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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
    Dimples!! *paws at computer screen* Awwwww. Hmmm...okay,I've got an odd question...did we ever see our Hot Scot p*ssed off? Any visual proof of said PO'd state? Ain't research fun? hehehe }:O
    I'll have to look and see if I have any visual proof This is probably it for me for the evening..... so I'll leave you with a few soldiery pics Sweet Scot Dreams to ya all !!!!!



      Evening all!

      Congrats LOS on Chicago! I will see you there!



        Oh wow... it is SOOO good to see this thread alive and hopping and back to doing what it does best, thunking

        *huggles all the new members of the thread* WELCOME!

        I've been rather busy with life, which is why I haven't been on here much. Well... OT for my friends who care to read
        And you probably won't be seeing much of me now... see, I've kinda met this guy and I'll be honest, Paul pales compared to this dude. Yeah, Paul still remains one of my favorite actors and Carson is still by far my favorite SGA character... but I don't get that fangirl squee feeling anymore. Yeah it's kinda sad that I'm leaving that behind, but at the same time I'm incredibly excited as to where my life may be heading.

        *huggles on all her friends too, Haliyah, HyperCaz, and SETI(when she's around)*

        So, I'll see ya'll around!! And keep up the thunking all!! Somebody's gotta do it

        *bounces around happily in the thread*

        Proudly Supporting Team USA


          I record "She woke up pregnant" which Paul played Marshall on Lifetime Movie Channel today ( 8-10 am) on dvd recorder to catch up glimpe of him as he was young and hot. I will try to post a pic of Paul in it after movie ends.


            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
            Oh wow... it is SOOO good to see this thread alive and hopping and back to doing what it does best, thunking

            *huggles all the new members of the thread* WELCOME!

            I've been rather busy with life, which is why I haven't been on here much. Well... OT for my friends who care to read
            And you probably won't be seeing much of me now... see, I've kinda met this guy and I'll be honest, Paul pales compared to this dude. Yeah, Paul still remains one of my favorite actors and Carson is still by far my favorite SGA character... but I don't get that fangirl squee feeling anymore. Yeah it's kinda sad that I'm leaving that behind, but at the same time I'm incredibly excited as to where my life may be heading.

            *huggles on all her friends too, Haliyah, HyperCaz, and SETI(when she's around)*

            So, I'll see ya'll around!! And keep up the thunking all!! Somebody's gotta do it

            *bounces around happily in the thread*
            *falls spastically out of lurk mode*

            Eeeeeeeeee, that's so exciting! :'D I'm happy for you! *huggles*

            PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. >D


              Originally posted by Earthgate Ricky View Post
              I record "She woke up pregnant" which Paul played Marshall on Lifetime Movie Channel today ( 8-10 am) on dvd recorder to catch up glimpe of him as he was young and hot. I will try to post a pic of Paul in it after movie ends.
              his role is just one minute appearance with few lines, He come to served the victim summons which she get sued by the ******* rapist ( joe Penny).

              Paul is hot in Marshall outfit.


                *comes in for some Carson lovin'* (not like that...geeze you people live in the gutter)

                and here's a pretty awesome banner that Spork67 made (please credit her if you take)

                It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                  Just enjoying the views and leaving another pic of our beloved Dr. at work


                    I think I should go as Carson in scrubs to the Chicago Con. I look like that every day as it is.



                      Originally posted by off_the_post18 View Post
                      I think I should go as Carson in scrubs to the Chicago Con. I look like that every day as it is.

                      Do you have pointy hair, and what about an accent to match? I might be able to help ya with the accent a tad though, if I can make it to the con...


                        Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                        Do you have pointy hair, and what about an accent to match? I might be able to help ya with the accent a tad though, if I can make it to the con...
                        No short pointy hair...mine is actually quite long. It is brown though. As far as the accent goes, I can pitch a wee bit of a Scottish brogue. Someone told me I sound too Welsh. ??? LOL.
                        Last edited by off_the_post18; 30 April 2009, 02:56 PM. Reason: stupid spelling


                          Originally posted by off_the_post18 View Post
                          Evening all!

                          Congrats LOS on Chicago! I will see you there!

                          Hey, Postie! Cool! Sounds like we will have a strong Paul thunker presence in Chicago!

                          And Carson is on page 1! Go Carson Go!!!

                          I have to find just the right picture to take so Paul can autograph it. Of course this means I'll have to go through pic after pic to find just the right one. *sighs* What a bother.



                            Originally posted by off_the_post18 View Post
                            I think I should go as Carson in scrubs to the Chicago Con. I look like that every day as it is.

                            You should! You might be the only there in scrubs.
                            I know this sounds crazy, but I'm already planning what to wear and the con is still four months away!



                              Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
                              You should! You might be the only there in scrubs.
                              I know this sounds crazy, but I'm already planning what to wear and the con is still four months away!
                              I thought about doing the Joe in scrubs from the end of 38 minutes (or maybe it is Conversion) complete with my own Iratus bug prop on a noose or something.

                              Carson in a scrubs outfit from the show would be an easy costume.

                              Oh, LJR02 and I have been talking/planning/working on costumes for a couple weeks now.


                                *group tackle hugs* Hope you Chi town folks have an awesome time!! Lots of pics and detailed reports please. Postie,go all scrubbed up...can one of ya don a lab coat and stethoscope? That'd be funny as hell if ya guys got a group pic with Paul and you're all doctored up. He'd probably get a kick outta that. Okay that came out wonky. *snickers innocently*
                                My 8 mile walk in 93degree weather had nothing to do with it,I'm extra cheeky tonight. My excuse. Sticking to it. hehehe }:O

