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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Ducking in quickly to show I'm still alive. Very tired, but alive. Had my Biology graduate school entrance exam this morning. Much harder than I expected based on the practice booklet they sent me, but I think I did okay. Everything else about my application process has sounded very encouraging, so I'm optimistic that I'll be accepted to the program. *Fingers crossed* Either way, glad to have that test over. Now back to my regular undergrad tests next week. Ugh.

    Nice to see everyone! I hope your week went well! Can't wait to see who I selected for the Under Wraps exchange.

    Yes, Beckett got a mention in "Tabula Rasa"! I broke out in a huge grin when Keller said his name. Not entirely forgotten, so that's good. Now we just need him back in person. Episode comments:

    Really enjoyed this episode. Zelenka giving Lorne the slip and running loose with a metal pole was hilarious. As a psych student, I had a few issues with the fact that Keller said the bacteria affected episodic memory (memories of specific events, or episodes in your life, which is correct for amnesia), but then people also started losing their semantic memory (names, facts) and procedural memory (how to work technology, do medical procedures, etc.), but that's nit-picky and didn't take away from the fun. Good lines, good science mostly, fun idea, and nice interactions between the characters. Loved Ronon's "It never gets old." after stunning Sheppard.

    Glad to hear Paul was so great at the con! (Knew he would be, of course) Wish I could have gone, but glad some of you got to.

    Paulie pic, to make the post legal:
    Oh, definitely one of my faves. Just noticed his bracelet is the colors of the Scottish flag. Nice touch. Never noticed it before between the hair, the eyes, the smile...

    What I have noticed is that many think the only way to show how the losses have affected those who remain behind is by those characters saying how much they miss the person. First, since when did speech become the only way of communicating emotion in a visual medium? There is such a thing as "showing not telling." Even something as simple as finding a lab coat, for example, which had belonged to Carson and holding on to it.
    I'm such a sucker for subtle emotion or meaning conveyed by a significant look or pause or whatever wordless gesture fits. When done right, and the SGA actors are certainly capable, it can be extremely touching or very funny. You're right about the fact that it is a visual medium and the benefits inherent in that should be utilized. Now, I do understand that they don't want to be constantly referencing back to Carson, but just a brief moment now and then would be nice.

    Doesn't it seem likely for friends to forget for a moment or to make a slip?
    I've pictured McKay thinking of a comment he would have normally made to Carson, starting to turn to him, and having an awkward moment as he catches himself, but it sounds a little too subtle for TV especially as it wouldn't forward the episode any.

    I think because Keller is played by JS, tptb figured they could just take the shortcut to her joining the group at the table. For some of those who were fans of her from Firefly, this may be fine. For me, I think it is sloppy work and it ticks me off.
    I get that, and I love Jewel and Firefly, but it doesn't change the fact that we're given almost no introduction to this character and just kind of told to accept that she's already in with the team. It does feel sloppy and irks me as a writer, much as I love the show and actress.

    Speaking of Doppelganger, why didn't John
    have flashbacks of Carson and Weir when he fears failing his friends (scenes of him trying to stop Carson from operating and trying to reach Weir). That would have made the episode much more poignant, IMO.
    Definitely would have, but then they'd have to pay the actors to show up for a few minute or less guest appearance. Probably not worth the actors' time or the show's money, touching as it would be. I'm so tempted to write companion fics to go with some of these episodes to fill in the gaps.

    So, anyone do anything fun for Halloween? My job and class were holding costume contests, so I went dressed as Organic Chemistry (scary class to most Bio majors), wearing a lab coat with formulas and diagrams drawn on it and a carbon chain made from my molecular modeling kit as a necklace. Didn't win, but had fun and got a few laughs (and a lot of odd looks).



      Originally posted by prion View Post
      Just met Paul McGillion today at the NJ SG con and he is such a doll! Very sweet, a total gentleman and very entertaining And he mentioned the SCB campaign and thanked them for all they did.
      So cool for you!!


        Originally posted by prion View Post
        Just met Paul McGillion today at the NJ SG con and he is such a doll! Very sweet, a total gentleman and very entertaining And he mentioned the SCB campaign and thanked them for all they did.
        That's so cool. You're so lucky. *envies*

        Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
        *Jumps into the gutter*
        Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive, obviously... Celebrated Halloween with a few friends and head back to our home tomorrow; then I'm all yours again. (My Twinchy thought that was a threat )

        Now let's get back to the thunking till watcher returns with some fine new pics.

        See you tomorrow night! *hugs*
        Twinny you made me laugh with that comment from Twinchy.

        And these pics are great, especially the last one.
        *Remove woman. Insert herself*

        Originally posted by phibi View Post
        yes, they mentioned beckett. In fact Keller did, when she explained about the bacteria and why Teyla and Ronon are immune. But this ep would have been so much better with Carson... *sigh* All we can use is our imagination... I know exactly how Carson would have reacted to the situation and not only the tingling sensation *lol* but your right, I can picture his face
        but apart from missing carson, the ep was good
        Lol, NOW I remember. How could I forget that part? I guess I was to distracted by everything that was going on and eager to find out what happens next. Thanks for clearing that out for me, phibi.

        Here's a quick pic spam


        "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


          Originally posted by prion View Post
          Just met Paul McGillion today at the NJ SG con and he is such a doll! Very sweet, a total gentleman and very entertaining And he mentioned the SCB campaign and thanked them for all they did.
          Wow, good for you! I knew he would be like that.
          'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
          One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them'

          SGA fanfiction I'm translating to english. It's a novel!


            *running tackle hug for the gutter*

            Wheee! Hey everyone! Just popping by to say hi, and for a little pic spam.

            Paul Smiles!


            My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
            "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


              Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
              Lol, NOW I remember. How could I forget that part? I guess I was to distracted by everything that was going on and eager to find out what happens next. Thanks for clearing that out for me, phibi.
              you're welcome

              Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
              Visit me at my LJ


                *Jumps out of the gutter that is home and into the very polished and very clean looking Atlantean guttering - very nice*


                Hello gang!!! My oh my are there a lot of gutter jumpers (Myself included).

                So what have we been up to???

                *Checks the files*

                Right so we've had Halloween...which was a bit more busy than last year since we got about 3 more than last years total (Which was 2).

                Was I here for exam results??? Erm, passed but resitting (Yes...AGAIN!!!).

                Oh and I've applied for university - so I will be eventually leaving you all.

                One second please...*Slaps friend over the head for being a tad bit over-sensitive* sorry, it's been a little persistant for a few months. Says that I don't take things I sound like the type of lass that wouldn't take things seriously???

                Ah well...

                Whoops!!! Nattering on - shame on me.

                Nice talking to you all. Hope you're well. Speak to you soon.

                Last edited by Allestian; 04 November 2007, 11:06 AM. Reason: What was with the bracket??? What is my mind coming to???



                  I just wanted to let you guys know that Beckett does an interesting interpretive dance in our latest fan film, in case you're interested.

                  Stargate Atlantis: Hidden

                  In this season finale, Weir hosts a talent show in an effort to distract the people of Atlantis while Vala hunts down the alien intruder from "Unexpected." TRT: 21 minutes.

                  Part 1:
                  Part 2:
                  Part 3:

                  Enjoy and may you be well! Slainte!
                  Sig by LadyBozi


                    Hey folks!! *waves*
                    Just got back, looonnng drive, hehe... I drove the whole way, probably shouldv'e let my mom drive some of the way (5 hour drive), but, the way she drives the standard stick shift gives me a headache.

                    I passed my testing!! Yay! I'm really relieved, because I did NOT want to fail that. Anyway, technically I am now a "HB" pony clubber

                    Also got to visit the college I want to transfer too, that was really awesome! I'm excited about going there.

                    And now... I am off to go watch Tabla Rosa!!

                    Proudly Supporting Team USA


                      Originally posted by erb View Post
                      What I have noticed is that many think the only way to show how the losses have affected those who remain behind is by those characters saying how much they miss the person. First, since when did speech become the only way of communicating emotion in a visual medium? There is such a thing as "showing not telling." Even something as simple as finding a lab coat, for example, which had belonged to Carson and holding on to it.

                      And even when talking about those who are lost, why would you have to say those exact words. How about the insertion of either Carson's or Elizabeth's name in a situation where they would have been consulted? Doesn't it seem likely for friends to forget for a moment or to make a slip?
                      Very good statement and fantastic idea. Such a scene would have totally killed me. People are reminded of someone dear every once in a while or stumble upon some reminder. That's natural, and it shows that the characters really cared about the person they lost, instead of getting back to business without any hint at how deep the loss shook them deep inside.

                      Anyone remember second to last season of 'Buffy' when
                      Tara broke up with Willow and the poor girl was so lonely that she got one of Tara's dresses out of the closet, put a spell on it and hugged it tightly? What an emotional and very convincing character moment!

                      Originally posted by erb View Post
                      I think because Keller is played by JS, tptb figured they could just take the shortcut to her joining the group at the table. For some of those who were fans of her from Firefly, this may be fine. For me, I think it is sloppy work and it ticks me off.
                      I very much enjoyed 'Firefly' and liked the character of Kaylee but even I don't think it works that way. Not Kaylee joined the group but Keller, and TPTB clearly messed with her introduction on the show. It really feels like Keller not only assumed Carson's position jobwise but also his position among his closest friends, and that buggs me more than I can tell.
                      Originally posted by erb View Post
                      Speaking of Doppelganger, why didn't John
                      have flashbacks of Carson and Weir when he fears failing his friends (scenes of him trying to stop Carson from operating and trying to reach Weir). That would have made the episode much more poignant, IMO.
                      Another brilliant idea, erb! To my mind that would have been excellently true to character for John.
                      Originally posted by prion View Post
                      Just met Paul McGillion today at the NJ SG con and he is such a doll! Very sweet, a total gentleman and very entertaining And he mentioned the SCB campaign and thanked them for all they did.
                      Very good to hear, prion! Paul McGillion seemed to be such a sweetheart when I met him on a Con, I just can't imagine anyone actually meeting him and not being all praise afterwards. He's a very classy guy!
                      Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                      Had my Biology graduate school entrance exam this morning. Much harder than I expected based on the practice booklet they sent me, but I think I did okay. Everything else about my application process has sounded very encouraging, so I'm optimistic that I'll be accepted to the program. *Fingers crossed* Either way, glad to have that test over. Now back to my regular undergrad tests next week. Ugh.
                      That sounds fine, Seti! I hope everything works out as you planned. You've worked so hard for that exam, you deserve it.
                      Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                      Episode comments:

                      Loved Ronon's "It never gets old." after stunning Sheppard.

                      Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                      So, anyone do anything fun for Halloween? My job and class were holding costume contests, so I went dressed as Organic Chemistry (scary class to most Bio majors), wearing a lab coat with formulas and diagrams drawn on it and a carbon chain made from my molecular modeling kit as a necklace. Didn't win, but had fun and got a few laughs (and a lot of odd looks).
                      Your costume sounds great!

                      This year no one really cared for my costume, I went out as a boxer with stubble and a mean look. But last year was hilarious: I did some pretty extensive injury make-up with black eye, bloody cut and pain lines on a sweaty brow. I didn't think it was too convincing but when I stopped at the gas station and went to pay, the man at the counter really thought I had had an accident and offered to call the medics. I told him it was just fake and he looked at me and couldn't believe it. Then, when I came back from the party and met my Mom in the corridor, she totally freaked out and wanted to know what had happened to me. To give everybody's poor heart a rest, I went for something more decent this year.

                      Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                      I passed my testing!! Yay! I'm really relieved, because I did NOT want to fail that. Anyway, technically I am now a "HB" pony clubber

                      Also got to visit the college I want to transfer too, that was really awesome! I'm excited about going there.
                      Congrats on passing the test, idlewild! And it's great to hear you liked the college so much.

                      Now thanks everybody for the wonderful pics! Oda, yours were especially yummie.


                      twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                        When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes /
                        I all alone beweep my outcast state...
                        Never mind, there's always more pics at hand to lure you into coming back into the gutter.

                        Maybe a triple thunk from 'The Gift'


                        Oh my, is the man cute or what?

                        twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                          Great pictures! *THUD* I remember why I reside in his shower...I can cool off after seeing great pictures like those!
                          Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                            Great pics


                              Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                              Ducking in quickly to show I'm still alive. Very tired, but alive. Had my Biology graduate school entrance exam this morning. Much harder than I expected based on the practice booklet they sent me, but I think I did okay. Everything else about my application process has sounded very encouraging, so I'm optimistic that I'll be accepted to the program. *Fingers crossed* Either way, glad to have that test over. Now back to my regular undergrad tests next week. Ugh.

                              I'm glad you did ok, SETI. And I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to be selected in that program.

                              That reminds me, I have an exam tomorrow, it's the same one I failed in September. I have to pass it this time, so I'd appreciate it if you guys could keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow?

                              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                              Hey folks!! *waves*
                              Just got back, looonnng drive, hehe... I drove the whole way, probably shouldv'e let my mom drive some of the way (5 hour drive), but, the way she drives the standard stick shift gives me a headache.

                              I passed my testing!! Yay! I'm really relieved, because I did NOT want to fail that. Anyway, technically I am now a "HB" pony clubber

                              Also got to visit the college I want to transfer too, that was really awesome! I'm excited about going there.
                              YAY! Congrats on passing the exam. And I'm glad you liked the college, that will keep you motivated.

                              Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                              Very good statement and fantastic idea. Such a scene would have totally killed me. People are reminded of someone dear every once in a while or stumble upon some reminder. That's natural, and it shows that the characters really cared about the person they lost, instead of getting back to business without any hint at how deep the loss shook them deep inside.

                              I agree with you on that kind of scene. BUT
                              if the tptb made such a scene where Rodney or any other character found Carson's robe or anything like that, it would probably mean, that he won't be coming back for good. If I were a director, I'd never do a scene like that, as long as I'm sure, that I won't bring that character back into the series. IMo, of course.

                              This year no one really cared for my costume, I went out as a boxer with stubble and a mean look. But last year was hilarious: I did some pretty extensive injury make-up with black eye, bloody cut and pain lines on a sweaty brow. I didn't think it was too convincing but when I stopped at the gas station and went to pay, the man at the counter really thought I had had an accident and offered to call the medics. I told him it was just fake and he looked at me and couldn't believe it. Then, when I came back from the party and met my Mom in the corridor, she totally freaked out and wanted to know what had happened to me. To give everybody's poor heart a rest, I went for something more decent this year.

                              Now thanks everybody for the wonderful pics! Oda, yours were especially yummie.







                              Thanks Twinny and right back at you.
                              These caps are totally freaking awesome!!!
                              The second one- hand porn!!
                              And the last one- *faints*

                              Aaah pretties.
                              *iz dead*


                              "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                                I typed up my notes, loaded up some photos, of Paul McGillion's apperance at his first east coast Stargate Atlantis convention, at



