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    Sorry I vanished, I had to go get my dinner

    Oh look there's my Carson


      opps, you went? opps, Bad Dell for not noticing....but I've been writing, so I haven't been here waiting.

      Hey look Sheps back!


        Ah no, it's alright that you didn't notice--I was hoping you wouldn't notice that I'd gone...

        Oh look there's Carson...probably here to try to explain to me how unhealthy these "chips" are


          I'm going to have to go soon and make some bacon and egg pie, that is what is on the menu tonight. I asked, "name sake" DOES NOT WANT TO HELP.
          Does she have to shout everything?
          (oh and she doesn't want to know anything about he washing machine either!)

          Tidy your room munchkin!


            Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
            I'm going to have to go soon and make some bacon and egg pie, that is what is on the menu tonight. I asked, "name sake" DOES NOT WANT TO HELP.
            Does she have to shout everything?
            (oh and she doesn't want to know anything about he washing machine either!)
            Consider yourself quite lucky I was just on the end of my teen years when we met, you never had to know the obnoxious 13-year-old glad for that! ...Teens do tend to shout...
            However I wish I was at home where I could go to the kitchen and cook instead of trapped in the dorm room living on "fast food"...Bacon and egg pie sounds just lovely...
            (I was not given the choice, I was forced to learn to use the washing machine. I was home schooled most of my life, Mum called it "Home Economics" ...why? Because she could. )


              Oh that is a good one!
              Hey babies, Home ech time, here, the washing basket for you, and the vacume for you!
              I'll have a G&T in the lounge while you work!


                It was like this.

                Mum: Sometime before I get home, I'd like the washing folded, the dishes put away and the floors vacuumed.

                Me: Do I HAVE TO?

                Mum: Yes you do. It counts as Home Ec for school.

                Me: Oh. Alright.

                ...As long as she said it was for school, I would do it Worked nicely as a bargaining chip when I was a bit older too. If I wanted something like a new doll or a Stargate season, I could promise Mum I'd do the washing or vacuum for a week solid and she'd get it for me. I never got an allowance, but I was allowed to bargain my time working around the house for things I wanted


                  sounds like a good learned that if you want something you had to work for it, it doesn't just get handed to you on a many kids, get "stuff" way to easy...including mine at times!


                    Actually it started out as teaching me that if I wasn't willing to spend my own money on it or do some actual work for it, I'd no business asking Mum and Dad to spend their money on it...and it sure worked, I can tell you that.


                      good don't get given much for free in this life...and if you are, it is because you just went through a natural disaster and lost pretty much everything first.
                      Ok, pie time, and you should think about bed, I'm not going to be here to talk to anyway.


                        Ouch Luv, you're right about that...but you know what? There are some things you can never lose no matter what happens Like friends...and Sisters

                        I should...perhaps I will finish Witchslayer Gretl first though. Don't tell A-Carson on me!


                          I won't...but you can loose sisters ans brothers mothers fathers etc....I just thank God I haven't lost mine, but I know people who have, as you will too
                          Have fun with Hansel...I had fun with Jason last night!


                            Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                            I won't...but you can loose sisters ans brothers mothers fathers etc....I just thank God I haven't lost mine, but I know people who have, as you will too
                            Have fun with Hansel...I had fun with Jason last night!
                            I...would like to believe that even if you lose them physically, they are still in your heart.

                            Alright enough of that, not going any further there.

                            Oh I'm sure you did And I will have fun with Hansel...*trying not to mind melt*
                            Last edited by Aang; 04 February 2013, 09:53 PM.


                              well I'm back but you should be asleep so get to that girly! school in the morning!


                                Umm yes, suppose I should be asleep.

                                Well good night, Sis (oh look thanks to Hansel I now have a non-infirmary bed scene to use Pity he was having a bad dream there...)

