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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    I'm glad you liked it. I wasn't sure if I should post it or not, because of the length, but my sister and I were laughing over it so much I'd thought I would write it out.



      Don't worry about the length of your posts - Gateworld has a character limit, and I'm pretty sure one of Twinny's epic multi-posts spanned an entire page once...

      Also, that made me giggle.


        Okay. I mean I won't go on and on and on like that very often.

        And now some scruffy Carson looking all concerned:



          Zelenka: Pay up, Rodney, I won the bet. I told you he would.
          No, no, no, I still need proof he's on page 1.
          Ah...still on page 1 and I have the Chair. Life is good.

          I owe it all to my lovely thunkers.


            Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
            Hey Carson Cuties!

            Over the weekend I bought a new digital camera to take to Chicago! Of course I need to practice with it first so I can take good, steady, close pics of our favorite doc, among others.
            It got me to thinking about how photographing celebrities is a lot like photographing wildlife. Many of the same rules apply.
            Seriously, they do!

            I made a short tip list on how to get the best photos:

            There are many similarities between taking pictures of wildlife and celebrities. Here is a short list of helpful tips to aid you in getting the best pictures possible to capture the moment.
            1. Remain calm. Although it can be quite exciting to locate your subject you must remain level-headed and focused. The subject may spook easily and move out of range of your camera.
            2. Avoid loud noises. Loud or unusual noises may cause the subject to react violently or attempt an escape. Either keep silent or make soothing, soft sounds. Lull the subject by speaking in a moderate, calming tone.
            3. Approach cautiously. Do not rush or run towards the subject as this may cause injury to the subject or the subject's flight. Keep a safe distance. If necessary slow, calming movements will enable you to get close enough for a better photo.
            4. Maintain your balance. Often subjects will be stationary, especially in a controlled setting, but only for a little while. Avoid the temptation to move with the subject. Instead move your camera to accordingly to capture each unique movement or position of the subject.
            5. Do not throw items at the subject to engender a response for a more exciting photograph. Treat the subject kindly, and you will be rewarded iwth a perfect picture.
            6. Entice with treats. You can often bring the subject closer to you by offering a trail of edible treats or beverages for the subject to follow. Note: only attempt this if the subject is docile.
            7. On no account should you ever attempt to touch a subject. Only under controlled circumstances should this be attempted, and only if the subject appears amenable to such attentions. Note: some subjects may be unpredictable and bite if provoked. Never hit or grope. Be gentle.
            8. Do not corner or trap your subject. Allow room for the subject to feel comfortable, to even leave if necessary if the subject feels threatened. Avoid aggressive behavior as this will endanger the trust you have built with the subject. If cornered some subjects may attack.
            9. Make no attempt to take the subject home with you. As cute and cuddly as some may appear they have not been abandoned. Allow the subject to return to the habitat from which the subject came.

            With these tips you should enjoy a safe and successful photographic experience.

            Sorry about the length. I thought it was funny.

            funny story (cut for mild content):
            Spork67 and I were walking around a local outdoor mall and went past a Build-A-Bear. I commented on how I could go in and make a Ianto!Bear then she said that she wanted a Carson!Bear and it would be better than the real one. I agreed and then said that she could take a Carson!Bear to bed with her every night instead of the real thing

            It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


              Now that's cute! I would love a Carson!bear.
              With a cute Scottish sweater.
              And a Ianto!bear would be cute, with a stopwatch, of course.
              And a Captain Jack! were talking Torchwood, right?

              As long as its bear, and not bare...I'm fine with that.


                Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
                Now that's cute! I would love a Carson!bear.
                With a cute Scottish sweater.
                And a Ianto!bear would be cute, with a stopwatch, of course.
                And a Captain Jack! were talking Torchwood, right?
                I have a Jackosaurus Rabbit! It is a rabbit with a T-Rex roar that is dressed as Captain Jack Harkness. What? Jack is so not a bear. Definitely a rabbit.


                  There are so many jokes there I don't know where to begin.
                  Knowing the, um, activities of bunnies.
                  And of our charming Captain Jack.

                  Oops, wrong thread. Sorry, Carson!

                  Don't let it happen again, love.


                    Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
                    I still don't think this is a good idea.
                    I think someone needs to change, I agree.
                    But you boys always get to wear this.
                    What do you think, Rodney?
                    I'm not moving until you all change! We can't all wear black!

                    Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                    Did someone ask for kilt pics? Gah, this man is just soooooo sexy in a kilt! *shivers* Hopefully Phibi won't mind if I steal... erm, I mean, borrow one or two from her site...

                    Now, now, ladies! One at a time!
                    Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                      *brain blows up imagining a bare Carson* Unh...what was I talking about?
                      hehehe Thanks for putting THAT particular thought into my noggin Lady S!
                      Ya just sullied my poor sweet crap, I'm gonna get struck by lightning again. hehe Woooohoooo!! }:O


                        Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                        *brain blows up imagining a bare Carson* Unh...what was I talking about?
                        hehehe Thanks for putting THAT particular thought into my noggin Lady S!
                        Ya just sullied my poor sweet crap, I'm gonna get struck by lightning again. hehe Woooohoooo!! }:O
                        *coughs*innocent my rear end*coughs*


                          Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                          *brain blows up imagining a bare Carson* Unh...what was I talking about?
                          hehehe Thanks for putting THAT particular thought into my noggin Lady S!
                          Ya just sullied my poor sweet crap, I'm gonna get struck by lightning again. hehe Woooohoooo!! }:O
                          You poor thing! Keep a helmet on next time you come to this thread!! Don't want your brain exploding. Not a pretty sight.

                          And since when are you innocent, Missy??
                          Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                            Back in my younger years when we painted on the cave walls and played with a hot,glowy thing called fire. hehehe *tackle hugs AMC* What's up sweetie? hehe }:O


                              Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                              Back in my younger years when we painted on the cave walls and played with a hot,glowy thing called fire. hehehe *tackle hugs AMC* What's up sweetie? hehe }:O
                              You're not THAT old. *tackle hugs back* Yesterday I spent most of the day wrapping thinner wire around thicker wire. My fingers still hurt from that and I've got much more to do!!
                              Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                                Is this wrapping thin wire around thicker wire a good thing? And yup I'm feeling ancient tonight. And not in an Ascended,glowy kinda ancient either.
                                hehe Sorry I'm cheeky tonight. Just a tad knackered. My excuse. Sticking to it. hehe }:O

