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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
    Hey there are 2 guest down there, scrunch up on that couch and make room for them!
    Nope, they've gone now too.

    So I guess Aang finally fell asleep. think she left about half an hour ago its 6:55am for her now.
    I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
    traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



      Yep I guess she went to sleep, Hope she remembered to turn off the laptop first so it doesn't delete stuff on her again!


        Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
        Yep I guess she went to sleep, Hope she remembered to turn off the laptop first so it doesn't delete stuff on her again!
        Lets hope...

        *snuggles up to Carson & Rodney & continues to watch the dvd*
        I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
        traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



          Ahh, look at the 3 of them there all asleep in-front of the cute!


            Yes. Yes I did fall asleep...and I didn't turn off the laptop, I never do, but it didn't delete anything on me this time

            *wanders in and sees Beck, Carson and Rodney* Awww

            Hello Love *whispering so as not to wake anyone else* Ye can come sit on ma lap if ye wish

            I think I just might do that, Carson, Love. *sits comfortably on Carson's lap and he puts one arm around me*


              Pssst Beck, here's your Christmas present from me~


              Whispers Of Love

              A knock on the door of the small Scotland cottage wakes its inhabitants. A pretty lass with reddish blonde hair makes her way to the door, peeking around the edge. She finds herself face to face with a particular pair of twinkling, shining blue eyes and her heart melts, as she flings the door open wide.

              She wraps her arms around the Scotsman outside and silently, he wraps his own arms around her. His slightly spiked dark hair shines in the moonlight, the blue of his eyes shimmering all the brighter in the darkness, and the pretty blonde shakes her hair out of her face as he leans in to kiss her.

              A gentle child’s giggle from behind the blonde lass startles them both from their moment, and their daughter stands there smiling, her hair the same color as her father’s and braided down to her waist, her eyes just as blue as his. With a smile, the blonde lass steps aside and the young girl runs up to her father. He grabs her up in a hug and swings her around, whispering ‘I love you’ in his gentle Scottish lilting voice.

              He places his daughter back on the ground and sends her off to get back in bed and then turns back to his wife, one hand reaching to curve around her waist gently and the other brushing her reddish blonde hair back from her face. Once more, they kiss. She can feel his lips gentle on hers as she leans into the kiss and the passion spreads like fire through both of their bodies.

              By now, Dr. Carson Beckett has forgotten the message he had brought for his wife and daughter, and he leads his wife into their bedroom. He settles her on the bed, kisses the tip of her nose, and then goes to check on their daughter one last time. He kisses his daughter’s forehead and pulls up her covers, tucking her in before he goes back to his wife once more.

              “I love you”

              Those three words, he says, as he settles onto the bed. He takes off the shirt he’s been wearing all day and his wife moves onto his lap. The door is pushed shut by a stray foot and the passion returns to consume them.

              The Morning After

              Sunlight peeks into the small Scotland cottage, awakening the doctor before his wife, and he realizes its morning. Carson glances around, finding his wife wrapped up in his pale blue button down shirt with the covers draped loosely over her sleeping form.

              He gently moves her hair out of her face and runs a hand across her cheek, his blue eyes shining lovingly as he stares down at her. She gently wakes, glancing up into his face, and taking in the lopsided smile and loving eyes. She notices he is still shirtless, and she untangles one hand from the shirt and the covers and runs her hand down his bare chest.

              Carson leans down to kiss her gently, and then he lifts her to sit up on his lap. He gently whispers in her ear, he’s gotten permission for his wife and daughter to move to Atlantis with him, they’ll never have to wait for him to come home late again. She squeals slightly with excitement and tackles him back onto the bed in a hug, followed by one last passionate kiss.

              Laughing, Carson sits up, lifting his wife with him. She climbs off his lap and heads for the closet to find the perfect outfit, when a knock at the bedroom door reminds them of their daughter. He pulls on a pair of jeans and a short sleeved shirt rather quickly and opens the bedroom door a bit, so that he can slip out and see his daughter. He doesn’t notice his wife watching him, looking at his muscular arms and the way his jeans fit so perfectly.
              With a bright “Good morning Daddy!” and a smile, she flings herself into his outstretched arms for a morning hug, which he willingly gives. She smiles the same lopsided, slightly cheeky smile as her father, and he leans down to whisper in her ear. He tells her that she and Mommy will be moving to Atlantis with Daddy and then he’ll be home every night. Her excitement makes him smile as he releases her and watches her dance around the family room.

              A hand on his shoulder tells him that his wife is next to him, and she has probably seen the whole thing. He turns to her with a lopsided, cheeky smile on his face and his gorgeous blue eyes twinkling, and her heart melts once again, reminding her yet again why she fell in love with him. He puts an arm around her shoulders and gives a gentle squeeze, a sweet kiss, and three small words whispered in her ear.
              “I Love You”

              Please, do enjoy! And yes, yes I was snooping again


                Yay you are coming to live in Atlantis, we will be neighbours!


                  I...will be writing my own bits with Carson soon, but wanted to finish Beck's first before totally warping my mind


                    How are you going to get round the 2 of you having him?


                      Um as of my main fanfic and therefore my own alternate universe both original Carson and Clone Carson survived so...two of us and two Carsons...problem solved?


                        and the lot of us living on Atlantis!


                          Oh yes Shep and his pretty redhead and the Carsons and their lovers...

                          So there's two o' me then? What will ma Mum say about that?

                          I hadn't thought that far ahead honestly, Love. She'll be a wee bit shocked, I would suppose...


                            Well if you never go visit together you will be ok
                            That could work I suppose.
                            Twice the amount of visits, she will love you for it!


                              Aye, so she would, lass. She always does tell me that I don't visit nearly enough as it is.

                              #2: An' it would mean that I would get to see Mum after all rather than bein' stuck on Atlantis forever.

                              *looks back and forth at the two Becketts* Oh my...what I didn't work out was how the flip to tell them apart!

                              It should be easy enough, Love...y'll figure it out *both Becketts grin cheekily*


                                give your one a neckace....a cross or something!
                                or a ring?

