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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Countdown to Quarantine
    8 days to go - and Spoils of War 2morrow!

    Keller: One time in med school, I made the mistake of confiding to my partner in biology class that it had caused my all-time worst nightmares. He actually planted a live snake inside a cadaver I was working on.

    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


      I's not tomorrow for me! Grrr. I still have more than 48 hours.

      Click here daily to give free mammograms

      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Here's a shout-out to all non-US shippers:

        It's absurd that the episode release dates are staggered. A fan is a fan - period. You shouldn't have to wait for SGA love based on geography.

        The United States monopoly on the entertainment industry blows. We know it. And we are sorry. All 300 million of us.


        Need I say more?

        Got Fanfic?


          Originally posted by DoodleyDog View Post
          Here's a shout-out to all non-US shippers:

          It's absurd that the episode release dates are staggered. A fan is a fan - period. You shouldn't have to wait for SGA love based on geography.

          The United States monopoly on the entertainment industry blows. We know it. And we are sorry. All 300 million of us.

          But wasn't there a time when the episodes aired earlier in some countries outside the US? Scheduling - go figure *shrugs*

          What bothers me a lot more (sorry if I'm repeating myself) is that we get SGA on TV in German. Gaaaaaah!! The voices are so totally wrong. And the translation sucks. Whenever somebody says something that doesn't make sense, I translate it into English literally - and then I get it. Anything remotely idiomatic or slang is usually scrambled or lame. Okay, rant over.

          Thank God for the internet and iTunes. I was going stark raving mad before that was available. Although it's usually Sunday until they post it...

          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


            In sweden tomorrow Reunion airs so we are kinda with the flow. Though Im up to date like americans. Tv actually kinda caught up with atlantis, the first 1,5 seasons or so they showed two episodes in a row! That was sweet!


              Originally posted by ZampraZ View Post
              In sweden tomorrow Reunion airs so we are kinda with the flow. Though Im up to date like americans. Tv actually kinda caught up with atlantis, the first 1,5 seasons or so they showed two episodes in a row! That was sweet!
              Germany showed Irresponsible yesterday... in German *gags*

              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                Germany showed Irresponsible yesterday... in German *gags*
                Star, if you don't mind my asking, where are you from thinks, not've got to be from this side of the pond.....

                Need I say more?

                Got Fanfic?


                  Originally posted by DoodleyDog View Post
                  Star, if you don't mind my asking, where are you from thinks, not've got to be from this side of the pond.....
                  No, I'm born and bred German. Bavarian, even. But I went to university in London and the States.

                  Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                    I promised daily updates, and I'll barely make this one (in my time zone). This is where the fun part starts, so the chapters are getting longer and longer. Day 2 is still not over - and more smut to come.
           is where you'll find it. And this time, the caution about adult content is for real.

                    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                      No, I'm born and bred German. Bavarian, even. But I went to university in London and the States.
                      Ah, ok! That explains your amazing English.

                      This reminds me of a joke...

                      What do you call a person who speaks two languages? Bilingual

                      What do you call a person who speaks three languages? Trilingual

                      What do you call a person who speaks one language? American

                      My people are originally from Arnstadt, Germany. Am told ruins of the family castle still stands there.

                      Need I say more?

                      Got Fanfic?


                        G'day mates.
                        I am new to this thread. My main ship is JackSam. I am open to new ships all the time.
                        When I first heard about this ship, I thought no way. Then I saw some scenes with the two and I thought Hey these two are a great couple, so I was sssooooooo wrong at the start.
                        I need to go back and watch Keller from the begining so I can when they started to notice each other.
                        Have fun shipping.
                        Janet (Mrs Caldwell)


                          Originally posted by Mrs Caldwell View Post
                          G'day mates.
                          I am new to this thread. My main ship is JackSam. I am open to new ships all the time.
                          When I first heard about this ship, I thought no way. Then I saw some scenes with the two and I thought Hey these two are a great couple, so I was sssooooooo wrong at the start.
                          I need to go back and watch Keller from the begining so I can when they started to notice each other.
                          Have fun shipping.
                          Janet (Mrs Caldwell)
                          Hey there Janet! What's up dude? I have multi ships! & & the doctor and the wildman!! WELCOME!!!!

                          Hey guys? may I give this thread a nick name? it takes a while to write out "the doctor and the wildman", so how about......
                          The Infirmary?

                          if it sucks, then plz say so. Any other suggestions for a name?


                            Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                            No, I'm born and bred German. Bavarian, even. But I went to university in London and the States.
                            mmmmm Bavarian.....
                            "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!" Mark Twain (1835-1910)
                            "But you see, just because we've been dealt a certain hand doesn't mean we can't choose to rise above it. To conquer the boundaries of a destiny none of us wanted. To try and retain whatever essential humanity we can." ~Edward from Twilight
                            Historic Connections Ancient history resources business my Dad runs...go check it out


                              Originally posted by DoodleyDog View Post
                              Ah, ok! That explains your amazing English.

                              This reminds me of a joke...

                              What do you call a person who speaks two languages? Bilingual

                              What do you call a person who speaks three languages? Trilingual

                              What do you call a person who speaks one language? American

                              My people are originally from Arnstadt, Germany. Am told ruins of the family castle still stands there.
                              Actually, my English is a result of the fact that I was a voracious reader as a teen. And since all my favorite authors (Clive Cussler, Robin Cook, Michael Crighton) wrote in English, I preferred to read them in the original. Funnily enough, I'm more comfortable writing in English. It has twice as man words than German, so you can always find just the right phrase.

                              I've heard that joke many times, but it's really not fair. Here in Europe we are surrounded by other languages, in the States you hardly ever get a chance to practice them. And even if you go abroad, most people want to practice their English on you. Let's face it, it's the universal language, and I think I know why. I speak four languages myself, and English is the only one that doesn't have genders and practically no endings for nouns or verbs. That means that if you learn a word, you can just use it as it is.

                              I looked up Arnsbach on mapquest. Actually, my paternal grandmother's family came from the same region, from Eisenach. I've only been there once, but it's a beautiful area, full of history and culture.

                              Okay, before I get back to R/K and my countdown, here's a joke about Europe. I hope I'm not offending anybody with it. Actually, I'll put it in spoiler tags, so here's a warning: if you are German, or English, or Swiss, or French, or Italian and feel very strongly about your nationality, please do not open.

                              Definition of heaven:
                              The English are the policemen.
                              The French are the cooks.
                              The Italians are the lovers.
                              The Swiss are the organizers.
                              The Germans are the engineers.

                              Definition of hell:
                              The Germans are the policemen.
                              The English are the cooks.
                              The French are the organizers.
                              The Italians are the engineers.
                              The Swiss are the lovers.

                              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                                Originally posted by telpethoniel View Post
                                mmmmm Bavarian.....
                                Is that 'mmmmmmm beer and pretzels' or 'mmmmmmmm guys in short leather pants'?

                                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on

