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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Just finished See Grace Fly. On the shallow side: OMG is Paul just drop dead gorgeous in this! On the profound side: This was amazing! Just, wow!

    I finally had to resort to downloading it at work because I kept getting knocked off here at home on the 56k dial-up. But oooooh is it worth it. Oh, and a bit off topic, I noticed that 'Gigi' played the younger Ke'ra on SG-1 and 'Kate' was also on SG-1. I guess you really can't swing a stick in a crowd of Canadian actors and not hit someone who's been on Stargate.

    Anyway... now that I'm totally dazed.. it's time for sleep. I'd post screencaps from this, but I don't have any yet, so this'll have to do:

    G'night y'all.


      hey I'm lurking in here again
      I watched the Altnatis extras and I have to admit that it was weird when Paul was speaking
      I liked how Martin Wood was like: "Be more Scottish and act better"
      and Paul goes like "ha okay!" lol *so funny*


        Well once again we Aussies are early...

        ****Happy Birthday*****

        **** Paul *****

        Heehee I don't think Paul likes his hat!

        *Passes around the punch*


          *accepts punch*

          lol great pic Rose

          Happy Birthday Paul!

          JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
          DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


            VERY VERY VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me too


              ~ ~
              HAPPY BIRTHDAY

              I hope you have a wonderful day! All the best for your future, and I hope you'll stay our beloved scottish doc for a long time! Oh, and in the case you and David Hewlett are already filming this independent movie you planned for this month: Tell David he has to be nice to you today!

              Bye, A.
              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                Ooooh! Birthday celebrations! Wonder if he got any weird presents from fans....


                  Originally posted by Arlessiar
                  ~ ~
                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY

                  Tell David he has to be nice to you today!

                  Bye, A.
                  I can't see that happening, if they are filming it now I bet David is a slave driver! Poor Paul. *Just ignore him Paul and enjoy your Birthday*

                  When do they start filming SGA S3? Didn't one of the "spoilers" mention something already about Paul on set?

                  Anyone for cake?

                  I snurched this: It's the Stargate (SG-1) in cake!


                    OMG! That cake is just too cool!


                      Just de-lurking to say....

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL!

                      *spikes the punch*

                      -- Cynicatlantis - home of BeanieLantis, and other such silliness --


                        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                        I can't see that happening, if they are filming it now I bet David is a slave driver! Poor Paul.
                        LOL! Yes, ignore him, Paul! Enjoy your birthday!
                        When do they start filming SGA S3? Didn't one of the "spoilers" mention something already about Paul on set?
                        I think they start in March or April. (EDIT: Hmmm. I read an interview with Joe Flanigan today and obviously they might return to the set in February already)
                        Joe Mallozzi mentioned a Paul, but that Paul he meant is one of the writers for the show who is currently working on the
                        'Beckett is trapped in a loony bin' story
                        for season 3.

                        Bye, A.
                        Last edited by Arlessiar; 06 January 2006, 02:17 AM.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          That cake is really COOL! I've got birthday in 4 days....I think I have to beg to my mum to make me an Atlantis-version of that one *lol*


                            Originally posted by Dorka
                            That cake is really COOL! I've got birthday in 4 days....I think I have to beg to my mum to make me an Atlantis-version of that one *lol*

                            Do it, Dorka! And if your mum makes it, we want to see a pic!


                              Even though it is Paul's birthday, I am posting presents for everyone on the list. I was doing a little screen capping today, and went a little bit overboard. I was capping one of the extras on the season one DVDs and managed to take 642 caps! When I got rid of the blurry ones, there was still about 400 left. I am going to post eight of the piccies, four in this post, and four in the next. Of course I then have to post in three other threads, but that's life.

                              Cute expression

                              Here he looks embarrassed.

                              Cute piccy.

                              Nice smile and profile.

                              More in next post.

                              Mahlia Belonn


                                Okay, here are some more piccies.

                                This one reminds me of the drunken kisses Avatar.

                                This one has a nice smile.

                                Isn't he just damn cute!




                                PS I will be getting my Stargate tattoo coloured in on the 18th.
                                Mahlia Belonn

