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John Sheppard Discussion/Appreciation

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    it's totally up to you guys, i was just thinking that a new title might reinvigorate it and give it a little more oomph.

    and i was also wondering about the shep whump thread. i haven't had time to read it yet, is it just like a thunk thread? or is it something we could think about bringing into this one?

    one way to keep threads lively and moving is to not have a ton of them around when they're about the same topics.

    that's why we merged the weir threads, with 3 of them, it was hard to keep them al going, but with 2, folks can still have time and a place to play without tracking down threads all over the place
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      it's totally up to you guys, i was just thinking that a new title might reinvigorate it and give it a little more oomph.

      and i was also wondering about the shep whump thread. i haven't had time to read it yet, is it just like a thunk thread? or is it something we could think about bringing into this one?

      one way to keep threads lively and moving is to not have a ton of them around when they're about the same topics.

      that's why we merged the weir threads, with 3 of them, it was hard to keep them al going, but with 2, folks can still have time and a place to play without tracking down threads all over the place
      You should probably check out the whump thread. It's more like the thunk thread than like this one I think. Those people would be the ones to ask about combining whump and thunk.

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        The "Whump" thread is for pics of Shep when he has been whumped - beaten, bleeding, defeated.

        It used to all be in the Shep Thunk thread, but someone created the Whump thread to dwell on an abused Shep. *LOL* If the mods intend to merge any threads, I would merge Thunk and Whump as they are both 90% pics.

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          it's totally up to you guys, i was just thinking that a new title might reinvigorate it and give it a little more oomph.

          and i was also wondering about the shep whump thread. i haven't had time to read it yet, is it just like a thunk thread? or is it something we could think about bringing into this one?

          one way to keep threads lively and moving is to not have a ton of them around when they're about the same topics.

          that's why we merged the weir threads, with 3 of them, it was hard to keep them al going, but with 2, folks can still have time and a place to play without tracking down threads all over the place
          Hi Skydiver!
          The whump thread is totally different from the thunk thread, and not all thunkers like whump, so I'm not sure that could work without alienating some of the thunkers.
          The discussion thread is very different from both of those threads. Both Danny-boy and McKay have whump threads, discussion and thunk type threads too, so Shep isn't the only one.
          Personally I like the 3 threads being separate,different posters post on each 3though some post in all of them. I personally don't have any preference when it comes to the naming of them.
          I do hope that whatever you decide to do that the feelings of regular posters on the 3 threads will be considered, rather than the views of posters who don't frequent the threads? Obviously though, in the end it's your decision, not ours.


            Originally posted by Shep'sSocks
            Wow, go do some work for a little while and look what happens. The moderators have to come in and squish people. Tsk tsk tsk, my friends.

            Well, I've been planning on doing a whole rewatch of the seasons thus far for the whole Appreciation of Sheppard for Discussion thing. Anyone with me?
            Yeah... I'm happy to do that...
            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


              i'm just asking and seeing what folks think. before i'd consider merging whump and thunk i'd have to ask them about it

              if the other two are primarily pictures and this one isn't, then it's very much like the weir discussion thread

              there's noting really 'wrong' with any of these other than a wee bit of misunderstandings about things, a few insensitive words here and there adn some hurt feelings
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver
                Hey guys, i have a question.

                Some of you might know that we kinda tweaked the Weir threads recently, merging a couple of threads and renaming them.

                now i don't think that the shep threads need to be merged, there are only two, this discussion one and the thunk thread...but have you guys given any thought to maybe renaming this thread? something that's a bit more, well maybe fun and representative to the wide and varied scope of shep's character
                I personally wouldn't change it, but if we did, I'd go for the "Sheppard Appreciation Thread: Clowns Will Be Killed on Site?"

                Based on what I've been able to gleem from doing fanfic, Whump is about basically putting the character through really trouble and disturbing situations (torture, death, violence, the works) Thunk (as far as I know) is alot about pictures... discussion is well, discussion!
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                  Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                  I personally wouldn't change it, but if we did, I'd go for the "Sheppard Appreciation Thread: Clowns Will Be Killed on Site?"

                  Based on what I've been able to gleem from doing fanfic, Whump is about basically putting the character through really trouble and disturbing situations (torture, death, violence, the works) Thunk (as far as I know) is alot about pictures... discussion is well, discussion!
                  I don't think the name should be changed either, soooo... we don't get as many hits as the thunk thread, but we know the page is there if we want to talk about Sheppard, and someone is always bound to respond. I don't post here often, but if i need to post i'll just look for the thread. People know the thread is around somewhere, if they don't want to post changing the name of the thread won't make them want to.
                  Now that we are talking about the other Sheppard threads it got me thinking, i've been wanting to see emotional whumping for a while now. It's really been a while since the last time we saw Sheppard lose his cool, really lose it. People are always angsting over him, but when was the last time we saw Sheppard angst?.
                  And i would love it if the next time he gets shot it's on a different arm, his left one must be about to fall off, lol.


                    Originally posted by Luz
                    I don't think the name should be changed either, soooo... we don't get as many hits as the thunk thread, but we know the page is there if we want to talk about Sheppard, and someone is always bound to respond. I don't post here often, but if i need to post i'll just look for the thread. People know the thread is around somewhere, if they don't want to post changing the name of the thread won't make them want to.
                    Now that we are talking about the other Sheppard threads it got me thinking, i've been wanting to see emotional whumping for a while now. It's really been a while since the last time we saw Sheppard lose his cool, really lose it. People are always angsting over him, but when was the last time we saw Sheppard angst?.
                    And i would love it if the next time he gets shot it's on a different arm, his left one must be about to fall off, lol.
                    Luz, I couldn't agree with you more!
                    Sheppard looked so emotionally whumped in LFP and Siege III, in his scene with Everett.
                    I love the angsty stuff and agree we need to see some more of that. I think JF is at his best when showing emotional hurt.
                    I also agree about the arm! I mean FGS there are other places to shoot someone, it was also be nice if the wound would stay in the same place and not move around! Lol!


                      I want to see Shep shot in the leg. That makes him more helpless. Would make a good TEAM ep. Like 38 minutes was. But a new Shep incapacitated TEAM Ep for the NEW TEAM! ::nods::

                      And I love the angst too. WEir and Beckett and Rodney are getting all the angst. Even in CONVERSION It happened to SHEP but we saw the WEir and Beckett ANGST of it and not SHEP! ::kicks PTB::

                      They suck so much.

                      Wanted to add. You're right, Linzi. Joe is fabulous with angst. He does it so beautifully. Course, he does it all. The action. The deadpan/funny lines. The dorkiness. The Soldier angst. Anger. Fear. ::Happy sigh::


                        Wow! That would be major Sheppard angst, Merlin7! Poor Shep! Although I do agree that he should be majorly injured. We need a real crisis to happen to the team/Sheppard.

                        We do need another Team episode. There have been a few tries, but two characters usually got the most attention in the episode.

                        And Joe does anything well! I love the amount of emotions he can show in his acting. Now the writers just need to give him a chance to show them!


                          Originally posted by Linzi
                          Sheppard looked so emotionally whumped in LFP and Siege III, in his scene with Everett.
                          I love the angsty stuff and agree we need to see some more of that. I think JF is at his best when showing emotional hurt.
                          YAY!, for emotional whumpage, you have no idea for how long i've been praying to see good hard emotional whumping for Sheppard.
                          Originally posted by Merlin7
                          I want to see Shep shot in the leg. That makes him more helpless. Would make a good TEAM ep. Like 38 minutes was. But a new Shep incapacitated TEAM Ep for the NEW TEAM! ::nods::
                          Let's get him shot anywhere else, that man has so many body parts, why is it always the left arm?, does he have a bull's eyes tattoed there that we don't know of?. It would be interesting to see him having to feel the helplessness, it would give the chance for everyone else to shine, do the hard work. Sheppard is used to being the go guy, the one who does the rascuing and saving the day, how would it feel for him to have to stay still?. Frustrating as hell i imagine.
                          Originally posted by Merlin7
                          And I love the angst too. WEir and Beckett and Rodney are getting all the angst. Even in CONVERSION It happened to SHEP but we saw the WEir and Beckett ANGST of it and not SHEP! ::kicks PTB::
                          Someone else is always doing the angsting, and i don't complain i'm a big fan of the angst. But it's gotten to a point where it can be too much, because it's everyone else angsting for Sheppard, him getting in trouble and everyone else worrying. Which goes back to what i said about wanting to see him helpless, for once i would like him to be the one who has to worry. This man has such a great spectrum of emotions, his eyes are so expresive, and i have an inkling that most of what we see in JF's eyes when he's playing JS is him making the most out of the little his handled to work with. Imagine what it would be like if he was given something fleshy?, and action hero is not just someone blowing things up, not today. And i'm not saying Sheppard is like that, i'm just saying he deserves more.
                          Last edited by Luz; 10 March 2006, 04:45 PM.


                            Originally posted by Merlin7
                            I want to see Shep shot in the leg. That makes him more helpless. Would make a good TEAM ep. Like 38 minutes was. But a new Shep incapacitated TEAM Ep for the NEW TEAM! ::nods::

                            And I love the angst too. WEir and Beckett and Rodney are getting all the angst. Even in CONVERSION It happened to SHEP but we saw the WEir and Beckett ANGST of it and not SHEP! ::kicks PTB::

                            They suck so much.

                            Wanted to add. You're right, Linzi. Joe is fabulous with angst. He does it so beautifully. Course, he does it all. The action. The deadpan/funny lines. The dorkiness. The Soldier angst. Anger. Fear. ::Happy sigh::

                            I like that idea..some of us on the Shep/Teyla board have been playing around with the fact that he meets up with a Wraith that actually can get into his brain and he ends up messing up a mission. We were like the level of angst would be extraordinary becuase so far he's not able to be controlled.. So a mental control would be crazy. But I like the team idea...maybe he should be shot in the that point your pretty much immobilized..I've seen people get up after being shot in the leg..unless we're looking at a vein, but he'd be dead in about 10 minutes if that was a case.
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              On to John and Allies
                              Hey it was inevitable I was a bit upset with John because he wasn't thinking outside the box of what could happen. Especially when Teyla warned him that there might be somtehing more. But overall this decision is out of any of the Atlantis people hands becuase of what happened from 'Michael' I can't blame anyone fully not even John. Hopefully, John will never underestimate the Wraith and John will see we can't be playing games cause they could just be nailing up their coffin.
                              Click statement above to read article.


                                I like that idea..some of us on the Shep/Teyla board have been playing around with the fact that he meets up with a Wraith that actually can get into his brain and he ends up messing up a mission. We were like the level of angst would be extraordinary becuase so far he's not able to be controlled.. So a mental control would be crazy.
                                That would be interesting. The Wraith can read his mind like they could Sumner's and John's team or other teams suffer for it? Lots of opportunity for angst there.

