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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
    200 POSTS!!!

    Good night ...



    *grins* Did ya think I was just gonna gloat???

    Pic spam!

    This: And The Pic (spoilers for EatG): And this:

    ... Oh, my other picture disappeared!!!

    Oh well, enjoy and good night!

    ... Yes, I actually mean it this time!!!
    Congrats! *nod nod*

    Night. Sleep well, and sweet dreams. *smiles*


      On that note, I'm totally listening to a new Nickelback song that is just too Rodney and Jennifer....

      Okay I have to run off and make music videos to
      Brainstorm/Shrine : I'd come For You by Nickelback
      Shrine/Tabula Rasa/Tao of Rodney : If Today was Your Last Day by Nickelback....

      Just got to upload the Dvd's so I can get the files to edit....

      Oh and I was going to ask: Daryst: Were you the one that did the Gotta Be Someone vid?
      Whoever did that.... It's just too frelling good....
      I'm not a S/Cam shipper but I totally overlooked that because the editing was so great and it went with the song just wonderfully....
      Kudos to it!
      awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


        Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
        On that note, I'm totally listening to a new Nickelback song that is just too Rodney and Jennifer....

        Okay I have to run off and make music videos to
        Brainstorm/Shrine : I'd come For You by Nickelback
        Shrine/Tabula Rasa/Tao of Rodney : If Today was Your Last Day by Nickelback....
        *slips out of the darkness for one last comment*

        I thought of them for that song too...

        But for The Last Man (okay, I know, now we're going back! ) I could totally see Simple Plan's Save You for their shots together... hmmm, *hands the idea out to those more skilled at editing* Could work for bits of The Seed/The Shrine/The Last Man... I offer it up for anyone to run with....

        I don't have the necessary tools on this PC to even attempt it!

        Ok, now I'm really going to bed!

        Night night all! Sweet McKeller dreams!
        Spoilers For Brainstorm below


        Banner made by ME

        Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

        Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


          I've spent the last three days trying to find a program that will convert my stupid Itunes version so that I can edit it.... I think I've tried at least ten different programs.... And yup none of them work.... I'm so irked about it right now....
          Well that and my stupid Livejournal Icons not working... but I'm new at that so with time...
          awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


            *takes a break from reading No More Tears*

            ~Sarah~ Your sig is still AWESOME! "My EYES!!!"
            (he's just so darn cute in it!)

            Originally posted by Ilerya82 View Post
            YAY!!!!! Gratz Shipper!!!!

            ... and thanks for the bedtime pic spam

            I'm outta here McKeller lovers! G'night! *prods McKeller bugs, baits fic bunnies, and slips off to curl up with her kitty cats...*
            G'night Ilerya! Hope the kitty cats keep you warm!

            G'night Shipper and Gratz on 200 posts!

            *goes back to reading No More Tears*
            Sig by ME.


              Thank you very much RIG.... oooh... A thought.... They were both at the con....
              Hmmmm.... *Running off to photomanip*
              awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                Thank you very much RIG.... oooh... A thought.... They were both at the con....
                Hmmmm.... *Running off to photomanip*

                I'm going to bed guys. It's late and I'm tired but I'm off tomorrow so I'll be here all day.
                Sig by ME.


                  I probably should too... that would be the smart thing to do....

                  G'Nite McKellers
                  awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                    Hey guys just thought I'd stop by to show off my new video xD I just finished it a few hours ago and I got it up on YouTube. You can watch it there, but if you can't view YouTube then just let me know and I'd be happy to upload it somewhere so you can download it.

                    Beware of season five spoilers.


                    P.S. I'd love to know what you think so feedback is always, always appreciated. :0)


                      Originally posted by MyStargateLife View Post
                      Hey guys just thought I'd stop by to show off my new video xD I just finished it a few hours ago and I got it up on YouTube. You can watch it there, but if you can't view YouTube then just let me know and I'd be happy to upload it somewhere so you can download it.

                      Beware of season five spoilers.


                      P.S. I'd love to know what you think so feedback is always, always appreciated. :0)
                      Y'know, usually I avoid fanvideos like the plague. I guess most of the time they strike me as cheesy, but you really surprised me. I loved it! The editing and timing was superb and matched the song very well.

                      You managed to capture the essence of their relationship perfectly.


                        awsome vid loved it!!


                          Hi this is my first post on this forum and I wanted it to be in this thread so I could show my support for Mckeller


                            Originally posted by LeedsUK View Post
                            Hi this is my first post on this forum and I wanted it to be in this thread so I could show my support for Mckeller
                            Welcome LeedsUK!

                            made by krissie678


                              I took the sidewalk-pic back then when I was in Vancover in October, but for some reason I never uploaded it. For most of the people it's just a rainy sidewalk in fron of the MGM studios...

                              But it was soo cool (and a little bit creepy) to be there.
                              The cake is a lie!


                                Originally posted by MyStargateLife View Post
                                Hey guys just thought I'd stop by to show off my new video xD I just finished it a few hours ago and I got it up on YouTube. You can watch it there, but if you can't view YouTube then just let me know and I'd be happy to upload it somewhere so you can download it.

                                Beware of season five spoilers.


                                P.S. I'd love to know what you think so feedback is always, always appreciated. :0)
                                OMG, that was fabulous! I love that song, and I think it works really well for McKay and his relationships (I have a McShep in progress to this song). I loved your choice of scenes and your on-time editing was excellent - this is a major flaw in many vids, but you nailed it just right. Happy Sigh!! I left you a comment and 5 stars on YouTube.

                                I am so going to point people to this vid now whenever I hear that nonsense about how McKeller came on so suddenly and there was no build-up or development. It also shows Jennifer's on-going quiet support of Rodney, not all the "she's going to change him, the relationship can't last" silliness that's floating around right now. Nopey! It's all laid out quite clearly right in your vid!

                                Thanks for sharing!

