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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by CaramelMonkey View Post
    Not exactly hot.
    But cute!


      Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
      Mhm! Pretty much.

      Oh! I spent like 3 hours today making this vid. I never thought I would make one. Ever. But I did! Centred around the men of Atlantis. Including Paul.

      Tell me what you think?


        Originally posted by CaramelMonkey View Post
        Mhm! Pretty much.

        Oh! I spent like 3 hours today making this vid. I never thought I would make one. Ever. But I did! Centred around the men of Atlantis. Including Paul.

        Tell me what you think?
        *drums fingers on table*
        I want to see more! Stoopid youtube! *kicks youtube*
        But I like what I've seen so far.


          Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
          *drums fingers on table*
          I want to see more! Stoopid youtube! *kicks youtube*
          But I like what I've seen so far.
          Aw! Buffering sucks.
          But glad you liked it thus far!


            "Oh and I tried not to make it obvious that John and Carson are my favourites. xD"
  , really?
            Nah, you did well actually- lotsa Ronon and..whatsisname...Kavan Smith dude...and Rodney.
            Nice clear vid! Very simple, but nice.
            Constructive criticism: Next time try to choose bits without titles/watermarks if you can.
            Also, trying to fit clips to the words can be fun. But you did well with the timing and effects!

            What programme did you use? 3hrs, srsly? Wow. It takes me hours just to crack the coding on my DVDs and copy them as mpegs, and then clip the bits I want from there...
            I'll go comment on it now...


              Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
              "Oh and I tried not to make it obvious that John and Carson are my favourites. xD"
    , really?
              Nah, you did well actually- lotsa Ronon and..whatsisname...Kavan Smith dude...and Rodney.
              Nice clear vid! Very simple, but nice.
              Constructive criticism: Next time try to choose bits without titles/watermarks if you can.
              Also, trying to fit clips to the words can be fun. But you did well with the timing and effects!

              What programme did you use? 3hrs, srsly? Wow. It takes me hours just to crack the coding on my DVDs and copy them as mpegs, and then clip the bits I want from there...
              I'll go comment on it now...
              Ahaha I think I tried a little too hard... deleting lots of John and Carson and sticking Ronon and McKay in. But I'm glad it worked... ish.

              Ahh thanks! Yeah I'll try that for next time.

              I hate clipping! I hate, hate, HATE IT! I seriously just spread the whole episode out, and chose random bits. The whole vid was made from like for episodes.

              Yeah.. 3 hours. I used Sony Vegas.


                OT for vidding rambling stuff...
                Originally posted by CaramelMonkey View Post
                Ahaha I think I tried a little too hard... deleting lots of John and Carson and sticking Ronon and McKay in. But I'm glad it worked... ish.
                It was good! If you hadn't said so, I would have thought it a sincere effort to represent everyone...apart from Zelenka. And Caldwell. And Chuck. And all those other guys.

                I hate clipping! I hate, hate, HATE IT! I seriously just spread the whole episode out, and chose random bits. The whole vid was made from like for episodes.

                Yeah.. 3 hours. I used Sony Vegas.
                Ooh, I have Vegas Pro, but it does the same thing as my Pinnacle programme does, namely, crashing/freezing all the time. Sucks. Makes it hard to do vidding!

                It's fun when it all finally works in the end though!
                Keep practising, and submit a vid to Creation for their SG conventions next year...I've put in three vids to their FS cons and two were winners, so it can't be that hard!
                I reeeeeally want to do some SG vids (yes, especially a Beckett vid or two- I've heard some songs that I'm just dying to vid), but until my computer stops playing sillybuggers, it just ain't gonna happen.

                And now, just for a change, some Paul.

                ehehehe, she can't choose between me and Joe....ehehehehe...


                  Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                  I totally agree with you

                  Maybe it's because Paul is Canadian!! Us Canadians are a very friendly lot
                  Excuse me? Paul is Scottish! Yeah so he's a Canadian citizen but he's actually a Scot, we Scots are known for their friendliness too - so I guess that adds up to: Scotsman + Canadian citizen = one hell of a lovely guy

                  There are many reasons why I'm proud to be a Scot, Paul is one of them Then there's David Tennant (who moved to Paisley when he was a few years old!) and John Barrowman (born in Glasgow, moved to the US when he was 7 or 8 ). 3 brilliant actors, all from the same area of Scotland

                  I'd love to visit Canada some day though - such wonderful scenery Maybe Paul can be my tour guide

                  More OT pics:
                  A close up of Harry the budgie earlier this year (R.I.P., little dude ):
                  My niece's cat Angel:
                  and Aslan: She's had the cats for just over a year now, Angel is the girl and Aslan is the guy I think it was me that came up with the name Aslan, after a certain otherworldly lion
                  Last edited by Mirela; 05 December 2009, 07:53 AM.
                  Newly liberated multi-thunker
                  Julia xx


                    Originally posted by Mirela View Post
                    Excuse me? Paul is Scottish! Yeah so he's a Canadian citizen but he's actually a Scot, we Scots are known for their friendliness too - so I guess that adds up to: Scotsman + Canadian citizen = one hell of a lovely guy
                    Hehe, I was wondering if anyone was going to argue against him being called Canadian....
                    I'm guessing since he was born in Scotland and only lives in Canadia, he's probably not been naturalised, so technically isn't a Canadian, just a resident.
                    Still, we gotta call him Canadian since it's where he's grown up and lives...
                    In any case, I agree- the combination of both makes him very nice indeed.

                    Spoilered animal talk...
                    More OT pics: A close up of Harry the budgie earlier this year (R.I.P., little dude ):
                    I still find it odd to see that people overseas keep budgerigars too...they're a native Aussie bird, after all.
                    I'm petsitting two little birds at the moment, and can't wait until they're gone...I'm sorry, but a wee birdie in a wee cage, terrified everytime you come near it, not allowed out (well, can't if it wants to stay alive!), confined to a small cramped existence...and no chance to express itself...*shrug* I just don't see the point. I certainly don't find them entertaining- my rabbits that live both outdoors and indoors are much more entertaining and character-filled. )

                    *wonders what kind of pet Paul has?*
                    We know Carson had his wee bebbeh turtles, but Paul?


                      Paul's got 2 cats, I think I seem to remember they're called...Buddy and Jez, I think About his nationality, I often refer to him as being Scots-Canadian on other message boards I'm on (whenever an excuse to mention him comes up)

                      Does anyone have the large version of this pic by any chance? I think it was posted here a while back but the image doesn't show up now *grumbles*:

                      Last edited by Mirela; 05 December 2009, 01:07 PM.
                      Newly liberated multi-thunker
                      Julia xx


                        Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                        *drums fingers on table*
                        I want to see more! Stoopid youtube! *kicks youtube*
                        But I like what I've seen so far.
                        I hit the pause button after the page has loaded in completely and then go do something else while the video itself finishes loading (I'm doing that right now, in fact). If I'm planning on watching multiple videos (like the multiple-part conferences), I'll open each video and let them load in while I watch the first one on my list. But the time I'm done with the first video, the second is completely loaded, and the rest are mostly loaded.

                        Granted, the more video you stream, the slower the page uploads. But it doesn't slow down enough to affect my method of sequential YouTube viewing. I sometimes have four or five tabs open at a time, each buffering a separate video.
                        "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her"
                        SGA Lionized!
                        For the larger version, visit my DA
                        I support VOM and Bibles Unbound.
                        I ship canon. & Keller
                        Warning: Narnia fanatic posting here. VDT release date: 12/10/2010


                          Caramel hahaha i loved your video, it was very well done with no *obvious* bias

                          scaperfan i totally see Paul having a dog, dunno what kind or why i just do haha
                          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                            Originally posted by Atarah Derek View Post
                            I hit the pause button after the page has loaded in completely and then go do something else while the video itself finishes loading (I'm doing that right now, in fact).
                            Oh, I know...I always hit 'pause' as soon as it comes up, and wait for it to buffer all the way through before pressing play.
                            It just takes so long, sometimes, when you're really wanting to watch something now!


                              Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                              scaperfan i totally see Paul having a dog, dunno what kind or why i just do haha
                              See, me too! I was thinking a nice sensible-sized dog, kinda like Mars that David Hewlett has.
                              But, cats work too. A guy who likes cats I always find a little odd, but then it's often the nice sensitive guys who do.


                                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                                See, me too! I was thinking a nice sensible-sized dog, kinda like Mars that David Hewlett has.
                                But, cats work too. A guy who likes cats I always find a little odd, but then it's often the nice sensitive guys who do.
                                SAME!! i also agree about the cat thing and could see Paul with either however who knows maybe he liked the idea of wee babby turtles and got some! haha
                                thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic

