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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *rubs head from it thudding on computer desk* Give a sheila some warning with such hot pics and pic fics of our Hot Scot 'kay? Kinda hard to explain
    the bruise ya know...and no I'm not growing another horn. Two is plenty.
    *innocent giggle snort* hehehehe }:O


      Sorry for the double post-it wasn't me honest. }:O


        Thanks for the pretty...

        I am getting my new computer on Monday so I will be able to start screencapping and photoshopping from then!!
        Mahlia Belonn


          Thanks for the caps! The three amigos together! Love it!

          Now other thunkers are posting pics of them in my thread?

          Hey, ladies, why not wander over to my thread. Come on, lady s, let's go. Again.
          Honestly, what is with you two and not sharing thunkers?
          *sighs* I hope I don't have to turn him into a bug again.

          We need to work out an amicable agreeement so every thunker can be happy.
          Heightmeyer: I know I'm very happy right now, doctor.


            I'd be ecstatic sitting next to a hunk of Hot Scot too. *floats off to happy
            place* hehehehe }:O


              Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
              Just because his dad has an Irish-looking last name doesn't mean he's half Irish. It just means that his family may have some (unknown to us, anyway) amount of Irish ancestry.
              I could've sworn that he said specifically that his dad was Irish in some interview/panel. o.0 *doesn't remember*

              Oh, and HAI GUYZ WIT DA CAPZ.

              You ain't seen nothin' yet, hurhur. > :{D

              Who wants to break out the See Grace Fly caps? You totally know the ones I'm talking about. ;D The uninitiated must know!


                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                Who wants to break out the See Grace Fly caps? You totally know the ones I'm talking about. ;D The uninitiated must know!
                Oooo!!! Yes yes! I totally would do it myself... but I don't have them, so someone else must do the honors.

                Proudly Supporting Team USA


                  Heightmeyer: *thinks* Just look at that stubble, I just want to run my fingers along his jaw and--
                  Is she even listening to what I am saying?

                  I wonder if she is one of my thunkers, the way she is staring at me.

                  Note to self: Be careful wearing the tight white t-shirt.


                    Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                    Oooo!!! Yes yes! I totally would do it myself... but I don't have them, so someone else must do the honors.
                    I might have them on my external. I'll check.

                    @ LoS: LOL. xD I love those shirts so hard.


                      Yes post some SGF caps for the uninitiated!! Pretty please with a hunk of
                      Hot Scot on top. *floats off to happy place * hehehe }:O


                        Paul's website just got updated:

                        but I love to see more caps of beautiful Scottish blue eyes!

                        Heart Paul


                          Thanks for the link, Earthgate Ricky!
                          That pic on the opening page is quite eye-catching! Whew!
                          Looking forward to seeing Paul in 24.
                          Wish he was coming somewhere near me. *sighs*

                          Looks like I've got a loaded schedule, all those appearances.

                          I had better wear this in case my thunkers get a little rambunctious with me.

                          Carson? Why are you wearing that?
                          It's just a precaution, Elizabeth. I'm not sure how many of my thunkers are also whumpers.


                            *raises hand proudly* I'm a whumper!! Thanks for the link and the lovely
                            pic fic! Woooohooooo!!! hehehehe }:O


                              Carson, I don't think any of them would actually hurt you--
                              I'm just being cautious, Elizabeth. Wait! I know what to do!

                              This serum should make them less violent.

                              Hmm...of course I don't want them to be completely docile...

                              There! Just a little bit of peril.


                                Keep going Lady S!! I wanna see where this bit goes! hehhe }:O

