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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
    I've got some pretty huge gaps in my SGA viewing (which I'm closing fast!) I've only heard of Michael through a friend of mine who watches SGA and have seen others speaking of him and that he might be involved somehow with bringing Carson back.

    What episode does he first show up in?
    I think Michael is a very interesting character if you ask me. He first appears in the episode "Michael" (quite the give-away) (2.18), where his character is introduced. There he's really front and centre of the episode.

    He later returns in "Allies" (2.20) but his role is quite minor. This is added by the fact that Connor Trinneer, who plays Michael, was unavailable for that episode because he and his wife welcomed their first child while the episode was shot. Brent Stait played the role of Michael there and Connor Trinneer later dubbed the final cut.

    Then Michael is an integral part of the first two episodes of season three "No Man's Land" and "Misbegotten" (3.01 and 3.02), here again played by Connor Trinneer.

    At last (for now anyways) he crosses paths with the expedition members in "Vengeance" (3.19).

    Rumor has it that Connor Trinneer will resurface as Michael in the backhalf of season four; but on that I have no further information. Yet, it is quite commonly suspected
    that Beckett's return might somehow be connected to that reappearance by Michael.

    Good to hear you're catching up on what you missed so far. I did the same for season one when I got hooked from the cliffie into the second season. And although I already have the season three DVDs, I couldn't bring myself to watching any ep beyond "Tao of Rodney". I somehow have the feeling that if I continue, Carson is really gone.
    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


      Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
      Don't cry, Oda, we're all with you![/IMG]
      Thanks for the hug, Twinny *hugs back*

      I'm glad you had a nice birthday party. Sparklers!

      And I love the caps, especcially the last one. I just want to hug him there.

      "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


        Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

        Rumor has it that Connor Trinneer will resurface as Michael in the backhalf of season four; but on that I have no further information. Yet, it is quite commonly suspected
        that Beckett's return might somehow be connected to that reappearance by Michael.
        I agree with you. First, Connor is the best for Michael, as they like when a character returns with the same actor And I agree with you in the spoiler as well


          Hey everybody, have you already seen the tidbit about the audition for Scotty in the news section of Gateworld? It's really cool of the guys to put it up there. They seem to know how much we miss our favourite Scot! *loves my GW*

          And what about the last sentence? More news/announcements?
          Can't wait for "later this week"!

          Sorry, same post as in the SaveCarson thread but here I can add pics...


          twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


            Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
            Rumor has it that Connor Trinneer will resurface as Michael in the backhalf of season four; but on that I have no further information. Yet, it is quite commonly suspected
            that Beckett's return might somehow be connected to that reappearance by Michael.
            Connor Trinneer is great and his performance as Michael is outstanding, I think

            as for the spoilers...
            Connor himself told, he will be in two episodes in the backhalf of season four and it will be a two parter... So let's all think very hard... I know only of one two parter.... and that's the one Carson will be in as well. Can't wait to see it all.

            Connor is even in one of the wrap party pics in Mallozzi's blog

            And a little off topic.. I've seen some scenes from Doppelganger... I'm pretty sure, I'll love that ep to bits *lol*

            Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
            Visit me at my LJ


              Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
              Sorry to hear that, leighanners! Aren't there any nice and decent guys around where you live? You don't deserve to be disappointed by one dude after the other! Here's hoping for better guys in your near future. *hugs*
              Nope! Obviously not. And that guy from before...just makes me miserable. He wants to be friends, but he's gotten into playing me hot and cold, hot and cold. I just can't deal with that anymore. My best friend is married to his cousin and she enlightened me that he wants to get all of his "kirking" (for lack of a better PG rated word) out of the way before he's with me. Because he knows I'm gonna be it. Can I say WTF?!?! That makes me feel real good about myself.

              And you know what else makes me feel real good about myself? CARSON!

              Oh so much better!
              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


       has done another write up on Paul's audition for Scotty, quoting the latest GW article and even linking to the Youtube vid of Paul telling his parents he got the Star Trek, er Gate role


                Trek producers frequent and post on this site
                Last edited by Jenner8675309; 02 October 2007, 11:16 AM.

                Visit My Flickr!!


                  Tuesday morning rankings from Hey, Nielsen.

                  Paul's fans are doing good!

                  Boy, if we can get ADB to beat Serenity...

                  My kind of guy:
                  "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                  Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                  (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                    So, I think it was in this thread that somebody (wanna say Haliyah) suggested we make our own season 3 cover art. I thought it would be fun, and well, to be honest, I was going to do it anyway.

                    Been playing in photoshop over the weekend and now I give you my season 3 cover art, it's not quite done: will be putting a much better title on there (just threw a crappy version on for now, I wanted to see how it looked) and there is still come cleaning up/tweaking to do with the team. Otherwise, for the most part it's finished. I'd love some feedback on it, maybe ya'll see something I'm missing or should be changed . So far I really like it (love the background), but I want some other opinions before I finish it for good (cuz once it's done I ain't touching it again)
                    Spoiler for size, enjoy

                    Last edited by idlewild202; 02 October 2007, 03:08 PM.

                    Proudly Supporting Team USA


                      Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                      So, I think it was in this thread that somebody (wanna say Haliyah) suggested we make our own season 3 cover art. I thought it would be fun, and well, to be honest, I was going to do it anyway.

                      Been playing in photoshop over the weekend and now I give you my season 3 cover art, it's not quite done: will be putting a much better title on there (just threw a crappy version on for now, I wanted to see how it looked) and there is still come cleaning up/tweaking to do with the team. Otherwise, for the most part it's finished. I'd love some feedback on it, maybe ya'll see something I'm missing or should be changed . So far I really like it (love the background), but I want some other opinions before I finish it for good (cuz once it's done I ain't touching it again)
                      Spoiler for size, enjoy

                      Much better then the actual season 3 cover art! Can't wait to see how you tweak this.

                      Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!


                        Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                        Nope! Obviously not. And that guy from before...just makes me miserable. He wants to be friends, but he's gotten into playing me hot and cold, hot and cold. I just can't deal with that anymore. My best friend is married to his cousin and she enlightened me that he wants to get all of his "kirking" (for lack of a better PG rated word) out of the way before he's with me. Because he knows I'm gonna be it. Can I say WTF?!?! That makes me feel real good about myself.

                        And you know what else makes me feel real good about myself? CARSON!
                        Swell to hear that it makes you feel good about yourself. I hope it is true and you are still interested IF he comes around. But to be perfectly honest with you I don't think that is a very nice streak of him to begin with. I don't know if I'd say he's worth the wait. If he was really convinced that you are the one, he should thank his lucky stars on his knees that he got the chance and take it for crying out loud! Why would anyone want to think of "kirking" when he got you?

                        Can't agree more with the Carson statement! Who doesn't immediately feel better when he is around? Who could resist THAT smile and those stunningly blue eyes? No one who's still breathing and having a pulse, that's for sure!

                        Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                        So, I think it was in this thread that somebody (wanna say Haliyah) suggested we make our own season 3 cover art. I thought it would be fun, and well, to be honest, I was going to do it anyway.

                        Been playing in photoshop over the weekend and now I give you my season 3 cover art, it's not quite done: will be putting a much better title on there (just threw a crappy version on for now, I wanted to see how it looked) and there is still come cleaning up/tweaking to do with the team. Otherwise, for the most part it's finished. I'd love some feedback on it, maybe ya'll see something I'm missing or should be changed . So far I really like it (love the background), but I want some other opinions before I finish it for good (cuz once it's done I ain't touching it again)
                        Spoiler for size, enjoy

                        Squeee!!! That is absolutely fracking brilliant, idlewild!
                        Your cover art is so booked for my season three DVD box set (whenever that comes out here in good ol' Germany). The poor peeps at MGM should have hired you for the job! Your version is much better than the crap they came up with. Not only did they leave out Carson, it's not that the graphic design was such a stroke of brilliance to begin with.

                        work OT...
                        Yesterday I looked up how much extra hours I've worked in the past four months... let's put it this way, I wouldn't have to go to work for the next seven and a half months...
                        My boss looked quite a bit shocked when I told him today but said he'd already feared that much. Now I got two weeks of holidays, get paid all my extra hours and have to work less hours a week for the next half year.

                        Last weekend I was so down from all the amount of work, I just wanted to go on holidays if only for ONE day, see the seaside and do some long marches beside the sea. My mood almost got the better of me and I almost jumped into my car and drove off. But alas, I did get two weeks of holidays but I can't go anywhere because my University courses start next week...

                        On the positive side, I won't have to leave my beloved Carson thunk thread for such an extended period of time! *loves you guys*

                        Tonight I rewarded myself with a season two episode and we decided on "Runner" (Twinchy wanted Shep whump or McKay whump or a bit of Ford (her fave character on the show) and I wanted to see Beckett; I convincingly told her that "Runner" had it all, therefore it was sold without any objections). What a great choice! It really gave me some of my Atlantis-squee back! Oh how I miss the really good episodes with all the characters that I love.

                        Have some more Carson to adore...

                        twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                          Seemingly there're not all too many people around in thunking mood right about now...

                          I'll share the next couple of 'Runner' shots with you nevertheless!

                          twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                            Aww, Twinny is all alone. No fear, I am here!!

                            I guess it's as done as it's going to get. There are a few minor details I may edit over the next couple days (the edge of the graphic inside the gate and hair edges). But otherwise, it's done!!

                            Well folks, 12 hours of work later and this is what you get....

                            feel free to snurch away , just leave the email at the bottom

                            Proudly Supporting Team USA


                              Oh, you've worked on the graphic! That is very cool. I'm no expert but I have to admit though that I kind of liked the reddish background within the Stargate better because it provided some kind of shadowy sunset feeling if you know what I mean. The blue background looks more like the real Stargate Atlantis covers because they are not too colourful to begin with but I think it makes the cover art look cooler, colder, icier in a way. It makes the characters in front of the gate look more "edgy" while the reddish background was softer and gave the impression of deep shadows but at the same time implied warmth and a haven of sorts.

                              No offense though, I really admire what you did with the cover art, be it the first or the second!

                              Now settle back and enjoy a few 'Poisoning the Well' caps.

                              twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                                I think Michael is a very interesting character if you ask me. He first appears in the episode "Michael" (quite the give-away) (2.18), where his character is introduced. There he's really front and centre of the episode.

                                He later returns in "Allies" (2.20) but his role is quite minor. This is added by the fact that Connor Trinneer, who plays Michael, was unavailable for that episode because he and his wife welcomed their first child while the episode was shot. Brent Stait played the role of Michael there and Connor Trinneer later dubbed the final cut.

                                Then Michael is an integral part of the first two episodes of season three "No Man's Land" and "Misbegotten" (3.01 and 3.02), here again played by Connor Trinneer.

                                At last (for now anyways) he crosses paths with the expedition members in "Vengeance" (3.19).

                                Rumor has it that Connor Trinneer will resurface as Michael in the backhalf of season four; but on that I have no further information. Yet, it is quite commonly suspected
                                that Beckett's return might somehow be connected to that reappearance by Michael.

                                Good to hear you're catching up on what you missed so far. I did the same for season one when I got hooked from the cliffie into the second season. And although I already have the season three DVDs, I couldn't bring myself to watching any ep beyond "Tao of Rodney". I somehow have the feeling that if I continue, Carson is really gone.

                                Thanks for the info Twinschaosblade! I've only heard about some season two episodes, so I haven't actually seen Michael yet. Actually the first episode of SGA I got to watch the whole way through was 'Irresistible,' which I've heard several people say they didn't like, but I thought it was pretty funny. Right now, I'm viewing Season 1 from beginning to end. Going to do the same with Seasons 2 and 3 also.

                                Have to say, I'm glad my friend kept me up a bit on everything I've missed, otherwise Season 4 wouldn't make any sense.

                                Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                                Nope! Obviously not. And that guy from before...just makes me miserable. He wants to be friends, but he's gotten into playing me hot and cold, hot and cold. I just can't deal with that anymore. My best friend is married to his cousin and she enlightened me that he wants to get all of his "kirking" (for lack of a better PG rated word) out of the way before he's with me. Because he knows I'm gonna be it. Can I say WTF?!?! That makes me feel real good about myself.

                                And you know what else makes me feel real good about myself? CARSON!

                                Oh so much better!
                                Leighanners, I don't want to overstep any bounds, since I'm still new here, but if he's still out getting his kicks, it's not worth hanging around for him. I watched my little sis go through the same thing with a guy she said she loved and said that he loved her.

                                Now she's happily married, with a 2 year old, to someone completely different.

                                I guess the best thing to say would be "Be true to yourself." Sounds cliche, but believe me, it's true.

                                Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!

