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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Here's a linky to a post by Skydiver about what can & can't be posted about Search & Rescue.

    Skydiver post about S&R

    Skydiver post

    From what I understand, it's OK to talk about the episode provided it is all spoilered.

    However, absolutely no mention can be made of how the episode was obtained.

    I am not so sure about

    the Ronon/Teyla shippers having much. After all Ronon only carried Teyla because John said he couldn't. And in the end she asked him to pick her up.
    Then Ronon preferred to go with John to blow up the hyperdrive, leaving Rodney(!!!) of all people with Teyla.
    Last edited by Blencathra; 21 June 2008, 10:37 AM.


      Hey, Vala! -waves- And I don't wanna wait for the eppy!

      And I tried to post last night, to tell you guys how the concert was, but for some reason I couldn't. It wouldn't work.

      Anyway, concert was awesome, I loved all the songs, got to hang out with my friend Alissa(my cousin's mad at her for some reason, so I stayed with Alissa until she left, to show Bella that I'm not going to abandon someone I like because she wants me to), we're planning on hanging out after she goes to camp this week, we would've today but she had to pack and finish shopping, but the music was awesome, I loved the songs(Skip did some GOOD stuff, and once I get my CD from the show I'll try to get it so you guys can hear it if you like), I got burritos for dinner from my aunt, and then afterwards Omar's side of the family(his brothers and sisters, and their spouses and kids) went to pizza, so we hung out there a bit for awhile, got home about one...apparently the pizza place is open till THREE!


        Well I can say that I didn't DL anything

        and the Ronon, Teyla, John thing

        it is kinda long and in depth
        Ronon was the first one to her side, he only left because John needed him to go with him (I think other than Dr Keller) Ronon was the only person who was fully aware of how hurt John really was. Plus Ronon did kinda threaten Rodney. He offered to carry her and while at first she declined she had no problem being carried by Ronon when John was unable to (which could point to John Teyla) and then when they found Kanan(sp) Ronon was the one who was very untrusting of him

        EDIT Glad to hear you had a good time DrJenn!!


          Sounds like you had a good time Dr Jenn! Glad you had fun!

          And I forgot!!! Everlovin! Glad to hear about your anniversary! Thanks for the congrats. And your poor hubby! Hell hath no fury like a woman tickled.


            Yeah, I had a GREAT time! Can't wait for the CD, my aunt said she'll make sure to tell me once they get it done...I wonder if I'll get to see the video? I know they were making one, Omar mentioned on stage about them filming. -grins- He also looked towards where I was sitting and mentioned his younger daughter texting during her dad's show, her cheeks were bright red!

            DG, since you didn't DL it, can you pass it my way? -smiles hopefully- Since I won't be able to watch the episodes until they come out on DVD otherwise?

            I really hate only having NBC.

            Edit: Ronon would be proud, Everlovin!


              DrJenn we're not suppose to tell people how to get the eps. GW rules.


                Everlovin you are a much stronger person than I. I couldn't wait to see it I know it is more of a hassle for you though so here are pretties

                After saying why Ronon tryla shippers would be happy I need to look at some Ronon and Jennifer

                and for Everlovin



                  Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                  Well I can say that I didn't DL anything

                  and the Ronon, Teyla, John thing

                  it is kinda long and in depth
                  Ronon was the first one to her side, he only left because John needed him to go with him (I think other than Dr Keller) Ronon was the only person who was fully aware of how hurt John really was. Plus Ronon did kinda threaten Rodney. He offered to carry her and while at first she declined she had no problem being carried by Ronon when John was unable to (which could point to John Teyla) and then when they found Kanan(sp) Ronon was the one who was very untrusting of him

                  EDIT Glad to hear you had a good time DrJenn!!

                  Search & rescue SPOILER!
                  I didn't see his concern as anything more than that likely between good friends. As for the carrying bit - first John said he couldn't carry Teyla (so she knew at that point he couldn't) & later she asked Ronon. I wonder why she didn't ask Rodney!!!! LOL I agree Ronon didn't trust Kanaan (sp?) but he never trusts anyone much, particularly wraithified types (Ellia and Todd) And John didn't seem that keen either.

                  And Krissie says you posted when she started Vala! Where've you been?


                    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

                    Search & rescue SPOILER!
                    I didn't see his concern as anything more than that likely between good friends. As for the carrying bit - first John said he couldn't carry Teyla (so she knew at that point he couldn't) & later she asked Ronon. I wonder why she didn't ask Rodney!!!! LOL I agree Ronon didn't trust Kanaan (sp?) but he never trusts anyone much, particularly wraithified types (Ellia and Todd) And John didn't seem that keen either.


                    And Krissie says you posted when she started Vala! Where've you been?
                    I see what you are saying

                    but I am pointing out
                    that the things I mentioned are probably thing that the Ronon/Teyla people will look at and go see how much they are in love. I was playing devils advocate


                      Errr.... I was rehersing my arguements for if I ever got into discussion about it.

                      Now someone has made a very good point in the Season 5 S&R thread.

                      SPOILER FOR S&R

                      About Teyla's baby's name.
                      She wanted to call him after her father & John - then she said Torren John Emmagen. But isn't Teyla's father called Tegan?


                        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                        Errr.... I was rehersing my arguements for if I ever got into discussion about it.

                        Now someone has made a very good point in the Season 5 S&R thread.

                        SPOILER FOR S&R

                        About Teyla's baby's name.
                        She wanted to call him after her father & John - then she said Torren John Emmagen. But isn't Teyla's father called Tegan?

                        That was what I thought I was wondering about that myself


                          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                          After reading Blens post I have to say

                          I could hear the John/Teyla shippers (because I am one of them) but I also think that the Ronon/Teyla shippers will SQUUUEEEEE!! to (although I am sticking to the he is looking after a younger sister type of feelings there)
                          and so am i one of Jt shippers i cant wait to see this episode
                          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                          Errr.... I was rehersing my arguements for if I ever got into discussion about it.

                          Now someone has made a very good point in the Season 5 S&R thread.

                          SPOILER FOR S&R

                          About Teyla's baby's name.
                          She wanted to call him after her father & John - then she said Torren John Emmagen. But isn't Teyla's father called Tegan?

                          And yes Her Fathers Name is Tegan
                          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                            Hi Vala
                            Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                            Hey, Vala! -waves- And I don't wanna wait for the eppy!

                            Hi *waves back*

                            I saw it. Thanks to someone who is the greatest
                            I miss Weir, Carson but this episode is great.and i'll also miss
                            Sam when she lives
                            This episode was PERFECT! (well half from it...going to watch the rest)


                              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                              Errr.... I was rehersing my arguements for if I ever got into discussion about it.

                              Now someone has made a very good point in the Season 5 S&R thread.

                              SPOILER FOR S&R

                              About Teyla's baby's name.
                              She wanted to call him after her father & John - then she said Torren John Emmagen. But isn't Teyla's father called Tegan?

                              Finally watched, I couldn't wait anymore... Yeah, that's strange. But I loved the ep and I loved at most Sam when she was talking about the
                              IOA making the exhaustive review I think I should squeee about it on another thread.... The gesture! *sigh* And Rodney is herO


                                Okay, big thank you in advance to anyone who can help me with this tiny little problem I'm having.

                                I know that in my fanfic(starting it today, I think I'm gonna focus more on Lorne and my madeup than Ronon and Jenn, but they WILL be in there), I want my girl's planet to be very peaceful, never had any problems from the Wraith or anyone else, but I need reasons why they've never had any problems yet, but then I also need reasons why they're having problems now, problems that will cause my girl to have to go to Atlantis and pass as someone from Earth.

