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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by aquagirl View Post
    I love Rodney and everything, his witty, funny, hilarious at times, but he can't compare with Ronon. That's my opinion, I'm not trying to step on any toes here.
    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
    I am of the same opinon so my toes are in tact
    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
    Ten toes fine here too
    You're stepping on my toes! My ten toes hurt! Stop it. How can you not love this man?

    And yes, I do happen to find this hot.

    Just me? Okay then. At least I'm vocal about it.

    And hello again to everyone. It's been awhile since I've visited? Looking good. New paint job?
    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
    Shoot! I meant to say THANK YOU to everyone for the congratulations!

    and I need help from all of you who are more tech savvy than I am. I've been trying to put some music on my mp3 player. I found a long involved method of ripping from my cds to the computer and then syncing to the mp3. However, when I go to delete it from my computer, it also deletes from my mp3. What am I doing wrong? I'm about to pull my hair out!
    Check the settings of your MP3 player on your syncing programming. If you have it set to automatically sync with your computer everytime you plug it in, then what happens that the program makes the settings on your MP3 player identical to the ones on your comp. So if you deleted some files from your music folder on your computer then those same files will be deleted from your MP3 player.

    There should be a setting in the Tools or Options folder (depending on the program) where you can turn off the auto-sync and set it to manual.


      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
      Good night Aqua!

      DG - May be Desmond again. The link works but when I try to watch it, it says video removed or something. I'll try it again shortly, perhaps we were all trying to watch it at the same time.

      Hi Pandora! Long time no see.
      Ha! You saw me! I don't know if that's creepy or cool. I'll go with cool. Hello to you too.


        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

        And I've done something I've been meaning to do for some time. I've finally subscribed to Krissies You Tube vids of R/K. Wanted to do it but I kept forgetting. Must be that Red Bull making my brain work temporarily.

        Link to Krissie YouTube vids
        Which one are you Blen? Because no one's subscribed to it lately. I've only had a friend request.


          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          Looks good Starg8. Do you think you could do one of "our" scene from Quarantine. Thank you

          Congratulations, Everlovin on 1500!

          But what is this carne wotsit. Sounds like I might like it cos I like spicy food. *puzzled*

          No, but I wouldn't turn him away if he turned up on my doorstep.


          Sorry it took so long. Got sidetracked by the kids and soccer. Hope this is the shot you meant, Blen!

          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


            Creepy! Who me!!!! LOL. Nothing escapes me! Well actually lots do but we won't go into that.

            And Shhhh everyone. There's a Rodney fan about!!!!

            Typing with one finger at the mo, as I've just painted my nails.


              Thank you Starg8. That's brilliant.

              And Krissie, I'm Tessington01, probably sent you a friend request by accident. *rolls eyes* I'll have another go!


                I am not saying I am not a fan of Rodney he is adourable(sp) but I don't think he is good for Jennifer and if I were in that characters shoes I wouldn't look twice at him (as anything other than a friend) if Ronon was around


                  Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                  You're stepping on my toes! My ten toes hurt! Stop it. How can you not love this man?

                  And yes, I do happen to find this hot.

                  Just me? Okay then. At least I'm vocal about it.

                  And hello again to everyone. It's been awhile since I've visited? Looking good. New paint job?

                  Check the settings of your MP3 player on your syncing programming. If you have it set to automatically sync with your computer everytime you plug it in, then what happens that the program makes the settings on your MP3 player identical to the ones on your comp. So if you deleted some files from your music folder on your computer then those same files will be deleted from your MP3 player.

                  There should be a setting in the Tools or Options folder (depending on the program) where you can turn off the auto-sync and set it to manual.
                  Well, if I'm reading what you (and the manual to clarify) say, then I need the USB mode to be on MSC. Right?

                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  Sorry it took so long. Got sidetracked by the kids and soccer. Hope this is the shot you meant, Blen!

                  Wonderful Wonderful job Stars!

                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                    Well, if I'm reading what you (and the manual to clarify) say, then I need the USB mode to be on MSC. Right?

                    Wonderful Wonderful job Stars!
                    Thanks, glad you like it. I can't wait until S5. We should get plenty more material for graphic experiments then...

                    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                      Who would your Stargate: Atlantis boyfriend be?
                      You scored as a Carson Beckett
                      Carson Beckett
                      John Sheppard
                      Maijor Lorne
                      Radek Zelenka
                      Ronon Dex
                      Rodney McKay
                      Steve the Wraith

                      Seriously? Seriously? And only eight toes intact here, but that's only 'cause I was ripping hangnails off a moment ago. Yeowch...I'm moving rooms, I don't want to get blood on my sheets, 'cause they're pink. Anyway, I like Rodney, but I agree, not with Jenn. He used to get on my nerves every time I saw him, now he's grown on me.


                        Who would your Stargate: Atlantis boyfriend be?
                        You scored as a Carson Beckett
                        Carson Beckett 67%
                        John Sheppard 42%
                        Maijor Lorne 33%
                        Radek Zelenka 25%
                        Ronon Dex 25%
                        Rodney McKay 17%
                        Steve the Wraith 0%
                        Dr Jenn! But ... but .... I'm gobsmacked.


                          wow that is just wow!! Blen has that right gobsmacked


                            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                            I am not saying I am not a fan of Rodney he is adourable(sp) but I don't think he is good for Jennifer and if I were in that characters shoes I wouldn't look twice at him (as anything other than a friend) if Ronon was around
                            Mileage varies, I guess. Personally, McKay appeals to me more than Ronon. Not that I don't see the appeal in Ronon as well. He is attractive. I just happen to be more attracted to the Rodney McKay-type, I guess. Or David Hewlett-type. Whatever. It gets confusing.

                            As for who's better suited as a couple, obviously I swing towards McKeller so I'll disagree with you there. Just out of principle. I'd be remiss if I didn't take the chance to do so.

                            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                            Well, if I'm reading what you (and the manual to clarify) say, then I need the USB mode to be on MSC. Right?
                            If MSC has anything to do with manually syncing your MP3 files, than yes. What player do you have, if I may ask?


                              Blenca, DG, trust me, I am too. -goes to take the quiz again to get the RIGHT result- I'm not coming back until I do!


                                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                                Mileage varies, I guess. Personally, McKay appeals to me more than Ronon. Not that I don't see the appeal in Ronon as well. He is attractive. I just happen to be more attracted to the Rodney McKay-type, I guess. Or David Hewlett-type. Whatever. It gets confusing.

                                As for who's better suited as a couple, obviously I swing towards McKeller so I'll disagree with you there. Just out of principle. I'd be remiss if I didn't take the chance to do so.

                                If MSC has anything to do with manually syncing your MP3 files, than yes. What player do you have, if I may ask?
                                It's a cheapy little Coby. That's ok, once I get this figured out, I'll have LOTS of songs for when I'm out and about. I'm a major audiophile by the way.

                                Ok, my Atlantis boyfriend results.

                                Ronon 92%
                                John 42%
                                Carson 33%
                                Rodney 33%
                                Radek 25%
                                Evan 17%
                                Steve the Wraith 0%

                                I jsut don't quite understand how Rodney got above Radek! I loove Radek! Just not as much as Ronon!

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

