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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Jenn: Can I watch?

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      Smoochy Kisses! Bailey, you'd be surprised what you find in my wardrobe.

      (Actually it's boring things like clothes and shoes. But I did find a mouldy sandwich in there once. I think SB had been trying to find Narnia and had left her packed lunch behind. )

      Oh! Keep your eyes peeled folks. Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Steven Moffat are doing a Doctor Who World Tour, starting here in the UK on 7th August and ending up in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil on 19th August. Tour will be stopping off in South Korea, Australia, the US and Mexico.

      Edit - It looks like the tour will stop off in one place in each country, so for the US it will be going to New York. Sorry if I got your hopes up.

      There is a little vid

      Last edited by Blencathra; 10 June 2014, 09:21 AM.


        I remember playing Narnia and using our closets like the wardrobe when I was a kid after being read the books!



          Yeah I think it would be closer for me to go to Mexico City than New York but if they are in New York maybe they will do a talk show and I can see that at least

          I don't know that I ever tried to get to Narnia but that was more because I thought you had to have a free standing closet rather then the ones I had


            I don't have a single closet in this house. I'm seriously lacking in storage space. Instead I have a big pine wardrobe with a drawer at the bottom.

            Like you Bailey, I remember trying my Mum & Dad's oak wardrobe in am attempt to get to Narnia when I was a child. The Narnia stories were my absolute favourites & totally fired my imagination. I also remember being disappointed that I couldn't get there. My parents had the wrong wardrobe obviously.

            Gosh I had a hot sweat on last night. I thought one of my external hard drives had failed. The one with all my precious photos on. Luckily it turned out that Desmond was having one of his periodic fits where he goes on strike & decides that he's not working properly. Switched him off & back on and everything came right. Phew! I'm spending this morning copying all my files to another drive, just in case.
            Last edited by Blencathra; 11 June 2014, 12:34 AM.


              That would be cool if they could appear on a talk show while in New York. Would love to see a bit of media about them while they are in the States.

              DG... I don't think I knew that a wardrobe was typically free standing... so I was hopeful.

              Glad to hear that it was a false alarm, Blen... but isn't it funny how it does make us suddenly quite keen on backing it all up like we should. I know it usually takes a scare to make me more faithful about backing up my external drives as well.

              You know, the Narnia movies are great, but I don't think they inspire as many children to check the backs of their closets the way the books did. I think there is something about having to conjure up the images of what is happening when you are hearing or reading the story that brings out the ability to suspend belief and actually check out the back of any closet just in case.



                Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                Working on Day 3 of a nasty headache. We'll see how today goes.

                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                I remember playing Narnia and using our closets like the wardrobe when I was a kid after being read the books!

                We used to have giant (to a little kid anyways) wardrobes that I used to climb into and play dress-up with Mom's fancy clothes. I hadn't read the Narnia books back when I was little enough to fit in them. Actually, Mom and Dad still have those wardrobes. I still remember climbing in them as a little girl.

                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                That would be cool if they could appear on a talk show while in New York. Would love to see a bit of media about them while they are in the States.

                DG... I don't think I knew that a wardrobe was typically free standing... so I was hopeful.

                Glad to hear that it was a false alarm, Blen... but isn't it funny how it does make us suddenly quite keen on backing it all up like we should. I know it usually takes a scare to make me more faithful about backing up my external drives as well.

                You know, the Narnia movies are great, but I don't think they inspire as many children to check the backs of their closets the way the books did. I think there is something about having to conjure up the images of what is happening when you are hearing or reading the story that brings out the ability to suspend belief and actually check out the back of any closet just in case.

                No, I don't imagine the movies inspired quite as many dreams as the books did.

                Oh, I'm going to have to go read the books now. They weren't up on my list of stuff to read yet, but I miss them right now.

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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Oh the poor old movies. They did their best I guess, but Narnia was so much better in my imagination. I just wish I could recapture those long lost days, when I really & truly believed that such places existed, and that some day I would actually go there. Perhaps one day, when I'm in my 90s, I actually will.


                    Oh, a part of me still believes. I guess that's why I love fantasy and scifi so much. I'm a dreamer under all my pragmatism.

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                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      I guess just a little part of me still believes as well, but I'd love to recapture that all out belief of when I was small. It's the same with the good old Doctor. I absolutely believed everything I saw on TV and was terrified of most of it. I just didn't see people in costume or sets. I saw real worlds, real people. Now I know how they are made and the Doctor is just an actor (though I'm not certain about Tom Baker to be honest, he could possibly be a Time Lord in disguise). I guess it's the complete innocence of childhood I would love to recapture.


                        In some ways I like the older version of the Narnia movies rather than the newer ones partly for the fact the older ones stayed truer to the books but I also loved the people in costume over the computer animation there is something about practical effects that I always enjoy over computer. Don;t get me wrong the new ones are good but I find myself watching the older ones as much if not more than the new ones.

                        As far as my believes part of me thinks wouldn't it be cool if... and I know with Sci fi that a lot of stuff that started off as fiction is closer to fact now then it was before and that has me so excited to see what science will be able to do next.


                          I remember when I was a kid we used to watch MASH. And I knew that my dad was in Vietnam. So I asked him which MASH unit he'd been to simply because I couldn't believe that someone could go to war and not be injured in some awful way. He got all worried about me thinking I thought it was real instead of make believe. Took me forever to convince him otherwise.

                          There are days I wish "The Will and the Word" from the David Eddings books were real. There are days I wish time travel was real. There are days I wish animals really did talk. All of that wishing keeps a bit of me believing.

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                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            Oh I would love to have a day where animals talk

                            Some shows do like to blur the line between reality and life I know that MASH would take some aspects from Doctors and Nurses who served in Vietnam even CSI has taken actual crimes and used similar ways to solve those crimes as they actually were. Hopefully one day people will watch older sci-fi shows and say "people back then had it pretty close"

                            okay saw this the long and the short of it comes down to this
                            Christmas' new grinch is Grumpy Cat. The Internet-famous feline is getting her own Lifetime movie, titled Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever.


                              As far as older scifi shows goes, how much stuff did we get from Star Trek TOS? Seriously! Automatic doors! Cell phones, lots of medical type technology, speaking to computers for commands and such, the list can go on and on. Heck! We've even crated some anti-matter. WOW!

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                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                It would be kind of fun though if our minds were still inspired enough and the imagination running wild enough as adults... that we'd go stand in the back our our closets...just to check.

