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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      Morning Love Shack. I have an odd question for y'all. First a bit of back story the radio station I listen to in the mornings has started a segment called "Second Date Update" it started when a listener went on a date and couldn't get in touch with the person to ask for a second date it has been going for a while now every weekday. It is loads of fun and there are some shallow horrible people out there in the dating world.
      Anyway today a guy called and he couldn't understand why he couldn't get in touch with this girl he had gone out with. Her reason to not want a second date with him was because she is one inch taller than him and she likes to wear heels and that makes her more like 4 inches taller than him. She didn't want to date someone shorter than her. After some second date updates people call and give their opinion and most people were saying she was shallow and he was better off without going out with her again. Well personally I am kinda on her side. I don't want to date someone I have to look down on now an inch is not a big deal but I would still feel uncomfortable to be looking down on a significant other. So does that make me shallow or were people just being harsh?


        No, they were being overly harsh. You need to feel comfortable around the one you're with. It's especially hard in those early days when you're just getting to know each other. There are other women that's not a big deal, but I'm the same way. I'm tall. 5'8". I didn't even look twice at guys even barely taller than me. It goes back to how we all have "types" and they come on all levels - sense of humor and tall sort of stuff.

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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          I think it depends on whether you know the person or just dated the person.

          If you met as your date and it was just one or two dates... then I'd say no, not shallow, it is just your preference or type. But I don't think that means that you wouldn't have a relationship with a shorter person. By that I mean, if you were to meet someone, become friends and they happen to be shorter you wouldn't really think anything of it. If after a while dating was added to the relationship I think it would be because you found an attraction to the person and height just doesn't matter when it comes to the heart.

          But when you are just dating virtual strangers, the heart isn't really involved, so if height mattered, I don't think that is shallow... anymore than being attracted to people with dark hair versus blond, good sense of humor versus serious, older vrs younger vrs same age... etc.

          I wouldn't have wanted to date someone who was a health nut. Just not my thing...


            Ever beat me to it...


              Good to know. I am between 5'6" and 5'7" so I am average as far as height goes and I have always liked guys taller than me I think part of it is the if they are taller they are stronger and I can feel safe and protected and I was listening to some of the people being annoyed for her not giving a guy she met online and had one date with a chance because he was shorter than her and I suddenly thought wow I never thought of myself as shallow so I wanted to see if other people felt that way since I know y'all I believe what you say over them


                I'm used to tall men too. My father was 6', hubby's 6'. My brother is 6'4"+. My uncles are all around that height. I've got a son who's 6'7" - although who knows for sure with him as I can't get him to stand up straight to save his life!

                Granted, I live in an area where most of the guys are short - my height or shorter - and I still feel a little weird even with these friends. I've virtually given up wearing the 4 inch heels that I love wearing because I'd be one of the three tallest people at church and the like.

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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  That would be awkward for me too


                    Hello, gentle people...I'm in a minoriy here I am 5ft 2 in ( and 1/2). It's hard to date guys shorter than myself

                    As for a type:I remember liking a guy who was almost as tall ( or as short) as I am. But generally I'm atracted to taller men. So, are we all shallow? I don't know!
                    Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                    Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                      JW I don't think so. you still liked him even with his height where as I think a shallow person wouldn't look past height.


                        I'm 5'5" and my hubby is 5'7" I think, maybe 5'6"... not sure. Anyway... height has never been an issue for me, most men I dated were about the same height or at least within an inch or two in either direction (shorter or taller). I did date a taller man once, didn't really think about it that way though, didn't really register until trying to remember now if I dated any tall men. I don't wear shows with heals really, I prefer flats, more comfy... so that was never an issue either.

                        I usually dated friends though... not close friends exactly, but always someone I knew before the dating part started. If I was going to date someone I didn't know (like through online) I can see that you might as well look for someone that fits your "type" and see where that goes.


                          thanks. But I am with bailey there is other stuff I have trouble to ignore: health nuts would be one ( should you be eating that?), men too obsessed with their image ( your know, all the time at the gym, excessive grooming, less body hair than you!!!) , men who don't like sci-fi/fantasy, who can't discuss anything or a current even...I tend to like geeks.
                          Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                          Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                            *laughs at Jaded*... yes, a man should not have more body/hair products than I do or take longer to get ready than I do. Which is saying next to none, because I don't use hair products and very light make-up as well.

                            A sense of humor is a must and I have to be comfortable being myself in all situations, including squeeing over my favorite show. Hubby may not be into Stargate, etc... but he rolls his eyes and laughs at me muttering "geek" quite often.


                              As far as this segment goes today was mild some of the people that have been on there are just WOW. They actually did have a health nut type on once I forget what they did first but I know they went out to a restaurant and he said she told them not to bring out chips and salsa and she was very picky about what he had to eat and she said his bad eating habits where why he still had love handles (needless to say they did not go on a second date)


                                this is where you can go and listen to a bunch of the segments obviously the ones at the top are the most recent (course they have the date of when it happened) Brenda and Randy is a good one Randy is the biggest @$$ on the segment ever! There is one Del and Madeline that I had a good laugh at Del and totally agreed with Madeline

