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Dr Jennifer Keller/ Jewel Staite Appreciation/Discussion

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    Originally posted by MrMcKayCan View Post
    You wish!

    Kidding, of course. It absolutely is.

    Regarding the cheery attitude in spite of the marginal feelings about Carson, carsonsgirl, you never -- as pandora mentioned -- have to feel self-conscious about that kind of thing. Not all of us see the same things in characters or performances. There's not a single thing wrong with you falling for the Scottish charmer.

    As for Jewel's other projects, I'm downright embarrassed to say that I've only see one episode of Firefly, and none of Wonderfalls. I keep meaning to borrow Firefly on DVD from my friend, but I always seem to forget. But so, basically, SGA is main experience with Jewel. Her amazing portrayal of Keller, though, makes me want to see much more!
    NEVER SEEN???!!!!....are you???!!!....SERIOUS???!!! That's criminal. That's atrocious. That's a lot of other things I can't think of right now but they're all bad.
    Not cool. Very.Not.Cool.

    I am speechless. Give me a minute.


      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
      NEVER SEEN???!!!!....are you???!!!....SERIOUS???!!! That's criminal. That's atrocious. That's a lot of other things I can't think of right now but they're all bad.
      Not cool. Very.Not.Cool.

      I am speechless. Give me a minute.
      Hey! I said I saw one, not none! .....


      Yeah, okay, I admit it! It's terrible! I'm a little bit ashamed. But I'm going to watch! Honest!
      Theoretically spoilerish:
      Sig courtesy of Pandora.


        Make sure you do. And despite that fact that there are so few episodes (grumble grumble) Jewel has some great scenes in Serenity (the pilot), The Message, Out of Gas, Shindig. Actually, she's great in all of them but those I thought were the most memorable.

        This way too, you'll also see the full scope of Jewel's range and trust me...there at the very least 2 galaxies between Keller and Kaylee.


          Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
          Yeah, okay, I admit it! It's terrible! I'm a little bit ashamed. But I'm going to watch! Honest!
          Okay, but a couple points. And you should already be aware of #1 since you did see ONE ep . Kaylee is NOTHING like Jennifer. Kaylee is sweet but also a bit of a minx I like her like that. And make sure you have a copy of Serenity (the movie) available to watch right after the series. You can wait about a day, but I don't recommend waiting any longer to watch the movie. Oh and watch any extras you can. They're good.


            I may have to talk my friend into hunkering down for a marathon this weekend. 14 episodes and a movie? We could TOTALLY knock that out in one day! ... she may HATE me afterwards, but...
            Theoretically spoilerish:
            Sig courtesy of Pandora.


              Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
              I may have to talk my friend into hunkering down for a marathon this weekend. 14 episodes and a movie? We could TOTALLY knock that out in one day! ... she may HATE me afterwards, but...

              Naw, she won't hate you. Just make sure you're all set for the marathon! Popcorn, drinks, napkins (you might have to wipe tears later on), phone number for a pizza place that delivers, and any other snacks you might need for a long day.


                Hi everybody! I'm back for my evening visit (I can't post from work- the anti-surfin' patrol is pretty hard core).

                Neelan: I LOVE that Carson and Kaylee were your "teddy bears." I totally get that. You saw JS at not one but several cons?! Wow. Never been to one, would love to go one day. Re: BSG- I actually haven't seen that yet, but I'm old enough to have watched the original series on tv. Even though I was a young'un, I sure thought Apollo and Starbuck were spiffy (if you haven't seen the orig. series, I'm not sure how it would compare since it was the time of big, clunky robot cylons).

                Pandora: The puppy-napping idea is fab! But I've now realized I'm going to need my full concentration for the glory that is SGA, so I'll just have to dog-visit another day. (My priorities may be a bit skewed, but it's not like the pup will know the difference? I, on the other hand, am having bad SGA-withdrawal. I've got tremors- I kid you not. ) Re: what you said about Jewel: ditto! I thought her performance as Kaylee was the most perfect blend of fresh-faced, warm-hearted "country girl" + genius mechanic + saucy minx. For you and Neelan, I highly recommend Wonderfalls if you want to see yet another face of Jewel that's totally different from Kaylee or Keller. WF is lots of fun and you get to see JS as Heidi: the snarky, sexy, witchy rival for the heroine's guy (and with JS's multi-layered style, she still manages to make you feel for her). OH and as for
                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                it's probably not your fault your easily charmed by an accent, broad shoulders, and soulful eyes. You were probably dropped on your head during your formative years.

                KindlyKeller: Thanks for the welcome (and further support for accepting my penchant for sweet Scots). I, too, encourage you to schedule an immediate Firefly/Serenity marathon! They'll make you laugh, cry, laugh, cheer, laugh, and want to thrash someone at Fox for canceling such an amazing show (but then hug someone at Universal for giving us Serenity). JS is certainly wonderful in it, and like SGA, FF has a GREAT ensemble cast.

                John&TeylaforLife: "J&T4L" the right abbreviation? Hi and hugs right back atcha! Gosh, everyone's so friendly. If y'all get mighty sick of my rambles real soon, you only have yourselves to blame.

                Okay well, since my SGA S1&S2 DVDs arrived TODAY I better get goin. I have to get in early tomorrow for a meeting (waaah) so I probably can only watch one ep, but I'm thrilled they're HERE-- I'm so ready to dive in!

                I'll see you all when I'm no longer a starving 5-episode neophyte, but instead thoroughly drunk with SGA love. Weee! (okay, that was a mess of a metaphor, but I'm losing my focus here. SGA calls!)


                  Originally posted by carsonsgirl View Post
                  I'll see you all when I'm no longer a starving 5-episode neophyte, but instead thoroughly drunk with SGA love. Weee! (okay, that was a mess of a metaphor, but I'm losing my focus here. SGA calls!)
                  Hey, your ramblings are fun! Glad you're mixing in different text sizes and several smilies

                  Seasons one and two are SO different from season four, and not just because of the cast changes. You are so gonna fall more in love with Carson (in spite of this criticisms you've heard here ) in season one. The poor boy tries so hard! *hugs teddy bear* There was SO MUCH CHANGE throughout those two seasons, too. I'm getting SOOOOO OFF TOPIC!

                  So... Jewell... she's very funny and smart, too. You guys hear about the "dueling fingers" between her and Nathan Fillion? She SO got him at Dragon con! I adore 'em both. Oh, yeah. I've seen Jewell at Dragon Con one year, comic con two years, and "Flanvention" once, too. Only have one autograph though.


                    Neelan: Just a quick note to say hi. I've just finished "The Storm" and I'm dying to know what happens next.
                    Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                    You are so gonna fall more in love with Carson
                    You were totally right! I was crushing hard just based on Kindred and 1 or 2 random eps from other seasons I saw on SciFi. Starting S1 last night, I was completely smitten by the end of just Rising alone. He's such a sweetheart and you're right, he does try hard. It's difficult watching in this "backwards" fashion and knowing that each time I've seen an ep, that's one ep closer to Sunday...

                    But on the other hand, it'll be hard waiting 1/2 a season until Ronon enters and 2 more seasons before Keller does. As for everyone else: I love Sheppard, McKay, Teyla, Weir, Ford, and getting to know them all better. The acting of the whole cast is wonderful- they make the characters so easy to care about and they work so well together. I wish I knew someone like Sheppard and McKay in my life; they make me laugh all the time (I think about food as much as McKay-- hee). JF and DH seem so charming in real life too (hence their ability to make the characters so likeable, of course).

                    Well, re Jewel and the
                    Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                    "dueling fingers" between her and Nathan Fillion?
                    I actually didn't know about that (I'm definitely not the Flan that you are! ). Can you tell from any interviews she's done whether Jewel has formed a similarly goofy&fun "sibling" relationship with folks on SGA? I bet they all have such a hoot on set.

                    Okay, g'night, Neelan! I gotta go see what happens next. I'm utterly in with SGA!


                      Originally posted by carsonsgirl View Post
                      Neelan: Just a quick note to say hi. I've just finished "The Storm" and I'm dying to know what happens next. You were totally right! I was crushing hard just based on Kindred and 1 or 2 random eps from other seasons I saw on SciFi. Starting S1 last night, I was completely smitten by the end of just Rising alone. He's such a sweetheart and you're right, he does try hard. It's difficult watching in this "backwards" fashion and knowing that each time I've seen an ep, that's one ep closer to Sunday...

                      But on the other hand, it'll be hard waiting 1/2 a season until Ronon enters and 2 more seasons before Keller does. As for everyone else: I love Sheppard, McKay, Teyla, Weir, Ford, and getting to know them all better. The acting of the whole cast is wonderful- they make the characters so easy to care about and they work so well together. I wish I knew someone like Sheppard and McKay in my life; they make me laugh all the time (I think about food as much as McKay-- hee). JF and DH seem so charming in real life too (hence their ability to make the characters so likeable, of course).

                      Well, re Jewel and the I actually didn't know about that (I'm definitely not the Flan that you are! ).
                      Can you tell from any interviews she's done whether Jewel has formed a similarly goofy&fun "sibling" relationship with folks on SGA? I bet they all have such a hoot on set.

                      Okay, g'night, Neelan! I gotta go see what happens next. I'm utterly in with SGA!
                      Nope, don't think she's formed as close a relationship with anyone on that set... yet. It looked like DH and possibly Joe tease her a lot, but then she's a freakin' baby! She's even younger than Jason, so I have no doubt there's plenty of pranks and silliness.

                      Oh, quick update. I don't know if you guys are aware that Jewel has a MySpace page, but she posted there that she's VERY excited about the convention appearances she has coming up there 'cause she'll be celebrating her wedding anniversary, too.


                        Hey everyone. I just stopped by to drop off some Jewel/Jen icons I made. Icons #1-13 Hope you like them.


                          Cool icons! I love your banner, btw
                          "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                          Sig by ME!!!


                            I'm working on some Keller icons, but I'll have to drop them by later on today.... I've got school now and lots of other busy things to occupy my day.


                              Here they are!!!

                              Hopefully more to come! And i'm off to bed now


                                Aw, they're cute!
                                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                                Sig by ME!!!

