *I say with a smile right before he kisses me.*
                              *after a few minutes I help him back into the chair and take him off to our new quarters. The door opens and he sees all our stuff already in there*
                              You were pretty sure of my answer then.

                              I've been living in the infirmary for the past two weeks, I took it as a sign.


                                *After Dell & Shep had left, Aang & A-Carson went home, back to the Carson Communal House (CCH) & me my Carson finished cleaning up the infirmary, then we left for home as well*

                                *as we approach the CCH, we notice the door to Shep's quarters is different -the "Sheppard" sign is missing. Thinking that's weird, we go & look at our door the "Carson Communal House" sign is still there, then we catch a glimps of a sign on the normally "empty" quarters next door. We go & have a look & to our surprise its says "Sheppard & Dell"*

                                Oh, Liz must of been sick of Dell & Shep leaving their own little quarters empty all the time & offered them a much larger twin quarters!

                                Aye, wonder 'oo will take Shep's old quarters?
                                I don't know. Perhaps it will stay empty like his new one always has been?
                                Perhaps. I guess we'll 'ave te finally patch up tha 'ole in tha wall

                                We could let Rodney know Shep's old quarters is up for grabs. He could be closer to us, we can keep a close eye on him when he's upset & he could also babysit Abby without leaving his quarters

                                Aye, well I definitely prefer Rodney livin next door, than someone we don like
                                Carson you like everyone, who would annoy ya so much that you wouldn't like em?
                                Aye, I do like pretty much everyone, it's just my nature, but then there's people like *clears his throat & whispers* Kavanagh
                                eh, him *I then giggle at Carson's disgusted face* Aaww you so cute when you make funny faces

                                Ah, let's go inside shall we?
                                *giggles* Ok love

                                *we enter*
                                Last edited by McBecklover; 01 February 2013, 02:38 AM.
                                I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                                traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!


