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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    meezergater, as following on from the last party, we're doing a day of pics from 1x11-1x20 (Eye-SiegePt2), the back half pf season 1. I kind of got the wrong symbol for the maths is fairly bad itsself. It says 0.5<1 when I guess it should say 0.5>1. =/ No one cares right? LOL

    Below the belt... ahem... well you know all those lovely pictures that"below the belt". AND links to smuttage


      .: What if I want smuttage NOW?

      .: And yep, I did hit my big 2000! Thanks Luci - and I get the spiffy 'custom avatar' option


        Congrats for 2000 Reiko!!


          .: Thanks


            Well I might just give up a secret or two on Day 7 myself...

            ANYWAY. Who wants some mechanic!Paul?!?! I do! I do!!!!

            20 caps from Jake 2.0!


            More to come...


              His hair is so fluffy in this! *glee*

              another 20 Jake 2.0 caps (like you couldn't guess HA!)



                A thought occured to me. If they ever make a movie of Captain Planet, should Paul play him? *laughs* =D

                Oh yes. Another 20 caps from Jake 2.0...


                Just one batch left, and not a big batch either...


                  Woohoo! Now I can use smileys!

                  Last 4 pics from Jake 2.0!


                  Just love that last one!


                    *grinn*, thanks for explaining hypercaz.
                    we'll try our best.
                    uhhhhmm, "AND links to smuttage" ???
                    i do know what slash means, but smuttage?

                    (just trying to learn here)


                      Thanks for the caps, hypercaz. Paul looks hot as a mechanic. The though that popped in my head was "Hey that is Henry from Ugly Betty!". The lead actor on that show is on the tv show, Ugly Betty.

                      Sorry I had to go early on you and Jersey last night. I really wanted to stay up and chat with ya'll. I have to get up very early this morning to make a long drive. I will make sure I give *Oda* love from everyone. I will take lots of pictures

                      Congrats on 2,000 Reiko!!!


                        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                        .: What if I want smuttage NOW?

                        .: And yep, I did hit my big 2000! Thanks Luci - and I get the spiffy 'custom avatar' option

                        I can't wait to get my 2000, too.
                        I love your ava. Really adorable.
                        And I love your Teyla sig!


                          Originally posted by meezergater View Post
                          *grinn*, thanks for explaining hypercaz.
                          we'll try our best.
                          uhhhhmm, "AND links to smuttage" ???
                          i do know what slash means, but smuttage?

                          (just trying to learn here)
                          Smuttage is a affectation of "smut". Smut is your usual NC-17...

                          I was thinking of capping the highly ridiculous Loch Ness movie, but it blurs a bit. Although as noted previously in Kindred, Paul makes the most adorable pained noises. I'm SO not a whumper.


                          Now to repost the timetable!


                            Hi guys.
                            Bad news: our airplane didn't arrive yesterday and we couldn't compete.

                            Kaylee: At what time are you planning to come here approximately? Because we're going to the airport now but I'm not sure how long we'll stay there. If we won't be there, we'll be at the Super 8 Motel at 527 Webb road (room 143).
                            Can't wait to meet you.

                            *hugs all*
                            "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                              I was at P3 this year and i soo thought i had posted stuff here for u guys but..

                              the pic..his idea..not mine!


                                I'm BAHAAACK!!! just got back from the birthday trip with my mom.

                                I'm sorry Oda that you couldnt compete. *big hugs*

                                OMG HyperCaz thank you for the caps - he sooo looks good as a mechanic!!!! *thunk*

                                thank you Teknikal for sharing you pictures. They are awesome. I really love the first one *do I look good?* xD

