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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    I love that sexy little smirk he has in that pic......*sigh*


      well he's just plain sexy no matter what he wears.


        At least Paul is kinda covering his mark with his foot. I was complaining on the McKay thunk thread that with all the photoshopping they've done to these photos, the least they could have done is to remove the mark on the floor. Or have the actors stand on their mark to cover it up.

        Beckett has a very McKay look on his face, I think. At least it's not one of his frightened or concerned looks. The poor man has enough of those in the show.

        And you know what? I said that David looked kind of tired in his photo because he was kind of squinting in his picture. Paul looks a little squinty here, too. I wonder with this odd pose if they all had to look right into the lights that were lighting the set. I know it takes a lot of lighting to illuminate a scene properly. David and Paul both have blue eyes, so maybe the lights bothered them more.

        I'm hoping this season will show more of the confident Beckett that I know is there under the fear of anything Ancient and traveling thru wormholes. They need to show how good he can be in the infirmary, or how brilliant he must be to unravel the secret of the Ancient gene. He did volunteer to go to the Pegasus Galaxy, so that speaks highly of his bravery and his desire to help others.

        I would love to see a medical Ancient device that Beckett understands and is confident in using. Or some device that helps him in his genetic research.

        My kind of guy:
        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


          Ok, this recent pic made me do it. mmmmm
          Lord knows I don't need yet another doctor to drool over (Daniel's a given, Julian Bashir from DS9 a recent addition).

          But I just couldn't stay away anymore. I had to finally delurk to say Thank You to all of you who have posted some truly awesome pics. It's a testament to y'all that being a BIG Daniel fan my 1st post here is to the Carson Thunk thread and not DJ's.

          But I think Carson/PM deserves all the recognition he can get. He's just too hot to languish on pg 2!


            Originally posted by DrsChick
            Ok, this recent pic made me do it. mmmmm
            Lord knows I don't need yet another doctor to drool over (Daniel's a given, Julian Bashir from DS9 a recent addition).
            But I just couldn't stay away anymore. I had to finally delurk to say Thank You to all of you who have posted some truly awesome pics. It's a testament to y'all that being a BIG Daniel fan my 1st post here is to the Carson Thunk thread and not DJ's. But I think Carson/PM deserves all the recognition he can get. He's just too hot to languish on pg 2!
            You are preaching to the Choir DrsChick.

            I too suffer the Doctor love thing.
            Dr Who, Dr Jackson, Dr McKay and now Dr Beckett!

            Season 2 pics I love the Beckett/McGillion Season 1 pics much better.

            Stubble! *Thunk*

            Look at those eyes my god! *Squee*


              Dr Beckett I persume.

              pic from stargate


                Hi there!
                I only just lurked on this thread, but that's something I have to change now. I barely had enough time for the McKay/DH thunk thread, but now I have a few days off and it's time to confess my second "thunk passion" - Carson Beckett, and the wonderful Paul McGillion who portrays him.
                I have a thing for labcoats, yeah, have to admit that. But seriously, I really like Beckett's role. Reluctant when it comes to unfamiliar situations, expressing what I call "very natural fears", but focused when it comes to his work and passions, caring, kind, good natured - and of course that accent...

                Since there can never be enough Carson on this board:

                Bye, A.
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  Originally posted by Arlessiar
                  Hi there!
                  I only just lurked on this thread, but that's something I have to change now. I barely had enough time for the McKay/DH thunk thread, but now I have a few days off and it's time to confess my second "thunk passion" - Carson Beckett, and the wonderful Paul McGillion who portrays him.
                  I have a thing for labcoats, yeah, have to admit that. But seriously, I really like Beckett's role. Reluctant when it comes to unfamiliar situations, expressing what I call "very natural fears", but focused when it comes to his work and passions, caring, kind, good natured - and of course that accent...

                  Since there can never be enough Carson on this board:

                  Bye, A.

                  Welcome to the Carson Beckett thunk thread...where everyone is welcome...and the doctor is always in I have to say that do I not only thunk Shep, McKay or Cameron, but I, too, also thunk Carson....who could resist that sexy smile or that nice phsyique about him


                    Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                    Welcome to the Carson Beckett thunk thread...where everyone is welcome...
                    Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                    and the doctor is always in
                    Good to know. Might come in handy!

                    Bye, A.
                    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                      *thunk* gimme a piece of that hottie scottish doc. course i'd be more the willin' to show up to the infirmary just to be treated by him...


                        Don't we all with that our doctors were all like Dr. Beckett....


                          Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                          Don't we all with that our doctors were all like Dr. Beckett....
                          HELL YEAH!


                            That is what I am talking about...I like that kind of answer...can I get a HELL YEAH from everyone who wished Carson was there doc...


                              Hell Yeah!

                              "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                              My clone:
                              Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


                                Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                                That is what I am talking about...I like that kind of answer...can I get a HELL YEAH from everyone who wished Carson was there doc...
                                You can have half a Hell Yeah! Maybe if I had a chest cold. Anything else no!!!

                                Intense Dr Beckett.

                                Is it lunch time yet?

                                Still my fave piccy, yum.

                                So yummy you could eat him.

