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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    the poor man...real whiskey mustn't help with the line delivering.

    When does Poldark start, Blen?
    Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
    Aristides de Sousa Mendes


      Hee! Made me laugh.

      Re Poldark. I don't know yet JW. Soon though. Sometime next month I believe. The BBC don't usually give a firm date until about a fortnight before. When I find out I'll let you know. I'm REALLY looking forward to it.


        Those are great gifs, Blen! Loved it.


          Hello everyone! Here is the first entry for challenge # 65, and it's a fan fic!

          Remember, please comment! The purpose of this challenge is to hear feedback so we know that our work is good even when we silently think to ourselves 'ugh!'



          The canopy of trees overhead was hidden by the crusted earth under which he took the cover. Brushing off the layer of dirt so he could see, Ronon Dex took inventory and appraised his surroundings. Nothing had been disturbed nor had anyone passed even close. By the sun's position, he had been at his current location for no more than an hour.

          Within the next moment the distinctive sound of a Wraith dart filled the air at the same time he could hear the foot soldiers thrashing at the brush in their way as they clamored over the wooded terrain. It took only seconds for Ronon to get on his feet, using the route he'd scouted when first coming on planet through the Ring of the Ancestors. The woven branches overhead gave him cover from the ship, though not from the sensor which monitored his presence and movements.

          The light shimmered, the scene rippling away, morphing into the reflection Ronon so often had, where he was back on Sateda, home, sitting at the table with his wife opposite him, steaming food misting her features. Again, he willed mist too clear. In that instant all became a slow flowing dream, and the fear buried deep inside his mind that he would awaken and lose the brief season of memory, faded. Her body took shape and he saw longer hair, more chestnut in hue, swaying slightly across the fitted top. Her skin tone was darker, akin his own. Another ripple brought a candlelit room into a sharper clarity.

          There was confusion, though not just at the realization that it was Teyla sitting across from him, but more to the point, that he felt what his waking self always denied. He wanted her; in his arms, her body entwined with his own, until they were suddenly in a universe made of skin and breath and hair.

          Ronon opened his eyes, lying perfectly still, replaying the dream's last visage, letting the need fill him. Perhaps it was simply that Atlantis slept as the wee hours passed. Life in the light, on missions barred entrance to his desire to which the quiet nights were open.

          Rising, he emerged from his room intent on going to Teyla. Pushing back the intrusive thoughts which would dissuade his course, he quickened his pace. Turning the last corner, he was surprised by her very presence, as Teyla, still in a flowing light blue sleeping gown, padded toward him, bare feet giving her easier movement.
          " Teyla?" Ronon asked, sensing something was amiss.

          As if suddenly becoming aware of him, she stopped. " Ronon?" Silence filled a void between them.

          "What...?" He began.

          " I was just..." She said simultaneously. Bringing her hand to her mouth did not hide the smile, her eyes dancing.

          His lips turned up, parting as his grin turned into an impish laughter. " I had a..." His words trailing off as she finished his sentence.

          " Dream. As did I." Slowly, Teyla reached out to him until their fingers touched and they quietly walked back to her quarters, hand in hand, disappearing behind the door as it slid closed.

          And we have entry #2

          I'll start off the comments:

          1. I liked the fanfic even though I am not a shipper. It was short and sweet and left so much to your imagination, you can fill in the blanks on your own.

          2. I like the artwork, I feel like I should know who it is, but I don't. It's dark, but maybe it should be. The only thing I would change is the text, maybe smaller/tighter.


            I'll leave a review in a wee while. Do you want us to leave a copy of the review on all threads? Or just here?

            Otherwise sad news. Leonard Nimoy has passed away.


              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
              I'll leave a review in a wee while. Do you want us to leave a copy of the review on all threads? Or just here?

              Otherwise sad news. Leonard Nimoy has passed away.
              Just here. I will collect all comments and post them Monday.

              Oh no!


                I will have to wait to give feedback as I am in my phone right now because I have no internet right now.

                I saw about Leonard Nimoy so sad


                  I like the story it is simply sweet.

                  I like the sig it is dark and creepy and that makes me happy

                  and I am happy to say I have internet back


                    Glad you got your internet back DG. I alweays feel grumpy and out of sorts if I can't get on line.

                    The Challenge

                    Entry #1 - Ronon/Teyla fan fic

                    Well written fic. Great descriptions of the scene and characters. Anything with Ronon in it is a big plus.

                    Entry #2 - There are no strings on me sig

                    Like Copter I don't know the fandom but feel like I should. Nice bit of blending between the two pictures. There is a feeling of menace about it. The being on the left seems to be a threat to the one on the right?

                    BTW Copter - were you going to dig out a Supernatural blooper for us? I'd like to see it.
                    Last edited by Blencathra; 28 February 2015, 07:36 AM.


                      1. The fic: I love the dream sequences and the way they connect Ronon's past and his present. I am not a Ronon /Teyla shipper but I always thought hey had a good vibe together and this fic proves it. Well done, anonymous ( I want a link to your other work).

                      2. I love the connection between the images. As Copter, I would just change the font to match the feel of the images ( something more menacing or with a more technological feel).

                      So sad about Mr. Nimoy.

                      I have no clue what to send to this challenge.
                      Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                      Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                        I've had an idea or two & hopefully I'll make it this afternoon. First though, I'm trying to teach myself how to make gifs. I'm confused!


                          Gifs are made with endless patience...
                          Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                          Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                            .... which I am fast running out of. I managed to make a small gif but forgot to loop it so it runs continuously... went back to try & change it & now I can't get it to work. Blast it. I think I'll call it a day & make something for the challenge instead. It's a lot less stressful. I'll try the gif making again tomorrow


                              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

                              BTW Copter - were you going to dig out a Supernatural blooper for us? I'd like to see it.
                              I will have to hunt for it, but it's at Christmas and Sam gives Dean some egg nog and in real life it was spiked heavily with rum and Dean/Jensen was not expecting it. He took a drink and almost choked and Sam/Jared was laughing. They actually used that in the show.

                              Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post

                              I have no clue what to send to this challenge.
                              Anything you have made or will make that you are unsure about it. It is really nice to get a boost when you hear all the lovely things people say or something you are stuck on, you'll get suggestions you never thought of that opens up all kinds of new ideas.


                                Hello everyone! Here are two more entries for challenge # 65!

                                Remember, please comment! The purpose of this challenge is to hear feedback so we know that our work is good even when we silently think to ourselves 'ugh.'


                                tag for Hot Zone
                                Rodney was shaky, so exhausted he could barely function, but his mind refused to let go of the events from earlier that day. So much devastation from those tiny microscopic entities, and irreplaceable lives lost because of them. His mind drifted back to Radek’s shocked look and his realization that she was dead. Regret tugged at him, along with a sense that something he could never recover had been lost. It was wildly inappropriate for him to even contemplate pursuing a relationship with one of his staff, but on some level he’d yearned to break free of the restraints, to see what might happen. And now his chance was gone, lost forever, her body lying in the morgue along with the other victims of this tragedy.

                                He would be the first to admit that he had no finesse, no talent for flirting and social interactions, but in his own clumsy way he’d tried, even making a point of complimenting her when talking to Weir earlier that evening. The expression on her face told him that she was baffled and possibly annoyed by his remark, but there was also a hint, just a small quirk of her mouth, that seemed to say she was also a little flattered.

                                He’d been contemplating how to press the advantage when Radek had pointed out that two members of the team were still unaccounted for, and while he knew what happened wasn’t the Czech’s fault he still felt a burst of anger towards the man. If only he hadn’t said anything. But they were already infected at that point, and he’d have lost not only those now gone but also a close friend he relied on. And although no one knew about his yearning for her, he wondered at Radek’s comforting gesture as he stood staring down at her body, once vivid and full of life and now a shell without a soul.

                                The chime startled him, and he moved towards the door, automatically maneuvering through the darkened space to wave a hand over the sensor. The door slid open to reveal Radek standing there holding a couple bottles of what he’d bet were brew from the still he wasn’t supposed to know about.

                                “May I come in?” The soft Eastern European voice spoke hesitantly, as if unsure of his welcome, but his expression was one of compassion.

                                Stepping aside, he allowed the other man entrance, flipping on the lights to illuminate the space. Walking back to the sofa, he resumed his seat, slumping down as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders. A moment later a cup was thrust into his hands, and he automatically raised it to his lips and took a drink, coughing at the liquid burned his throat. “The hell?” Glaring at Radek, perched on the desk chair as he drank from his own mug, he asked snarkily, “What’d you make this out of? Turpentine and rubbing alcohol?”

                                Radek quietly chuckled at his remark, shaking his head as he raised his mug. “Drink, my friend. Let us mourn those we lost and remember how they touched our lives.”

                                His clear blue eyes seemed to be gazing into Rodney’s soul, and he quickly took another drink in self-defense, wincing as the fiery liquid flowed inside him. The mug had been emptied and refilled twice before Rodney worked up the courage to speak. “I-I was going to ask her to dinner. After we got back. And now I’ll never know…” His voice trailed off as he stared across the room, seeing her as she walked down the corridor towards her lab, sat in the mess hall eating a meal and laughing with those at her table, and the smile on her face just yesterday when he refilled her coffee along with his own.

                                “I never really worked with her, but I’d heard she had a thing for you. And would have said yes had you actually asked her out last week instead of turning it into a lecture.”

                                Silence descended as both men contemplated the day’s events. Finally Radek sighed, filling their mugs with the last of the alcohol before raising his to make a toast. “?as jsou peníze.” Rodney’s confusion must have shown on his face, because he added, “Time is precious.”

                                The two men lifted their mugs, draining them one last time. “And now, my friend, is time for you to get some rest.” Blinking at the two Radeks standing in front of him, Rodney shook his head, dropping the mug as his hands came up to hold it steady. The room spun, and he felt as if one more move would cause his head to simply roll off his neck and onto the carpet.

                                A soft chuckle accompanied a pair of hands easing him up off the sofa. “Over to the bed with you.” Closing his eyes helped somewhat, so he let the hands guide him wherever they chose to, which ended up being his bed. Lying back with a soft sigh, Rodney watched through half-closed lids as the smaller man lifted each of his feet to remove the shoes, then tucked a blanket over him. “Spi dob?e, m?j p?íteli.”
                                Spi dob?e, m?j p?íteli: Sleep well, my friend.

                                And we have entry #2 artwork

                                I'll start off the comments:

                                1. I forgot how much I liked Radek, and this was really touching about their friendship. As much as Rodney could be a jerk, he had moments where he wasn't awful. I enjoyed reading this and seeing a glimpse into their friendship.

                                2. I like how simple it is, that is what I most comfortable in doing with my artwork, simplicity. I think to have a bit more contrast, maybe try making the middle images B&W and with the red font it might look awesome. Or terrible. But I would play around with it just to see. Otherwise I like it as is.

