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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Luciana View Post
    And I couldn't resist as well...

    I just looks better with a handwriting font and a lower opacity.
    thanks - it was just an idea - i didn't consider if it looks authentic...


      But I did!



        now my throat hurts too -.- i hate being ill!!!


          Welcome to my world.

          The pain is bearable now.
          Not as stinging as yesterday.
          And I'm able to speak. It sounds horrible and I can't speak very long.
          And I drank coffee this morning.
          I didn't drink coffee for 5 days. *yay*


            Originally posted by Luciana View Post
            Welcome to my world.

            The pain is bearable now.
            Not as stinging as yesterday.
            And I'm able to speak. It sounds horrible and I can't speak very long.
            And I drank coffee this morning.
            I didn't drink coffee for 5 days. *yay*
            I think I'm not as ill as you are - but my last cold was only 2 weeks ago this sucks. I need a doctor *hrrhrr*
            btw I watched heroes, the episode where Janet died, and I got really SAD... I miss her, I miss Carson, I miss I am really snivelling, i know, but.. but... (one further cause might be that I've been listening to "remember" by Josh Groban all day).. so this is what I made today:
            Last edited by Fainne; 03 April 2008, 09:18 AM.


              thank you for this.. i wish i could bid... one evening with paul, gosh what would i do? shave him? *rofl*[/QUOTE

              Aaarrrgghhh, HERE we go again. (throws hands up in the air in dispair).
              Fainne, girl, you have a serious craving for shaving it seems)

              And Mokeh68, no posting of PG13 thunkworthy thoughts before 23.00 hours you hear!
              the mere thought of letting my thoughts roam about whip-cream and Carson, in one sentence would be enough to render me semi-unconcious for the rest of the day.I have things to do here girl. (like painting the stairs for instance *sigh*, and it needs to be done before 4 pm when my son will come home again, so it has a chance to dry out. I cannot be distracted by .... Cream....Carson....mhhhhhhhh.

              Look what you have done now! (whines)
              I would apologize, but I'm not sorry at all. I think you should *thank* me for providing you with that lovely mental image!! It sweetens the day (and the daydreams) considerably, don't you think?


                Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                I think I'm not as ill as you are - but my last cold was only 2 weeks ago this sucks. I need a doctor *hrrhrr*
                btw I watched heroes, the episode where Janet died, and I got really SAD... I miss her, I miss Carson, I miss I am really snivelling, i know, but.. but... (one further cause might be that I've been listening to "remember" by Josh Groban all day).. so this is what I made today:
                I love Fainne. Being sick stinks. I currently dealing with cold/allergies. Here my first wallpaper made in GIMP:


                  Originally posted by miss_kaylee View Post
                  I love Fainne. Being sick stinks. I currently dealing with cold/allergies. Here my first wallpaper made in GIMP:
                  thanks... your walli is really cool - i love the light reflexions
                  what allergies do you have? I wanted to get my tetanus - immunization. But I can't have it as long as I am sick

                  I did anotherone too. It's a bit shipping - but I hope you forgive me ^^


                    Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                    thanks... your walli is really cool - i love the light reflexions
                    what allergies do you have? I wanted to get my tetanus - immunization. But I can't have it as long as I am sick

                    I did anotherone too. It's a bit shipping - but I hope you forgive me ^^
                    Perna and Carson are cute together. I love it.
                    I am unsure what triggers my allergies. I never had them checked out. I never had them growing up. Only within the last few years mines has been bad.


                      Originally posted by Tiger View Post
                      I've been watching the old DVD's of Season 2 and still can't believe he'll be gone in only a season.
                      .: Me and my Dad are on Season III now, and I no longer share the anticipation of watching a new episode with him. I haven't seen Sunday in whole yet and I'll probably watch it alone because I become extremely embarassed if I cry in front of my family!

                      .: On another note, my surgery went off without a hitch - thanks for all the kind messages!


                        I'm trying new styles.


                          Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                          The dinner auction item is open for bids!

                          And how sweet is this photo?

                          I wish I'd won the lottery recently so I could bid on it. Of course it's supposed to be with both Paul and Jewel ... I'd pay more for a dinner with just Paul alone!
                          Silly question, who's Babz?

                          "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                          My clone:
                          Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


                            Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                            The dinner auction item is open for bids!

                            And how sweet is this photo?

                            I wish I'd won the lottery recently so I could bid on it. Of course it's supposed to be with both Paul and Jewel ... I'd pay more for a dinner with just Paul alone!
                            Me, too Okay, would be great if there is a dinner with only Paul but I'd like to have dinner with Jewel, too The photo is really cute!!!


                              Massive warning for gigantic multi-quote ahead...!
                              Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                              Originally posted by miss_kaylee View Post
                              Can someone send me some of the fan fic that you all where talking about?
                              .: Yup. I'll send ya both.
                              Sorry, Reiko, what have I done?! I really should have saved the darn PM, so you wouldn't have had to go through all the trouble forwarding it. *hugs for being such a sweet-heart*

                              And the mini banners are such a fine treat!
                              Originally posted by jetflair View Post
                              I've been enjoying the fanfics! The lists seem popular - I'm wondering if I should put together a list of reccomendations for the site? It could have favorites from each one of us who wanted to suggest something. How would you guys feel about that?
                              Very good idea, jet! There's still a good few that I could add to that list as well. Having everyone's recommendations easily available would be great.
                              Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                              I'm feeling sick.
                              Sends well-wishes Luci's way! I also extend those wishes to everybody else who is feeling poorly at the moment. *hugs*
                              Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                              Hope you're all surviving April Fool's Day without any major pranks played on you.
                              My Twinchy had me with a minor one and I very much later got back to her with a minor prank as well.
                              Shortly after midnight, she was in the bathroom and called for me to get her some toilet tissue, when I got there she welcomed me with a heartfelt "April! April!"

                              Then, just minutes before the next midnight I made my most contrite face and told her that I had accidentally drooled on her pillow while sleeping. (Don't let your minds wander astray, we had guests, so my bed was occupied.) Of course she immediately went to check it out. That's when I called after her, "April! April!"

                              Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                              Also, the guy next to me, when seeing the pic of Paul said, "Aw, man. Ben Affleck?" Never saw that resemblance before. Matthew Perry sometimes, yeah, but Ben Affleck?

                              Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                              ((((Luci))))!!! I hope you feel better soon! So sorry you can't have the good doctor make a house call. At least you've got your clone to offer you some comfort while you recover.
                              Sorry, she doesn't. Luci hasn't reached 300 posts yet. But she's close. So get yourself in a posting frenzy, Luci, and you'll be there in no time!
                              Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                              lol And what does it say about my local mentality that when you mentioned putting the ensign (flag, yes?) of our countries with our names, I thought of the Texas flag before the American one. It does, culturally feel distinct, and certainly you see the Texas one more than the American flag in most places here.
                              I bet you do! Lovely story, Seti.
                              Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                              The formatting freak I am sees the beauty in making the quotes bow to your will.
                              lol I like that! I don't usually take the time to transfer each and every thing said I want to reply to unless it's necessary for context, but I really admire that you and Haliyah do. It does make conversation over multiple pages a lot easier.
                              Ha, I didn't even remember I said that. lol Thanks for the compliment; you know I'm crazy like that...
                              Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                              It's somehow all the more moving to see those reactions even more than the events themselves.
                              The power is in the team and their connections. That's why I love the show and have missed the parts of that relationship that were lacking in season 4.
                              Exactly, Seti! I couldn't be in more violent agreement there.
                              Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                              Just looked at my post in its entirety. Okay, that's a criminally insanely long post! LOL Sorry about that.
                              Really no need, dear! There's nothing wrong with criminally insanely long posts or else I'm in deep sh!t...
                              Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                              I always seem to screw up the multi-quote thing too. Maybe I should take lessons from twinny and SETI!
                              C'mon here, love, and I'll entrust to you the sacret depths of multi-quoting...
                              Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                              .: On a side note, I'm having surgery tomorrow morning. Getting my third molars removed and am scared as hell. Wish me luck
                              Sorry I'm much too late for that now but I keep my fingers crossed that everything went fine with your surgery, Reiko!
                              Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                              But on a happier note, the best thing I recall about having my wisdom teeth out was that they gave out the REALLY good painkiller drugs for after the surgery.
                              Yep, they dish out the good stuff for afterwards but I have to admit that I never took any of the painkillers after the surgery. I got my wisdom teeth out but it really wasn't very painful, so I just cooled my cheek for the swelling. A friend of mine got her molars out a few days later and soon went out of her pills, so I gave her my pack as well. You should have seen her eyes at realizing I hadn't even taken ONE. I'm simply not very sensitive to pain.
                              Originally posted by jetflair View Post
                              I've been a bit absent lately, but I made a new Carson wallpaper:

                              Nothing short of brilliant if I might say so, jet!
                              Originally posted by mokeh68 View Post
                              Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                              thank you for this.. i wish i could bid... one evening with paul, gosh what would i do? shave him? *rofl*
                     evening with Paul! I'm not sure about shaving him being my activity of choice, as if I were to slather him with something, it wouldn't be shaving cream, and it certainly wouldn't be his face. I'm thinking something lick-off-able would work quite nicely... <VBEG>

                              In a related topic, is there a PG-13 rating on these boards that I need to worry about?
                              you two!
                              Technically, there is a PG-13 rating on the boards but who cares when we can sink into the depths of our own imagination? *whistles innocently*
                              Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                              Had a little time, had a picture, couldn't get that phrase "the reluctant hero" out of my head ... and ta-dah!

                              Very well done, cshawzye, and very fitting for Beckett!
                              Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                              did anotherone too. It's a bit shipping - but I hope you forgive me ^^
                              Nice wall for Perna and Carson, Fainne. With those two I really don't mind a bit of shippiness. They were really cute together, and Perna was just a dear, no wonder she had such an effect of our doc.
                              Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                              .: On another note, my surgery went off without a hitch - thanks for all the kind messages!
                              I'm so glad to hear that, Reiko. I hope the swelling isn't too bad either.
                              Originally posted by Renenutet View Post
                              Silly question, who's Babz?
                              A fellow actor.

                              I hope this post isn't already too long for adding a pic or two; that would be a shame.

                              twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                                Originally posted by Renenutet View Post
                                Silly question, who's Babz?
                                Babz Chula is a Canadian actor and film producer who is held in very high regard by the acting community, and recently had a serious cancer recurrence. Many of her friends (including Paul & Jewel) are raising money to help pay for an experimental treatment to save her life.

                                It's a wonderful cause, and I wish I had enough money to buy one of the big-ticket items to help out.

