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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    OMG!!! I so love his eyes in that pic...

    *Thunks* (People in the common room run over and are confused until they see the pic of Paul) *Multiple thunks*

    Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

    eirual + nerrad = nerual


      Good morning everyone - it's morning here too.

      Could someone please pick Eirual up - she looks rather uncomfortable.

      Great picture - the eyes get me every time.


        (Nerrad lifts her up...) I'm good, I'm fine, I'm happy, just a little dizzy, I'll be fine as soon as the room stops spinning...(Notices the eyes again)...Goodnight.


        I'll be back soon, I have to go to theatre. Bye.

        Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

        eirual + nerrad = nerual


          I find that this actor kicks away something, has charm indeed to him.
          His eyes !!! WOW !


            Hiya all! I have completed immortalizing Carson on my arm...

            Got "Something More" in the mail today, and will be watching and screencapping soon!!

            Mahlia Belonn


              Oooooohh lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely eyes. My mates think I'm loopy because I like Carson...but what isn't there to like???

              He's charming, sweet and devoted to helping people...even if it does get him into all manners of trouble...

              (Thinks of the eyes again) I won't thunk this time because it will hurt (Instead she goes into her own little world).


              200 POSTS!!! YEAH!!!
              Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

              eirual + nerrad = nerual


                this is the conversation that arose from the nature of my locker door (that is some lovely pics and the infamous con pics):

                Person: Is that your boyfriend?
                Caz: Erm. Well.
                Person: 'coz he looks a bit old for you.
                Caz: Erm...
                Person: I mean, I know you have a thing for older guys but...
                Caz: He's not my boyfriend. He's an actor.

                heck I was tempted to say yes. lmao.

                let's have some more thunking going on!


                  Ooooooooooh, I'd love to put a picture of Carson on my locker - if I had a locker.

                  Our college hasn't done lockers in years so we have to carry our 10 kilo bags everywhere with us. I need Carson to take care of me. LOL.

                  HyperCaz's picture is really good.

                  Paul: So altogether now for the new Atlantis theme tune,

                  Atlantis is cool
                  Atlantis is great
                  Although the Wraith want us on a plate.

                  The cast is brill
                  They make you chill
                  Come see Carson if you're ill.

                  McKay is groovy
                  McKay is mad
                  And his death obsession is slightly sad.

                  (Continues for ages).

                  Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

                  eirual + nerrad = nerual


                    I have had about 10 people ask if he was my boyfriend. Hmm maybe I should just let them think that. You have no locker? what about a diary? we have these boring school diaries that become secret thunk nests!

                    hmm well as promised and I shall deliver a bigger pic of what I posted earlier




                      My diary vanished after the first day. LOL.

                      That and people nick em.

                      Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

                      eirual + nerrad = nerual


                        stripy shirt time!

                        the Stripy Shirt That Touched A Million Fangirls


                          Look I know my song was terrible...BUT THE 3RD PAGE?!?!

                          COME ON GUYS GIVE CARSON A BREAK...

                          (Calms down)

                          Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

                          eirual + nerrad = nerual


                            Heehee i have the pic of him and me from when i met him in december..i just came from college and had my martial arts hoody on, my friends in college were lookin through my phone(you know when they grab and root through it all??) and they came to the pic of him..they asked 'is that your martial arts instructor??????' i didnt even answer before one said..hes got lovely eyes and moved apparently paul is my martial arts instructor!!! of the guys watches the show and knows who it is..he just laughed..and laughed and laughed!!!!


                              Ha ha ha ha ha ha brilliant.

                              I've never been to a convention and probs won't the nearest ones are Manchester and Blackpool. I don't like to go to Manchester and the weather in Blackpool is more depressing than at home so...waaaahhhh.

                              (Didn't anyone like the wee little song I did?)


                              I LOVE BECKETT!!!!
                              Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

                              eirual + nerrad = nerual


                                Yes Eirual - I liked your wee song.

                                Sorry I've not been around today. I could have done with Dr Beckett's ministrations today. I had a sinus attack (a fairly regular occurrence). But my cat stood in for him and kept guard over me today.

                                Feeling better now - and the great pictures of Paul certainly helped.

