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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Okay I believe you Blen

    You know Copter my place is closer then Blens is if you are in the spring cleaning mode


      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
      You know Copter my place is closer then Blens is if you are in the spring cleaning mode
      I'll think about it


        Oi!! I asked first.


          Yes you did

          Okay so today I will only get to watch one ep of Inspector George Gently since I watched the last ep of series 6


            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            Oi!! I asked first.
            Okay I will be there first thing in the morning!


              Bloody hell! I'll have to tidy up first!

              So which episode are you watching today, DG? Going Under or Among the Women?


                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                Bloody hell! I'll have to tidy up first!
                I have several friends that do that, they 'clean' before their cleaning lady comes over. I never understood why.

                I also don't understand how they can afford a cleaning lady.....


                  Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                  I have several friends that do that, they 'clean' before their cleaning lady comes over. I never understood why.

                  I also don't understand how they can afford a cleaning lady.....
                  I'd be the same. I'd have to tidy up first as well. I couldn't bear the embarrassment of having a cleaner who scoffed at the dust under the beds etc.

                  I couldn't afford a cleaner either. I do have a gardener however. While that sounds as if he is trimming the topiary and tending the shrubbery and the herb garden, and the vast sweep of lawn down to the lake, in fact what he does is cut my pocket handkerchief sized bit of scrubby grass. It doesn't cost me much (thank goodness).


                    I am watching Gently with the Women and I have to say I don't remember being murdered Oh wait did the second ep of series 7 air already I could watch two then


                      Yes, episode 2, Breathe in the Air was just on Wednesday.


                        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                        I couldn't afford a cleaner either. I do have a gardener however. While that sounds as if he is trimming the topiary and tending the shrubbery and the herb garden, and the vast sweep of lawn down to the lake, in fact what he does is cut my pocket handkerchief sized bit of scrubby grass. It doesn't cost me much (thank goodness).
                        I have a yard guy too. We live on the side of a cliff {sort of} and it is way too steep for me to cut, plus I didn't want to buy a mower. And with Mr copter gone so much, I sure wasn't going to mow it. Plus I'm allergic to grass

                        Okay let me be perfectly honest and just say I hate the heat, the sun, sweating, hard work, yard work and grass. Thus, the yard guy


                          Well maybe I wont get to watch ep 2 there is a white foggy look can hardly see anything and it jumps suddenly we see opening and it is outside suddenly they are inside and it looks like John and Rachel are at George's home with no idea why. on a side note
                          George has MS?! That is not good


                            Copter - I'm the same. Getting hot, sweaty & full of sneezes is not my idea of fun. Though in this country it is more like being cold, drenched to the skin & full of sneezes.

                            George Gently

                            Favourite bits


                            Gently with Honour

                            John threatening the suspect's brother with a truncheon and defending George. He doesn't realise that George has got hold of a knife.
                            Rachel driving John to deepest darkest Yorkshire while John has falls asleep.
                            John trying to sneak up behind the bad guy in the woods when George is being threatened.
                            This bit...

                            Gently Going Under

                            John going down the mine and wearing that thing on his nose.
                            John being all distraught when he thinks George is trying to get rid of him.
                            George being upset when he thinks John might have reported his injury.
                            Poor Rachel! She didn't mean to get anyone into trouble.
                            Rachel thinking John looks all heroic, mucky & rugged.
                            George getting backhanded & shoved to the floor. John smacking that big guy over the back with a chair.
                            In fact, John to the rescue once again!


                            Gently with the Women

                            This episode was far too intense for me to like. Far too emotional with subject matter & what's going on with George & John.
                            I quite like George & John arguing, but I do like them make up afterwards.
                            I don't like John's girlfriend, Gemma. She's bad for him. He's regressing & lying again. He needs somebody like George to give him some backbone. Somebody like Rachel in fact!
                            I do like that John often makes a leap of imagination that often leads to finding out some important evidence - like deducing the girl was on a bus and needed to go to the toilet.
                            George has MS. Oh George, I am so worried. (Though I do have a theory, but I need more evidence.)

                            Breathe in the Air

                            I really liked this episode.
                            John finally gets his promotion, with George threatening to resign to get it for him.
                            Rachel being promoted to DS.
                            Why won't George tell John what's going on with his MS?!
                            This is what I said on Tumblr about that -
                            Rachel getting out John's splinter with sellotape & him being such a big baby.
                            George hugging Rachel. I think George needed that hug as well.
                            Loved George's face at the end. He's so proud of his two kids.

                            I'm definitely shipping Rachel & John. She's just the sort of girlfriend he needs. He needs somebody strong and dependable.

                            Last edited by Blencathra; 09 May 2015, 12:49 PM.


                              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                              Copter - I'm the same. Getting hot, sweaty & full of sneezes is not my idea of fun. Though in this country it is more like being cold, drenched to the skin & full of sneezes.
                              I would trade where you live for where I live in a heartbeat. I prefer it dreary rather than blazing sun and suffocating humidity.


                                Here here. Don't get me wrong I would NEVER want to lose my usually mild Texas winters for anything but living somewhere where 105 was not a normal occurrence 4-5 months out of the year would be heaven sent

