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Dr Jennifer Keller/ Jewel Staite Appreciation/Discussion

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    I loved the way Simon kept putting his foot in it with Kaylee. He just didn't understand what he had done wrong.


      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
      I loved the way Simon kept putting his foot in it with Kaylee. He just didn't understand what he had done wrong.
      I know it was so cute his face after he said about not haveing sex with Kaylee and then she basicly says stay away when he was like oh she is mad. Or the thjing with him and her with the dead mutated cow thing. See look at what you are doing to me


        Silly man! No wonder she was annoyed with him. He more or less implied that he was only with her cos she was the only single woman on board. he should have had a slap!


          I know and I get that he was saying it to try and losen himself up and it wasn't how it sounded but that idiot. Poor Kaylee just wanted to know that someone thought she was pretty and that they liked her and he would say stuff like that and hurt her feelings.


            Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
            I was uploading Missing and I must say I don't like that ep a lot. I think this is the one why a lot of people have problems with Jenn - I really hate the way they presented her in here. And I cannot help myself and I blame Teyla too... But Jewel looks beautiful on some pics


            Jewel can't help but look beautiful in pix... it's just how she is.

            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
            I made a firefly siggy from Jaynestown (for so many reasons probably my fave eppy) but just in case people haven't seen it I will put it in spoilers


            so love it hate it?
            LOVE IT! The end of Serenity (the BDM) made me squee so much!


              I loved that thoes two ended up together I want them on DVD now so I can relax more than when I watch on the comp


                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                I loved the way Simon kept putting his foot in it with Kaylee. He just didn't understand what he had done wrong.
                LOl some men are simply that way... it took my hubby forever when we were dating to realise he had just stuck his foot in his mouth... he says he learned because I would give him a "look" that said it all. (He still gets it on the rare occasion... he has improved a lot!)

                I am looking forward to the growth of Jennifer Keller... I think her character is one of the few that is capable of growth. so many of the auxiliary characters are one-dimensional.


                  New pic of Keller in her leathers. Season 5


                    Very true Rac. And as Jewel is so talented, who knows what she could end up doing


                      She looks good in the new leather off world outfit


                        I'll have to have a closer look at that DG


                          this is the full size pic (after you click on it)



                            Thanks for that DG.

                            Ta daaa.. Jewel updated her blog!

                            Friday, May 30, 2008

                            the latest from an almost-26 year old

                            The mid-season hiatus of Atlantis is approaching, which means life is slowing down, so here I am again. I can't believe we've made it this far already, and the time is flying by too fast for me. I don't know what it is, but we've all agreed that this season has been quite relaxed as far as the on-set vibe goes. Maybe everyone's just hit a stride, or mellowed out. Maybe we've surrendered our fate to the TV gods. In any case, there's been a lot of moments of reflection where I realize just how lucky I am to have such a cool job and to be working with such lovely people, and when you're tired and on your twelfth hour and you've been on your feet all day, to be able to still say that feels like quite an accomplishment. I do a lot of laughing at work, and not just because I share a trailer with Jason Momoa and I'm pretty sure he's putting something through those vents to make me oddly euphoric. Seriously, they should do tours of Jason's part of the trailer alone. It's like King Tut's tomb meets Clan of the Cave Bear and I'm both in awe and worried for him.

                            As you know from previous blogs, I've managed to fit in a couple of trips in my schedule. Australia was amazing, and I made some incredible friends there who still loved me after I puked my guts out on our last day there in the middle of the green room. I still have no idea what happened to me or who or what gave me the Super Bug of Death but it took me a week to get it entirely out of my system. Again, my regrets for having to leave early on the Sunday in Brisbane; although I did offer to do my last Q&A with a bucket in my lap, the promoter for the convention didn't seem to think that would win me any fans. But it sure would have made for some interesting photo ops! All of you who attended were so great to me, and when I'm invited back (?) to Australia again, I promise I'll make up for it.

                            A few weeks later, we took off to Maui for the renewal of our vows. Thank you to everybody for your sweet messages on that day, and we're very proud to have made it this far, since in this business, five years is like fifty. We were surrounded with twenty-five of our most devoted and completely mental friends, all with incredibly strong and dominating personalities, which made for quite an interesting trip. Apologies to the entire bar staff of the Ritz Carlton hotel, Roberto Cavalli for making such tasty vodka that doesn't deserve to be abused, the lobby staff for having to see the impromptu streaking that took place (not me)… I have no idea what made twenty-five mature adults turn into a pack of wild boars, but I blame it on the magic isle. Maui has a way of possessing people to let go of their inhibitions, and maybe that's why we love it so much. All in all, it was a fantastic trip and we're already planning another one for Christmas. Jamaica may be the unlucky place to receive us, but the Dominican Republic is also on the list. Any suggestions are welcome, but our criteria is beach, sun, and all-inclusive. And not Mexico, cause we're already doing that for a wedding in November. Tough life, I know.

                            Next up is a trip to Baltimore for a convention called Shoreleave. I'm going with David Hewlett and Kate Hewlett to this one, which means there's going to be a lot of guffawing and really weird inside jokes, so I also apologize in advance for that. David is also one of those people that turns me into a giggling idiotic eight year old, and I'm pretty sure the crew on set thinks we're out of our minds. What would you think if you saw two grown adults calling each other "Bing-Bing" and dissolving into hysterical laughter? I'm telling you, something is coming through those vents.

                            I am also pleased to be a part of the latest round of Serenity screenings across North America to support Equality Now ( . I'll be making an appearance at the screening in Vancouver and doing a Q&A, so if you're in the area, go to for more details. Or just buy a ticket for one of the screenings in your area and be all nostalgic and wear your Jayne hat just 'cause.

                            No questions for today, because guess what? All you people want to know is whether Jason looks good without his dreads!?!?! Have you seen that man? I'm pretty sure he'd look good in Rachel's wig. Seriously, there has been a really disappointing decline in the interesting questions department, and I sincerely feel you are not doing your part to make these blogs interesting. And "will there be another Firefly/Serenity?" does not count. If there was, don't you think I would tell you immediately? Also on the not-counting list: "Can I have Morena/Summer/Gina's email address?" As much as I think it would be hilarious to fill Morena's inbox with creepy letters, you know I can't do that. Oh, but it would be so deliciously fun!

                            Off to pick a birthday dress. Or three.

                            love Jewel


                              She's so incredibly sweet, that girl.

                              All the time, she just reminds me of Kaylee and then I miss Firefly and it makes me sad. So I go watch the show. And that makes me happy and sad.
                              And apparantly, I'm on crack. Sigh.....

                              Anyhoo, I've written yet another chapter to the fic, After Death Only the Living Remain. It's not as angsty or sad as the previous two chapters, except for maybe the last line which I have been told is just plain cruel. Oh well. Deal.

                              'Till next time folks.


                                Thanks for the link to your fic

                                She is sweet isn't she and so bubbly too.

