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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    The trouble is that I don't keep them all in one place.

    DG - Lee Ingleby has just tweeted this Too cute!


      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
      The trouble is that I don't keep them all in one place.
      It's okay, I can go anywhere


        That is a pretty accurate pic Blen


          the Comic themed entries are so lovely!

          (Yay at the Calvin and Hobbes!)

          I'd vote for cropping and blending. I always feel I suck at both.
          Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
          Aristides de Sousa Mendes


            I liked George trying not to laugh when that woman insulted John

            OMG George and John drinking and trying to one up each other And Rachel catching them

            Very cheesey Hollywood western themed "American" restaurant I think I am insulted Although they did play Johnny Cash so I guess they are forgiven

            Tisk Tisk John having the loan shark guys beat I understand why but still...

            I hope I never have friends like that

            And George still didn't tell John!!


              DG - I was dying to come on here & discuss it with you!!


              Totally agree with all your points. The American restaurant was so cringe worthy. But well done to the set designer etc. I bet that was a pretty accurate representation of what people thought in 1969.

              The bit with George & John's "circus act" was absolutely hilarious!! Loved it. I could just watch it playing on a loop forever. And the two bits with Rachel.

              According to Martin Shaw the drinking scene was him and Lee Ingleby ad libbing. The director let the cameras roll & it was up to them to see what they came up with. I'd love to see any out takes!

              I really like Rachel. I'm shipping her and John more and more. The bit in the office where she insults him, and he says "I could have you disciplined for that.", she says "Go on then" & then George comes in with his comment about breaking up a lover's tiff. Hee!! Nice bit of understated eroticism I thought.

              And George still can't bring himself to tell John about the MS. Oh George!!! What has to happen for him to open up to John?

              BTW did George's "MS" get slightly better after he ate the pork pie John gave him? I still can't make up my mind if he has it or not. Is his diet playing a part in all this? I know MS does come and go but.... I'm just so worried about him.

              A thought about the final scene. Did it appear to you that John was a little sad? George told him the his best friend had been his brother and then his best friend was his wife. Do you think John was hoping he would mention that John is now his best friend? That, coupled with the fact that George won't tell him what's wrong with him, I just got the idea that John was a little melancholy about it. I can't make up my mind though if John was sad for George because he had lost his two closest friends, or because George hadn't opened up about his condition and hadn't called John his best friend. Could be a bit of both I guess.

              Bloody Gemma's back.

              Talking of worry. Next week's episode, Son of a Gun. I'm so worried that George will decide to go down in a blaze of glory. We just need the "son of a gun" to stop him.

              Oh and to kill two birds with one stone, I'm hoping that George tells John what's wrong, Gemma calls on John, and he tells her where to go as George needs him.

              Last edited by Blencathra; 14 May 2015, 03:27 AM.


                I've just spotted a couple of promo pics for the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular in Newcastle. But look! It's the scene of the crime from Gently last night. The Tyne bridge and the High Level bridge in the background.


                Last edited by Blencathra; 14 May 2015, 09:06 AM.


                  The circus act.


                  Last edited by Blencathra; 14 May 2015, 09:41 AM.


                    I can't tell if I think that look John has after the best friends bit is empathy or more why is he not listed there. George does say he thinks John is a friend (kind of) at the start of the "Circus act". John wants to know why, if they are friends, George wont say what is wrong so I am wondering if maybe John wasn't already in some way aware that he is not quite Best Friends yet.

                    Yeah Gemma needs to take a long walk off a short pier. She says it is over then keeps popping back up she needs to just leave and maybe let the door hit her on the way out

                    I might need to re-watch to see if the MS got better after the pork pie. Gee such a hardship




                      Yeah, John seemed so sad. Perhaps he's thinking George would have told his brother or his wife about what's been bothering him. Though I bet it hasn't occurred to John that what you may tell to your brother or your wife, you might not tell to your son.

                      Looking at it from our perspective I think George & John's relationship has got beyond "best friends". Poor John doesn't know that though. To me he seems to crave affection, wants it from George, George can't demonstrate it, so John gets the affection he needs from somebody else who is demonstrative, ie Gemma.

                      I wonder if George was to tell John that he does love him, that he does consider him to be his son, will John's need for Gemma just fade away?

                      As for the pork pie. (Good excuse for a rewatch!) There seemed to be such a big deal about John cutting it up & sharing it with George. I was just wondering why. I know you don't see George eating it, but I guessed that could be because Martin's been a vegetarian since 1971. You don't see him eating meat in The Professionals either. I'm just grasping at straws as I don't want George to have MS.

                      Last edited by Blencathra; 15 May 2015, 04:24 AM.


                        Blen George will get there and all will be happy

                        on another note I was bored and thought I am going to re-watch OUaT noticed something I missed originally in season 1 and then had a thought when we see the ep where Rumple becomes the dark one. For a "coward" it was pretty gutsy of him (I was going to use a different word but am hot sure that GW would allow it there would be a y a couple l's a b and an a in the original word ) to decide to burn down the Duke's castle with just himself and his 13 year old son that does not sound very "cowardly" to me.


                          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                          Blen George will get there and all will be happy

                          on another note I was bored and thought I am going to re-watch OUaT noticed something I missed originally in season 1 and then had a thought when we see the ep where Rumple becomes the dark one. For a "coward" it was pretty gutsy of him (I was going to use a different word but am hot sure that GW would allow it there would be a y a couple l's a b and an a in the original word ) to decide to burn down the Duke's castle with just himself and his 13 year old son that does not sound very "cowardly" to me.

                          That's OUAT good moments: when it present us with layered characters. I have to say Rumple and the Evil Queen are my faves because of that: in the middle of darkness there are always points of bright light, of kindness and courage. Sadly, I got lost on the third season: I really didn't like the Peter Pan story arc and gave up. I've been meaning to resume watching...but I have so little time and there are so many other cool series.
                          Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                          Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                            Unfortunately, I'm the only one in the immediate family that watches OUaT. I miss a bunch of eps until they get on Netflix. Totally love it though.

                            I've been missing lots of eps of the shows I love these days and I'm not really sure I want to bother catching up.

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                              Unfortunately, I'm the only one in the immediate family that watches OUaT. I miss a bunch of eps until they get on Netflix. Totally love it though.

                              I've been missing lots of eps of the shows I love these days and I'm not really sure I want to bother catching up.
                              That's how I feel...well, I have a whole summer ahead, so...

                              It's such a glorious beautiful warm day, today!
                              Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                              Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                                Here the sun is shining, but it's quite windy and that's disturbed all the tree pollen. I'm absolutely smothered with hay fever, can't stop sneezing, nose running, eyes itching & that's with having OD on antihistamines and having all the doors & windows shut. I could do with living with Ever for a bit in a desert area.

                                I hope you have some more free time now JW.

