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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    [QUOTE=GateEngineer17;8039663]Won't be kept? I think Rodney kept it in TLM . . . we'll just have to see if he succeeded in S5, right? But, yes, I know what you meant . . . he'll go through hell and them some before hand, poor woobie!

    There is much speculation over this comment above. I guess I'd have to ask, what exactly did he say, and how did he say it? Were you an actual witness, or did you hear it second (or more) hand? Does anyone have a transcript?

    I was in the room there, i heard him there would be a love triangle and strongly elude to the fact Mckay is part of it.
    Made by john_and_tayla_for_life


      Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
      Random cognition the tango remarks reminded me of...

      I have a guy friend who is kind of McKayish, and I convinced him to do swing-dancing with me. He did a lot of "oh lord" kind of complaining, and then watching him listen to the instructions was great...
      "And once you have a firm grasp of the hip, you'll throw her-"
      "WHAT? Throw? Won't that... hurt? I don't understand."
      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post

      Guys and dancing is hilarious. Especially when they're the ones getting embarrassed over all the necessary hip action and closeness required in some of the dances. image of a chest-waxed McKay wearing skintight pants, a low cut shirt, sequins, and holding a rose in his mouth just popped into my head.

      I don't know whether to be terrified or gleeful.....I think I'm going with terrified.
      You know what's worse than that? Being the only guy in the class who's SO didn't drag him there Mainly 'cuz I don't have an SO to drag me there, but every other guy was giving me the Dirty Look when I volunteered that I joined to learn to dance. That set off a flurry of wives saying, "Why can't you be like him?"

      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
      KK? How do we get off on these tangents? Although, in all fairness to us, it was Cory Holmes that brought up the tango.
      Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
      Because we're borderline depraved individuals, dear. It's rather sad. But yeah, this is TOTALLY Cory's fault. We can't be held responsible for subsequent Virginia Woolf type stream-of-consciousness ramblings.
      Oh, sure, blame me! It's not like I started this by mentioning my favourite dance in conjunction with my favourite pairing or anything...


        A dance volunteer! Yeah, those other guys must have HATED you. I know my friend got really insulted when a couple overenthusiastic guys were kind of flirting and asking to dance with me.

        "That's not cool, man. How do you know we're not dating? Seriously."
        Theoretically spoilerish:
        Sig courtesy of Pandora.


          Originally posted by TRONZORE View Post
          ok so..i don't know much but i do know that
          On the set tour John Smith walked down a hall and said "were going to be filming an episode soon where this is filled up to knee height in water, this is because in that episode Atlantis is starting to sink.

          i of course said "uh oh Spoiler.

          Anyways It just pumped me up 4 season 5
          thanks for the spoiler!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wonder what's happening???

          OT: my SG novels came in the mail today!!!!!!! my dad is going to bring me to Barnes & Noble to pick them up soon!!! I'm so happy (i just had to share it )
          thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


            Originally posted by Cory Holmes View Post
            You know what's worse than that? Being the only guy in the class who's SO didn't drag him there Mainly 'cuz I don't have an SO to drag me there, but every other guy was giving me the Dirty Look when I volunteered that I joined to learn to dance. That set off a flurry of wives saying, "Why can't you be like him?"
            You know what? It takes a man very secure in himself, his sexuality, and his masculinity to admit to liking dance. Considering the public's perception of men and dance. I applaud you.

            It also takes a very secure man to wear you do that too?

            Oh, sure, blame me! It's not like I started this by mentioning my favourite dance in conjunction with my favourite pairing or anything...
            If the glass slipper fits....

            And it figures a guy's favourite dance would be the tango. But...and this is vitally important....what kind of tango are you?

            Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
            A dance volunteer! Yeah, those other guys must have HATED you. I know my friend got really insulted when a couple overenthusiastic guys were kind of flirting and asking to dance with me.

            "That's not cool, man. How do you know we're not dating? Seriously."
            Men and their egos...pfft. That's the whole point of dance....dancing with different people means learning to accomodate different styles....

            I say ditch the men....go with girlfriends...and play the field.....


              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
              It also takes a very secure man to wear you do that too?
              Oh, hell no!

              And it figures a guy's favourite dance would be the tango. But...and this is vitally important....what kind of tango are you?
              Tango wars with the Waltz as being my favourite. It's just that I can see McKay doing the tango much easier than seeing him doing the waltz. And don't even try to get him to do the Latin dances. He does NOT use spray-on-tan

              As for the Big T, I like both the Argentenian Tango and the Contenental Tango. Both are fun in their own ways.

              I say ditch the men....go with girlfriends...and play the field.....
              I won't say no to that!


                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post

                Men and their egos...pfft. That's the whole point of dance....dancing with different people means learning to accomodate different styles....

                I say ditch the men....go with girlfriends...and play the field.....
                Exactly my thought. If he and I had been going out, that would have been a normal reaction and I would have politely turned the guys away, but what's he getting all riled up about when we're just friends?

                Men. Painfully adorable. Painfully territorial.
                Theoretically spoilerish:
                Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                  Originally posted by Cory Holmes View Post
                  Oh, hell no!
                  : snort :

                  Tango wars with the Waltz as being my favourite. It's just that I can see McKay doing the tango much easier than seeing him doing the waltz. And don't even try to get him to do the Latin dances. He does NOT use spray-on-tan
                  Or wax his chest.

                  Seriously? You see him being more comfortable with the passion fueled Tango than the sweet Waltz? Before you go medieval on my butt for calling the Waltz sweet, I mean that relatively. It's not as the Tango can be.

                  In either case, seeing McKay just plain dance ballroom would be the event of the century.

                  As for the Big T, I like both the Argentenian Tango and the Contenental Tango. Both are fun in their own ways.
                  I have to go with Argentinian personally. I love the fluidity, the suspense, the improvisation necessary in that particular dance. And I tend to be more a fan of the latin dances in that those are the most often danced socially.
                  Although I love the Quickstep, so go figure.

                  I vote someone teaches McKay to dance on the show. Someone obviously being Keller. Duh.
                  We've seen Ronon attempt to teach him to fight, with hilarious results, so it's only fair.
                  In my twisted little mind that is.


                    Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                    Exactly my thought. If he and I had been going out, that would have been a normal reaction and I would have politely turned the guys away, but what's he getting all riled up about when we're just friends?

                    Men. Painfully adorable. Painfully territorial.
                    Men are one of those pesky little things we have to put up with for the benefit of the species.


                      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                      Men are one of those pesky little things we have to put up with for the benefit of the species.

                      Poor guys. Some of them are cute enough that I forgive the many, many... did I say many?... out there who... well, I don't have to finish that sentence.

                      As for Keller teaching McKay to dance, we need someone to make a deathbed plea to TPTB.
                      Theoretically spoilerish:
                      Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                        Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post

                        Poor guys. Some of them are cute enough that I forgive the many, many... did I say many?... out there who... well, I don't have to finish that sentence.

                        As for Keller teaching McKay to dance, we need someone to make a deathbed plea to TPTB.
                        OH MAN!!! Fic idea! Which I probably will never follow through with but I need something to cheer me up.

                        Ticked off is what I am...I need to stop visiting the Stargate and Nudity forum cause it's going to cause me to die of heart failure at too young an age. Some people. Dear God.

                        This is my happy place.....happy place....and breathe....


                          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                          Seriously? You see him being more comfortable with the passion fueled Tango than the sweet Waltz? Before you go medieval on my butt for calling the Waltz sweet, I mean that relatively. It's not as the Tango can be.

                          In either case, seeing McKay just plain dance ballroom would be the event of the century.
                          The waltz is sweet, though. It's sweet, fun, elegant, and all the rest. Rodney is not (at least, not obviously). We've seen Rodney get worked up and passionate (usually due to his staffers having the IQs of your average potted plant, but still...) and I think his personality would be a better match to the tango with all the passion, fire, and drama that he's capable of

                          Although I love the Quickstep, so go figure.
                          Quickstep is fun. It's all the things the waltz is (sweet, romantic, elegant) just sped up to 60 klicks an hour.

                          I vote someone teaches McKay to dance on the show. Someone obviously being Keller. Duh.
                          We've seen Ronon attempt to teach him to fight, with hilarious results, so it's only fair.
                          In my twisted little mind that is.
                          In my personal canon, Elizabeth taught him how to dance when they knew each other in university. This would lead to all sorts of fun things with Jennifer sets out to teach him and is surprised to find out that he can dance well already


                            Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                            Men. Painfully adorable. Painfully territorial.
                            Sad but true. Now hold still while I rope you all off with police caution tape. That's right, Pandora; you too. You have squish in beside KK and up against HERO...

                            Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                            Men are one of those pesky little things we have to put up with for the benefit of the species.
                            Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                            Poor guys. Some of them are cute enough that I forgive the many, many... did I say many?... out there who... well, I don't have to finish that sentence.


                              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                              OH MAN!!! Fic idea! Which I probably will never follow through with but I need something to cheer me up.

                              Ticked off is what I am...I need to stop visiting the Stargate and Nudity forum cause it's going to cause me to die of heart failure at too young an age. Some people. Dear God.

                              This is my happy place.....happy place....and breathe....
                              It's all good. You're surrounded by McKeller zealotry! I think we need a mock gospel like the "Book of Origin." Hmmm. The "Book of Trio?" I'll have to unnecessarily ponder this some more...
                              Theoretically spoilerish:
                              Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                                Originally posted by Cory Holmes View Post

                                Ha! We talk tough, but at the end of the day, we just keep coming back.
                                Theoretically spoilerish:
                                Sig courtesy of Pandora.

