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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *A-Carson and I wake up slowly as we realize we're alone in the room* *we hear Dell and Shep in the kitchen*

    Well suppose this means we missed the entire movie?

    A- Aye, so we did, but we did stay up all night, Love. You've every right to be tired.

    (Ironic part? I did just sleep for like most of the last hour...)


      *I'm at the bench putting out cups and such, the jug is on, and Shep comes up behind me and puts his arms round me.*
      Hey what are you up to?
      Just want to hold my best girl.
      *I turn to face him*
      Ok, I can stand to be held a bit.
      And kissed?
      Lets see shell we?
      *so we kiss, and like it, so we keep doing it*


        *she stands up and stretches before going to see what's taking Dell and Shep so long* *peeks around the edge of the kitchen door and sees Shep kissing Dell, so silently backs out of the doorway and goes back to Carson*

        I think they're a bit busy at the moment, Love.

        A- Oh? *sees the sparkle in my eyes* Oh! Well we'll leave them to it then, aye? *pulls me back onto his lap*

        Crap, mini panic attack. Working on Beck's emotes and I thought the new Photoshop didn't have an animation tool, I was going to cry because I just got done taking off the older Photoshop!

        (Oh also Dell, I just looked for and I both joined GateWorld on Sept. 24th 2012...same exact day! I find that totally awesome. )
        Last edited by Aang; 12 January 2013, 03:33 PM.


          Originally posted by Aang View Post
          *she stands up and stretches before going to see what's taking Dell and Shep so long* *peeks around the edge of the kitchen door and sees Shep kissing Dell, so silently backs out of the doorway and goes back to Carson*

          I think they're a bit busy at the moment, Love.

          A- Oh? *sees the sparkle in my eyes* Oh! Well we'll leave them to it then, aye? *pulls me back onto his lap*

          Crap, mini panic attack. Working on Beck's emotes and I thought the new Photoshop didn't have an animation tool, I was going to cry because I just got done taking off the older Photoshop!

          (Oh also Dell, I just looked for and I both joined GateWorld on Sept. 24th 2012...same exact day! I find that totally awesome. )
          (they say there are no coincidences in this world, everything happens for a reason! We were destined to meet!)

          *finally we pull apart*
          I think the jug boiled.
          May need to be put on again.
          Maybe *I go to move and do just that, but his hold on me tightens*
          Not yet.
          But the coffee...
          Can wait. I want to fix something I got wrong yesterday.
          I thought you knew how I felt, but I never said the words
          You don't have too
          Yes, I think I do.
          Later, tell me later.
          Why not now?
          I need time to think, ok, just give me a little time.
          Ok, but not much of it. *lets me go and flicks the jug on as he leaves the room*


            (for all the silliness that's gone on around here and the slips and mix-ups and confusion and craziness in general, it has been worth every minute of it )

            A- *kisses me* Love, I don't know tha' we've ever thought of sayin' this when we weren't both overwhelmed wi' excitement or fear of losin' eachother...

            Oh...Carson. *realizes what he's going to say* But you don't need words to show me how you feel...*kisses him deeply*

            A- *breaks the kiss off* Aye, but it's still nice to hear th' words sometimes and nicer yet to say them. *pulls me into his arms*

            *starts to tremble a bit* ...Carson...

            A- I love you, Aang. I always have from th' moment that Carson introduced me to ye. *holds me close in his arms*

            *puts her arms around his neck and looks into his eyes* And I love you, Carson. I always have, even before I knew it was you. *we kiss deeply*

            (Wow and I thought my family were all tech savvy, my Dad just called and said he had no sound on our friend's computer and asked what it could be...I asked "did you check for ID-10-T errors?" and he looked...found the speakers were unplugged. *facedesk* My faith in my family has just been broken.)


              *Shep comes out of the kitchen just in time to hear the end of the conversation, but waits till Aang and A-Carson have come up for air before going into the room fully*
              *mutters under his breath*Would be nice to say them.
              Sorry to interrupt, don't mind me *sits at the table*
              *a few moments later, I come out with a tray of cups, coffee, and a pot of tea just to be safe*
              Oh Good you are awake, I made us something to drink.
              *puts it on the table and then sits down opposite Shep instead of beside him*


                *we finally break the kiss* Oh...sorry Shep...didn't see you there...*turns a weird shade of pink* *she goes and sits beside Dell, wondering why she isn't beside Shep*

                A- *sits down beside Shep, facing me and smiling at me* Well what went well, not that I expected anything less...

                Carson, we'll talk more later, Love. Now's not the time...*smiles toward Dell and Shep*


                  *I busy myself with pouring tea and coffee for everyone.*
                  So what was the movie we all slept through, can't even remember the opening credits.

                  (opps, people arriving, got to go now, come back later.....sorry for leaving so abruptly....can't have anyone seeing this)


                    ...Carson, you picked the movie, what was it? *glances at Dell and realizes what's going on but doesn't say anything*

                    A- Ah, 'Twas the Star Trek movie. I knew Aang liked that one because of ma' small part in it. *smiles at me*

                    (Alright, catch you later then, Dell )


                      Star Trek, I love that movie....the guy who plays Kirk is kinda cute.
                      *I look up at Shep, he doesn't look all that happy*
                      Maybe we could watch it again later, and actually see you in it this time Carson.
                      Anytime Dell lass.


                        *Aang face-palms and stands up* *she grabs Shep by the sleeve and drags him out into the kitchen*

                        Ow ow! What are you doing, Aang!

                        Shep, listen. It's not that Dell doesn't love you, she's just working on getting used to the idea of actually voicing those words. Let her come around in her own time, don't push her.

                        You and Carson said it so easily though...

                        Yes, but I don't have anything holding me back, keeping me from saying those words to Carson. Dell...she has her alternate life to think about. Just...let her come around in her own time. Okay?

                        It's hard though. I want to say it now!

                        Shep, please...try to have patience... *hugs him* *we then walk back out to join Dell and A-Carson and Shep sits down again opposite Dell*


                          *watch as Aang drags Shep out to the kitchen , with a worried look on my face*
                          Don't worry so much about it love, it will all come out in the wash.
                          I'm just worried he will decide to leave me because I can't say "those" words to him.
                          He won't do that lass, he loves you.
                          But I can't.....I can't. I don't know that I will ever be able to say them.
                          Don't fret about it lass.
                          *Aang and Shep come back out and take there seats again*


                            *Carson, Abby & I return from the mainland. We enter the Carson house & see A-Carson, Aang, Shep & Dell sitting at the table. We go and join them*

                            Hi guys were back!
                            Aye, 'ello everyone
                            Abby: Hello *waves to everyone*
                            I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                            traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                              Hi guys, how was the mainland?


                                Abby: It was great! We went fishing on the beach & played hide & seek in the woods & met some nice Athosians
                                I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                                traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!


