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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by divertimento
    Just stopped to ask a question. does someone know Pauls exact age. I´ve searched everywhere but didn´t find it.

    Ugh! I'm sure I've seen his birthdate somewhere... I've found a site that lists his year of birth as 1968. Not sure of the month, or day.. I think it's been mentioned, though, that he's a Capricorn.
    One of the guys has the same birthday as Joe Flanigan, which is January 5th (born in 1967, so if it's the same day, he's exactly a year older than PM....)
    Just found David Hewlett's birthday listed as April 18 1968, so it's likely PM is the one with the same birthday as JF...


      wow! they are both younger than my boyfriend...course so am i by 15 years


        Originally posted by alyssa
        Ugh! I'm sure I've seen his birthdate somewhere... I've found a site that lists his year of birth as 1968. Not sure of the month, or day.. I think it's been mentioned, though, that he's a Capricorn.
        One of the guys has the same birthday as Joe Flanigan, which is January 5th (born in 1967, so if it's the same day, he's exactly a year older than PM....)
        Just found David Hewlett's birthday listed as April 18 1968, so it's likely PM is the one with the same birthday as JF...
        Yes *again* Paul and Joe have the same birthday of January 5th but Joe was born in 1967 which I think some of the fanfic writers like to ignore eg John should probably be written older than Rodney and Paul but often he isn't in fact I have seen John written as 32!!!

        Paul's exact year of birth is up for suggestion because I did originally see 1968 but I have also seen 1966 and 1969! *Sorry TJuk I know you don't like us talking about his age*

        David is definately April 18 1968.


          Hello everyone,

          I have been having stupid problems with windows on my personal computer... argh! I need to reinstall the whole this weekend.

          Anyway, I made some HD caps before the whole computer fiasco thingy...

          Here's one from Conversion:

          I hope these are not spoilers! It's nice to see him in darker colours in Conversion - I think he had a couple of wardrobe changes.

          Interesting talk about PM's birthday. I always thought that he was younger than both JF and DH. Having said that I know he's approaching 40... actually I think DH remarked this at the con a couple of times. I do remember when I was on stage and PM had just hugged me or something, DH turned to me and made a joke about PM being 40 or something. Of course, I could be wrong.



            A Scottish Newspaper did some research and presumably found out Paul's Birth Year is 1969. That makes him exactly two years younger than Joe.

            Mahlia Belonn


              how about some Carson Love


                Originally posted by MahliaBelonn
                A Scottish Newspaper did some research and presumably found out Paul's Birth Year is 1969. That makes him exactly two years younger than Joe.
                Really? I think Paul (and I say this as a 35 year old myself ) is in his late 30's maybe closer to Joe then even David in age and given what Alex just posted I don't see DH joking about Paul's age if he is the same age or younger than David, people tend to only do that if they are younger than the person they are j/k about even if it is only by a few months. *I know TJuk I am so sorry but it seems he never goes on-line so he will never read this speculation*

                He could just come clean. We will still love you Paul, 35 or 40.


                  Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                  Really? I think Paul (and I say this as a 35 year old myself ) is in his late 30's maybe closer to Joe then even David in age and given what Alex just posted I don't see DH joking about Paul's age if he is the same age or younger than David, people tend to only do that if they are younger than the person they are j/k about even if it is only by a few months. *I know TJuk I am so sorry but it seems he never goes on-line so he will never read this speculation*

                  He could just come clean. We will still love you Paul, 35 or 40.

                  I think it's funny that the 'old man' of the cast (as far as we can absolutely confirm!) is Joe --- with that baby face, he looks the youngest (apart from Ford!)
                  Who knows how old Paul is. It's like Teryl and Amanda. Until recently, no-one knew how old they were!
                  You're right. We love him whether he's 35 or 40. Think of all the cool over 40 guys in showbiz --- Johnny Depp, Pierce Brosnan, George Clooney. I did see PM described in a review as being a 'less weathered Mel Gibson'. That has to be a compliment!


                    Hiya Rose, what's happening?


                      Heya PM not a lot is happen'.

                      Originally posted by alyssa
                      I think it's funny that the 'old man' of the cast (as far as we can absolutely confirm!) is Joe --- with that baby face, he looks the youngest (apart from Ford!)
                      Who knows how old Paul is. You're right. We love him whether he's 35 or 40. Think of all the cool over 40 guys in showbiz --- Johnny Depp, Pierce Brosnan, George Clooney. I did see PM described in a review as being a 'less weathered Mel Gibson'. That has to be a compliment!
                      Yes Johnny Depp is to die for. I think male actors tend to get better roles as they age compared to females so I don't know why Paul's website doesn't have his age on it. It could just be an oversight or maybe he is sensitive. He really shouldn't be and David Hewlett is mean if he teases him about it and he is sensitive.

                      On the Joe and his "baby face" looks, well I love him too but I think he does look his age and he has the grey hair, which I like on him. And if anyone has seen Epiphany well all I can say is grrllll.

                      Paul as Carson looks oddly older than Paul himself. Carson worries too much I think.


                        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                        Heya PM not a lot is happen'.

                        Yes Johnny Depp is to die for. I think male actors tend to get better roles as they age compared to females so I don't know why Paul's website doesn't have his age on it. It could just be an oversight or maybe he is sensitive. He really shouldn't be and David Hewlett is mean if he teases him about it and he is sensitive.

                        On the Joe and his "baby face" looks, well I love him too but I think he does look his age and he has the grey hair, which I like on him. And if anyone has seen Epiphany well all I can say is grrllll.

                        Paul as Carson looks oddly older than Paul himself. Carson worries too much I think.
                        I haven't noticed grey hair on Joe! (maybe I need to look a little closer!)

                        It doesn't surprised me that PM looks younger in real life. I was so amazed when I saw Torri! She looks way younger in Torri-mode than she does as Weir. She's so different. I'd seen lots of people saying she was 40+ on certain threads around here (not that I ever thought that!!) but when you see her in person, she looks maybe 33-36. At the most 36 (speculation about her birthday, too! We're divided on whether she's turning 35 or 36 on Dec 6th!)

                        Some of PM's publicity shots/head shots look way different to Carson, too.
                        I'd love to get around to seeing him in something else... haven't managed to yet, though!


                          Originally posted by alyssa
                          I haven't noticed grey hair on Joe! (maybe I need to look a little closer!)
                          In the right light you see it at the sides and a little in his beard too. Did I mention I like it. Plus come on there is no way a 39 year old doesn't have a few grey hairs no-one's genes are that good. Did I mention I really like it.

                          It doesn't surprised me that PM looks younger in real life. I was so amazed when I saw Torri! She looks way younger in Torri-mode than she does as Weir. She's so different. I'd seen lots of people saying she was 40+ on certain threads around here (not that I ever thought that!!) but when you see her in person, she looks maybe 33-36. At the most 36 (speculation about her birthday, too! We're divided on whether she's turning 35 or 36 on Dec 6th!)
                          I think one of the problems is that so many of the people speculating and *no offence* but most are young so they think 35 is old anyway! It isn't I tell you!

                          Some of PM's publicity shots/head shots look way different to Carson, too.
                          I'd love to get around to seeing him in something else... haven't managed to yet, though!
                          I really need to see him in something else, there is nothing that I know of available here that has him in it for more than a few minutes. I don't really want to spend a fortune on something he is in for a few minutes only. When is "See Grace Fly" being released on DVD?!


                            Lovely pics everyone, mcalex that second one is great

                            I've never been very fussed with actors ages, although I do have a silly little thing where I like to know if their birthday is near mine so... if Pauls is the same as Joe's, yay only 9 days before me.

                            I came across some pics from 'Dangerous Attraction', which by all accounts seems to be a very bad film but he is awfully cute in it

                            whumped Paul.

                            JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
                            DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


                              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                              In the right light you see it at the sides and a little in his beard too. Did I mention I like it. Plus come on there is no way a 39 year old doesn't have a few grey hairs no-one's genes are that good. Did I mention I really like it.
                              I'm like you! No issue with grey hair. I have to say, RDA looks 100 percent better with grey hair. And then there's Mark Harmon (another personal favourite!)
                              I think one of the problems is that so many of the people speculating and *no offence* but most are young so they think 35 is old anyway! It isn't I tell you!
                              Yep. People think once you hit 30 you're ancient. I'm around your age. I know exactly what you mean. It's hard to pick age these days anyway. I'm taking a class and I found out one of the girls (who I thought was late 20s) was only 22. Another girl told me she thought I was about 26, but could tell I was older from talking to me... (As far as the speculation with Torri goes -- there are certain shippers who have issues with her because they see her as interfering with their personal ship! Some pretty nasty things were written about her at one point..)
                              I really need to see him in something else, there is nothing that I know of available here that has him in it for more than a few minutes. I don't really want to spend a fortune on something he is in for a few minutes only. When is "See Grace Fly" being released on DVD?!
                              Oh! See Grace Fly! I so want to see that! I love that PM does things that are outside the mainstream sort of movies. I'm hoping it'll be available over here. Who knows when or where. It just sounds like an inspiring movie, and I'd love to see him do something with his Canadian accent! (I love Canadians! They're the coolest people!)


                                mmmmmmmm....very yummy piccys

