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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    New McKeller and Jennifer Keller smilies, original smilies manipulated by me, can be found in the Stargate Smilies thread:

    Post 79
    Post 80

    Zuz made the original Keller smilies and smilies are based on the design of the original SG smilies ( made by Gilles AKA Wallpaperman

    Snurching, saving, copying etc. is free, but please do NOT hotlink. If you want to use these smilies, please save them to your own hard-drive, copy them to your own PhotoBucket/ImageShack or other photo-hosting account, or upload them to your own GW Photo Album.

    - Jasper
    A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


      More new McKeller smilies manipulations:

      - All credit goes to Zuz who made the original Keller smilies.
      - All smilies are based on the design of the original SG smilies ( made by Gilles AKA The Wallpaperman.
      - Snurching, saving, copying etc. is free, but please do NOT hotlink. If you want to use these smilies, please save them to your own hard-drive, copy them to your own PhotoBucket/ImageShack or other photo-hosting account, or upload them to your own GW Photo Album. When you snurch/copy/etc. please give credit to the original makers!

      - All Jennifer Keller smilies made by Zuz (those that I collected) and the manipulations made by me and other can be found in my new album here.

      - All McKeller smilies made by Zuz or Myn and the manipulations made by me can be found in this album.

      - - -

      More new solo Jennifer Keller smilies can be found in this post of the Stargate Smilies thread.

      - Enjoy! - Jasper
      A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


        Hey guys. Long time no talk to. How have you all been?

        I was wondering, if you guys had the some, if you guys could go and vote please? I would very much appreciate it. *smiles and nods* This link should take you to the rules and such stuffs.

        Stargate Art Awards Thread


          Hi Serena. It's been long indeed. I'm currently under the influence of the torture that is exams and I've been missing coming here.
          A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


            I like this thread......I think I will attempt to stick around!


              Haven't been very active on this forum in the past, more of a lurker. Just thought I'd mention I have a few McKeller fics up on


              Aftermath: The Seed

              The Smartest Man in Two Galaxies

              and a holiday special, Christmas in the Springs



                Hey ... Anybody remember me???

                RL took over. I had a breakdown tonight, got in my car and headed to the nearest internet cafe. Sad.

                How ya'll doin???


                  Originally posted by koinekid View Post
                  Haven't been very active on this forum in the past, more of a lurker. Just thought I'd mention I have a few McKeller fics up on


                  Aftermath: The Seed

                  The Smartest Man in Two Galaxies

                  and a holiday special, Christmas in the Springs

                  Cool! Thanks for stopping by

                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  Hey ... Anybody remember me???

                  RL took over. I had a breakdown tonight, got in my car and headed to the nearest internet cafe. Sad.

                  How ya'll doin???
                  Hi! It's been very quiet here. Most of the action seems to be on LJ now, but there's hardly any McKay/Keller anywhere. In fact (apart from the community) I think most fans are in denial about this ship, because it rarely exists as anything other than a jumping off point for character bashing and OOCness of both Jennifer and Rodney.

                  I don't like/can't read fluff, but going through my mental list of the fics I need to write, there's only one McKay/Keller one. It's rather graphic, and may never exist anywhere other than in my mind
                  McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


                    *ducks in*

                    Rodney and Jennifer get taken by the locals. Rodney has to fight for his life in 'The Arena' while they wait for rescue. Because rescue is coming, right?

                    (or LJ here (1-3) and here (4-End))
                    But I prefer readers to go to ffnet

                    McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


                      I just saw 'The Shire' for the first time and... aaawh.

                      I know there were kind of hints before this episode as well, but this episode sold me the idea of McKay/Keller.


                        Clicky the pic. McKay/Keller prompts are accepted.


                          It has been awfully quite here.

                          There are still good fanfics out there though.

                          I'm still trying to keep the McKeller Love C2 on FFN up to date.

                          And you're still more than welcome to mail or contact me to have a fic added.

                          A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                            Originally posted by Jper View Post
                            It has been awfully quite here.
                            Indeed. Alot of people seem to not like McKeller for some reason. I loved it!


                              Originally posted by Blue Shadowdancer View Post
                              Sorry I haven't been participating in the McKeller rewatch, I've just had no time But I have been reading the discussion

                              Made a couple of icons:

                              [IMG][/IG] [IMG][/IG]
                              OMG! I have that image on the left saved on my computer and didn't get it from here! Oopsie...


                                Had a few family health problems which has kept me outta here... along with a bit of a drive to try new things in my 3D work...

                                'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'

