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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Allestian
    Erm yeah I'm on Spring Break but chilling doesn't come to mind. I've a few more rehearsels and a lot of homework because I have my exams when I go back. It doesn't help that my parents will want me to go out all the time.

    Sounds like your plate if full. Your parents want you to go out all the time??! That can't be a bad thing. Most parents want their kids home all the time. Actually you should be out socializing. If you study too much your brain will be on overload.

    Well, I have to get going for today. See ya tomorrow! Happy thunking.


      See you around. Be safe.




          So there's this group of fans called "The Jedi Chefs". They have a page with all their celebrity Jedi Chefs. Some of the celebrities are wearing the garb of the Jedi Chefs, some are just posing with one of the group.

          Paul is number JCA234. Lots of other SG1/SGA cast members, too. Looks like these were obtained at the Wolf Events conventions.

          Scroll down to the bottom for some group photos.

          My kind of guy:
          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


            Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


              Sorry I wasn't around much yesterday. Had a bad sinus headache and looking at a computer screen made it worse.

              But I had some great pics to catch up on today.

              I never thought the words "cuddly" and "wraith" went together - but I think Carson would make a cuddly wraith.


                Hi again! I love my job and life, but they keep me rather busy The play was fun (if anyone remembers me talking about that).

                Originally posted by nebulan
                PY suggested that I link this here:

                I did several of the characters as wraith, this one didn't turn out so well, but I think we can all agree that he's just too cuddly to be a convincing wraith.
                Good job on the pic, but no to Carson being a Wraith! Imho, that wonderful face should not be changed.

                Originally posted by Allestian
                Wouldn't be anywhere else. I just spent the whole day watching King Kong and Chronicles of Narnia besides doing a really difficult/hilarious scene with an upper sixth former.

                I'm now coming on here because I need to relax.

                I've only seen King Kong (liked it a lot), but I really want to see CON. I understand coming here to relax. It's rather nice to kick back and enjoy the thunk

                Originally posted by HyperCaz
                Gah! Tell me about it *thunk*
                Paul/Carson, Rachel/Teyla, David/Eli Supporter!!
                Proud Samandan. Hic Comitas Regit


                  Originally posted by Allestian
                  It looks like a really good film.

                  You seem to be very good at Sigs Caz. Couldn't make one for me like?


                  Don't take me seriously. I'm trying to make myself good for tomorrow.
                  ^ remember that, Allestian?


                  ok so it's not my best but I thought you'd like it and I can't very well use it, having snerched your words so....

                  you have permission to use it however you wish. I won't use it in my sig rotation - your words afterall


                    I think all your sigs are good Caz.

                    I just realised I hadn't posted a pic for a wee while. I've been too busy snurching other people's.


                      Good morning ladies. Today is going to be a good day for me. I got the house to myself all day, and I'm going to spend it watching SGA Season 1. I think I'm going to kick things off first by watching "See Grace Fly" again - excellent movie. I love the chemistry between Paul and Gina Chiarelli. Would love to see them do another movie together.

                      Looking for some new pics of Paul...something more recent and not from the SGA show. I know there are some conventions scheduled for the U.S. this year, but so far Paul is not scheduled to appear in any of them. I'm still hopeful that Dallas will host a SG1/SGA convention either this year or next - we'll see.

                      Have a good one ladies. I'll be thinking of you as I go in PM overload today.


                        Have fun PJumper42 - if you weren't so far away, I might come and join you. Saying that, I've got the house to myself, if you don't count the cat, so I could indulge myself too.


                          I found our doctor looking rather anxious as he languished on page 3.


                            Well ladies...yesterday was a fun day. I watched all of SGA Season 1 and See Grace Fly. I think I went into overload because I dreamed about Paul last night. Simply put he was a shoe salesman at a store I was in. I was the only one who noticed him and he ended up putting me in shoe after shoe. We started talking about football and shoes. It ended with me buying 20 pairs of shoes and him giving me a discount and his phone number. Not that I'm complaining...nice dream...but strange.

                            Have a good one ladies!


                              Hi everyone! Sorry I have not been here the last couple of days. We have been really busy at work and it has been interrupting my thunk time.



