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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
    I can't help it, Rodney inspires me.
    Rodney inspires a lot of things from me... though I'm not sure I could mention them all here
    Spoilers For Brainstorm below


    Banner made by ME

    Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

    Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


      Originally posted by Ilerya82 View Post

      You know, as long as the writing is good and the story is inventive, I will read anything! I have a handful of true favourite fic writers that I actively follow... They just inspire me with their style, voice, imagination... These are the writers that will move me to tears, either from laughter or saddness , and still keep me coming back for more. atlantisk, just imagine, if you're reading a 20 chapter story with 1000 words a chapter... Then you'd be reading a long one too!!!

      I think it just depends on the author. No hook = no readers. You have to hook them, draw them in. If you love the way the story is going, you're going to read it be it 500 words or 150,000.

      Now if I could manage to churn out 150,000 I would hope I could have the rights to publish... I've been aiming to reach that marker for years in my own writing ~ oh well, maybe one day
      Yeahh, that's true, if the story is really really good, I won't mind the long texte! But I just hate reading on a computer.. it hurts my eyes, I prefer a book!

      I also don't like reading a lot at once, so when it's divided in chapters, I can decide to read one chapter, and then continue the next day, but with a really long fic... I can't really.. because I would have to count where I'm at or something like that.

      (I also think that I don't like reading long ones because i'm to lazy... Probably)

      You have fic's??? Any Mckeller ones?


        Originally posted by Hawke1984 View Post
        cool, is it an Atlantis novel or something else?
        It's not Atlantis, but it's sci-fi. The title is Rajia.

        *throws some carrots at Ravenheart's fic bunnies*

        I'm planning a fic right now.
        Last edited by Ravenheart; 19 December 2008, 12:12 PM.


          Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
          It's not Atlantis, but it's sci-fi. The title is Rajia.

          I'm planning a fic right now.

          made by krissie678


            I am on the 2nd chapter of my 2nd fic

            made by krissie678


              I'm on chapter three of my fourth McWeir story and now my muse wants me to do a McKeller.


                Originally posted by atlantisk View Post
                Yeahh, that's true, if the story is really really good, I won't mind the long texte! But I just hate reading on a computer.. it hurts my eyes, I prefer a book!
                I also don't like reading a lot at once, so when it's divided in chapters, I can decide to read one chapter, and then continue the next day, but with a really long fic... I can't really.. because I would have to count where I'm at or something like that.

                (I also think that I don't like reading long ones because i'm to lazy... Probably)
                I prefer books too. The glare from the monitor tends to give me a little headache, added to making my eyes sore... but since paper and ink don't magically appear before me, I have to suck it up when I read a really great story
                Spoilers For Brainstorm below


                Banner made by ME

                Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

                Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


                  Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
                  I'm planning a fic right now.
                  Woohoo! *rubs hand together greedily* I love when we suck people over to the dark side

                  Nah, I'm actually working on several Atlantis fics right now, but my tag to Varda's little McKeller tag is almost done... I just want to edit one last time before I post.

                  You'll all be the first to know tho
                  Spoilers For Brainstorm below


                  Banner made by ME

                  Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

                  Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


                    Hello everyone! I'm heeeeeeeere! We're being walloped by a wicked snow storm right now! I had to work today and then walk home in the storm. Brrrrr!

                    Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                    Thank you I got all excited when I finished.... Thank you for looking it over
                    Your welcome. It's one of my favorites!

                    Originally posted by ykickamoocow View Post
                    I'm glad i can make you blush
                    I blush rather easily.

                    Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
                    I found the one I was looking for
                    Figurative Hell and Literal High Water by Tipper 37,512 words and McKay whump to boot
                    That fic is one of the best! I love it!

                    Intenional quote and re-post.
                    Originally posted by shanna1 View Post
                    For those of y'all interested in my Atlantis alphabet, here's M thru Z. Mostly serious ones, though I threw in a few lighter ones. Also, y'all can play "Spot the McKeller Letter" and ask each other "Why is Shanna so fond of writing Sheppard and Keller's points of view?"


                    That’s what they named their raccoon-like mascot upon discovering her fondness for citrus fruits.

                    Torren likes to burble nonsense, but one day the sounds become words – his first is ‘Mama’, and it brings tears to Teyla’s eyes.

                    Being here has aged them all beyond their years.

                    She hates knowing the emptiness of her words, and wishes she was a good enough doctor to not have to say them.

                    As long as they stand together, they don’t need to speak.

                    He wishes he didn’t have to write these letters home - didn’t have to bury good people while the bad guys stood tall and laughed.

                    Jennifer Keller didn’t know what fear was until she came to the city.

                    That thrice-damned Wraith always was a liar.

                    The only time he can’t tell what she’s thinking is when she’s using her Doctor voice.

                    He’s never seen her truly angry, so it surprises him that she has it in her to use such cutting words.

                    It’s their first day off in far too long, and the sun is diamond-bright on the cascade.

                    The fourth time she catches them goofing off, she reminds them that they really ought to be better role models for Torren.

                    It’s his favorite word, he decides – and then he wonders why he’s thinking about it as he slides the ring onto her finger.

                    For a child who wobbles rather than walks, Torren can move really, really fast when he wants to.

                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    The McKeller letter is Y! I hope.
                    Did ya forget about this shanna1? Or did ya just miss it?

                    Originally posted by shanna1 View Post
                    I was kind of thinking as Q as being more the team/family, actually...

                    Tell me, did you prefer A thru L or M thru Z - or am I just 100 percent awesome and it was a tie?
                    A was the best so I gotta go with A thru L. Although I do love Y so... Okay, it's a tie, YOUR 100% AWESOME!
                    Sig by ME.


                      Originally posted by Ilerya82 View Post
                      Woohoo! *rubs hand together greedily* I love when we suck people over to the dark side

                      Nah, I'm actually working on several Atlantis fics right now, but my tag to Varda's little McKeller tag is almost done... I just want to edit one last time before I post.

                      You'll all be the first to know tho
                      Can't wait to read this (heh heh heh )

                      My longest fic was 57,000. It was a lot longer than I'd initially planned...

                      I probably could write a book, but I'm having too much fun with fanfic at the mo

                      Might write some more McKeller soon as it's so much fun and the support from everyone here is incredible - Thank you!
                      McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


                        You guys do awesome work with your fics. *nod nod* I couldn't do it. I' afraid that I could mis represent a said char. Hence why I never write it. I make my art instead. *smiles*


                          It's hard for me to write a fic because after a while I kind of lose interest. I mean, I have so many fic-bits saved on a disk; things that I started and whatnot. Some of them are SGA, there's even a McKeller fic-bit too.

                          I actually do have one fic on already, I'm published! It's a ficlet really, a one shot. An SG1 fic.
                          Sig by ME.


                            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                            It's hard for me to write a fic because after a while I kind of lose interest. I mean, I have so many fic-bits saved on a disk; things that I started and whatnot. Some of them are SGA, there's even a McKeller fic-bit too.

                            I actually do have one fic on already, I'm published! It's a ficlet really, a one shot. An SG1 fic.
                            Awesome! lol I'm well published lol! However all my older stories are on hold, i'm currently directing my attention to my "baby" which is "You're tearing Us" ^__^ tehe


                            MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                            Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                            Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


                              Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
                              I can't help it, Rodney inspires me. *g*

                              Though I am working on a novel for real.
                              I am very interested in checking this out. Where is your fic located and under what name? Thanks

                              Duh, never mind, found it, it's in your sig. I am blind. <SIGH>
                              Last edited by RDAfan61; 19 December 2008, 05:37 PM.
                              My Photos


                                Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
                                So many people have asked for a smut!fic tag to Identity (including me)
                                Here's my attempt (well at least the start)

                                Probably only rated 12A at the moment

                                Hmm, quite hard to write romance as I've only written whump before
                                That was a beautiful story. I hope you write a sequel.
                                Banner by Pandora's Box

