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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    OKay I have a bit to say here so let me get started first I do see why Jason is saying that a triangle with Ronon/Jennifer/Rodney is a bit odd but at the same time I could see why a person could be attracted to one person on a lets say more physical way more so if he makes her feel better about herself (Ronon) and at the same time find herself also attracted more mentally to a guy who is someone who can challange her more mentally and makes her laugh (Rodney).

    From what Jason said in the interview it is obvious that this interview wasn't done last week so it is possible that because Jason hadn't read all the scripts yet he was going on the Jennifer that we saw during S4 when she was still kinda freaked out by the whole situation she is now in I also know that since they have said that she gets more comfortable in Atlantis we will see more of her strength. So I am wondering what He would say about Jennifer and Ronon after this season when we get more of that strength from her.

    Mountie loved the pic story!

    and I love the pics from DV I like his outfit


      Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
      -snorts- Mountie, I love you.

      and I am never venturing away from the Ronon/Keller and PRO-Keller threads again, the anti-Kellers and some of the McKellers are completely hateful about it!
      THANKS!!! (They are mean outside this club aren't they - these anti Keller people!)

      Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
      Mountie, brilliant. Really squeable
      I love the lemon part, poor Rodney
      And the gutter end.... amazing

      Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
      New photos for 5.04 - THE DAEDALUS VARIATIONS. One of Ronon is amazing! And Rodney is funny again

      THANKS FOR THE LINK!!!! Shame there are no Keller pics but some great Ronon and funny Rodney ones!

      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
      Mountie loved the pic story!
      Thanks and nice analogy of Jason's interview (Sorry I had to remove it from the quote otherwise it'll be a very long post!!!!

      Glad everyone loved my story - it was my little ponder last night.

      Thank you to Blen for the sig!


      I'm a 60%er!!!
      Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
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      Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


        I don't mind that you cut that out it was a long post for me to make


          But nice anaylsis of the interview.
          I have a count down on my white board (I use it for revision but I have no exams so now its a count down to SGA) and it's 29 days!!!

          Thank you to Blen for the sig!


          I'm a 60%er!!!
          Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
          Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

          Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


            glad you liked my look at the interview

            and YAY! 29 days and still no promos for it ARUGH


              Originally posted by SeNedra View Post

              Yeah, exactly! I think the same, it's weird triangle. Ronon and Rodney are too different characters to really attract one woman. I love Rodney and understand that he has relationship, why not, but if a woman wants someone like Rodney, she wouldn't be probably intereted in Ronon and vice versa.

              Finally we have something to read Now I wil make a quiz and share the results with you... I want Lorne
              I'm going to beg to differ here.

              While I see how the Ronon/Jennifer/Rodney dynamic might be and odd one, it's not exactly out of the norm or incomprehensible that Jen would be attracted to two diametrically opposed (character-wise) men.

              One the one hand you have an a**-kicking, very attractive, studly type man, who's kind of quiet, a lot stoic, and is just generally the type of guy most women would find attractive and fall for.

              On the other hand, you have the socially awkward, science geek who doesn't give a rat's a** what anyone thinks most of the time, would probably snap at you if you asked what he percieved to be a dumb question, and wouldn't know romance if it came up and shoved pie in his face.

              It's a play on one of the oldest "right guy" conundrums any women has had to face. Does she go for the authority-kicking, bad boy or does she go for the less hot, more adorable, sarcastic scientist?

              Personally, I'd enjoy watching that kind of triangle play out (if it's written well mind you) than seeing yet another rehash of the overdone, over-used, and tired cliche of the two very hot men (who happen to be best friends) pursuing the same women. Oh, whatever will they do and what will happen to their friendship? Oh, which stud will she choose? How often will she swoon from manly kisses? Blegh.... I'm more sick of that than I am of triangles in general.


                I said more or less the same thing but you put it much better than me Pandora! I agree I very much see it as an odd not odd triangle.


                  I know! It's a pain but hopefully they'll have some soon! Maybe a fortnight before it airs.... I'm not sure how American TV works... I know the basics of when promos are put up and like your mid season breaks (We have non of those over here except for now because of the writer's strike so Desperate Housewives are on a mid season break over here).

                  Least we have promo pics.

                  Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                  I'm a 60%er!!!
                  Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                  Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                  Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                    well with some shows you get a lot of promos (mainly though it is whatever has new stuff) and Sci Fi (the channel SGA airs) does promos for it's biggest shows like Battlestar Galactic, Eureke, Stargate Atlantis, and the really crappy cheesy movies that air on the weekends. but all I am seeing on Sci Fi (I have been watching Sci Fi's run of the old 70's Incredable Hulk) is promos for the new ep of Battlestar, random products, Ghost Hunters, Eureka's return (on July 29th) but no SGA which starts in 29 days I am confussed


                      I'll try to find something on youtube. It's very unlikely that you missed the promo every single time because if you did that is really unlucky.

                      I'm going to have to go soon - I have to work out what I want to order for my section at work (Film and TV - I'm ordering loads of Stargate stuff because we have none. I recently took over the section so I'm going to back it with loads of companions!!!

                      Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                      I'm a 60%er!!!
                      Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                      Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                      Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                        thanks for looking but I doubt that I have been that unlucky as to miss every promo if they aired one

                        EDIT: oh yes lots of Stargate stuff!


                          Can't find any - just people's version of the credits.

                          They are just trying to keep the suspense going! It's annoying because I have to wait for it to either come on DVD or online!!! Promo's are what keep me going... an fanfiction

                          Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                          I'm a 60%er!!!
                          Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                          Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                          Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                            yeah fan stuff is all I can find too at least the worst thing I had to go through with Doctor who was one week of no Doctor you know things would be horrible with no Internet


                              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                              I'm going to beg to differ here.

                              While I see how the Ronon/Jennifer/Rodney dynamic might be and odd one, it's not exactly out of the norm or incomprehensible that Jen would be attracted to two diametrically opposed (character-wise) men.

                              One the one hand you have an a**-kicking, very attractive, studly type man, who's kind of quiet, a lot stoic, and is just generally the type of guy most women would find attractive and fall for.

                              On the other hand, you have the socially awkward, science geek who doesn't give a rat's a** what anyone thinks most of the time, would probably snap at you if you asked what he percieved to be a dumb question, and wouldn't know romance if it came up and shoved pie in his face.

                              It's a play on one of the oldest "right guy" conundrums any women has had to face. Does she go for the authority-kicking, bad boy or does she go for the less hot, more adorable, sarcastic scientist?

                              Personally, I'd enjoy watching that kind of triangle play out (if it's written well mind you) than seeing yet another rehash of the overdone, over-used, and tired cliche of the two very hot men (who happen to be best friends) pursuing the same women. Oh, whatever will they do and what will happen to their friendship? Oh, which stud will she choose? How often will she swoon from manly kisses? Blegh.... I'm more sick of that than I am of triangles in general.
                              Ok, another opinion
                              But I want to say that I don't want any Sheppard Ronon triangel. I agree with you here, it's too cliche and with this two it just wouldn't work.

                              It may also be true that this is dilema of lot of women - the bad guys are not usually the best to live with and most of women finally choose some nice guy whu doesn'thave to be so hot. BUT I just can't see that Rodney would be this type of guy. He is deffinitely not an easy going one. So, I agree with what you wrote but I for me you didn't write about Rodney.

                              Not sure if anyone understands what I want to say... But I tried. And I am surprised that we got to some serious discussion - awsome


                                I said it before and I will say it again it is nice to have Pandora here she helps us have such good discussions

