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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    For his eyes only I would think. I can just see Ronon getting all mad and beating up guys for ogling those pics


      For sure!



        Pretty pics! I bet his camera lens kept getting foggy.

        I'm pleased to hear Miriam's cast will be off soon. There'll be no stopping her now!

        SB and I have just been watching the new series of Sherlock. It was really, really good! But I will say no more until you have been it. My lips are sealed. Spoilers!


          Lucky we have to wait for a couple weeks here *sob* I have got to find it online somewhere


            I was bummed when I noticed it wasn't going to be shown here at the same time too. How long do we have to wait?


              If I remember right Jan 16 or Jan 19 it is better than Season 1 and season 2 in those cases it was 3-4 months after they aired in the UK


                That sounds a lot better... and not too far away.


                  Yup just a couple weeks we can make it Hopefully they will get it going like Doctor Who (assuming I heard correct and there will be a season 4) and air it here the same day


                    That would be a lot of fun. It's kind of a bummer to wait all the time. We are so spoiled here in the US with 20+ episodes per season and only a few months between each season. Makes it harder to be patient.


                      Yes it is but Martian Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch are so busy they don't have time to do more which is sad I think even if they did 22 eps a season it still wouldn't be enough


                        Yes and I'm excited for them. I loved Cumberbatch in Star Trek, he made an excellent bad guy and I wouldn't have wanted anyone else to play that roll. I also watched Martin Freeman on Graham Norton the other night and he was a lot of fun to listen too and hear about the filming of the Hobbit movies.

                        I am however glad that the US shows I watch don't have actors that get too busy to do particular shows. Would be a bummer to have Robert Carlyle too busy to finish seasons of OUaT and we had to go a year or more between seasons... or if Nathan Fillion was real busy and Castle had to shorten its season to only 3 episodes a year...

                        Oh... and I've turned my daughter into a Captain Swan shipper.


                          I loved Cumberbatch in Star Trek and I got a BIG thrill out of hearing him as Smaug in the Hobbit the Desolation of Smaug. Speaking of Graham Norton did you ever see when Chris Pine and Cumberbatch were on talking about their fans? so funny. I got a kick out of Martian Freeman on Graham Norton too.

                          Oh I don't know that I could stomach all of the Charmings without the buffer of Rumple.

                          I am not sure where I stand on that Ship I guess I can see it but I can see Swan Fire too


                            That was an awesome episode of Graham Norton! Loved the two of them talking about their fans.

                            Have you looked for any spoilers for what is going to happen with Gold? I was shocked and bummed to see the last episode of the fall half.

                            Also... I love Hook with Swan... less predictable and kind of a good/evil play on things... a bit like Rumple/Belle. But... I also love Neal and so I won't be too bummed when they have them eventually reconcile... which is what I fear is going to happen.

                            I do love what they've done with Regina. I love that they are starting to rely on her evilness as more of a tool and less of a threat to themselves. Perfect way to bring her character along in this story so we don't have to see her eliminated in the end. I feared for her character for a while because for there to be a happy ending (which is what the writers say the ultimate goal is) evil needs to be defeated. I like that she isn't as much a threat to them (so less evil in the story and in need of a happy ending) as she is to others who may come along... like future bad guys, like we saw with Pan.

                            I feel this way about Rumple too. With him reconciling with his family (Neal and Henry) and working with his sworn enemy (Hook) it seems like he isn't the threat any longer unless you threaten his family. There is still evil there to be tapped for sure, but not as much a threat to the storybrooke crew.


                              I got a kick out of Cumberbatch saying "You kissed one of my b****es"

                              I have not really done much looking but I did a pic that talked about Belle seaching for "him" but who "him" is didn't say. I think they mentioned Lumiere and since there was a candelabra and a table clock in the Dark Castle it is very possible that Rumple will be coming back. Plus he said he was a villain and villains don't get happy ending but from my point of view 1) he is not really a villain to me, 2) a person who selflessly kills himself to save so many people will probably have the bad stuff overlooked and 3) even if he is still considered a villain Belle is not and a person like her will totally get her happy ending and since her happy ending includes Rumple he has to come back for that.

                              I do like that they are trusting Regina more but at the same time I keep wanting to reach through the tv and slap people because they are being so freaking stupid! Rumple has done bad I will not argue that (even if it was all for a good cause) but he never lies he might not always volunteer everything he knows but he doesn't lie. Regina has lied and done evil but when ever she says anything everyone trusts her totally. It is a bit of a double standard. I am hoping to see Regina and Robin Hood finally met and see what happens.

                              I think if I really had to pick I would probably go Swan Fire since they do have a history and while I can understand that Hook is not dead and he is not committed to Emma he flirts too easily and he is just going to walk away to give Neal a chance. To me that is not the actions of someone who is truly in love. And thinking about it more Emma would be with a man who saw her ex-bf's mother naked. That is a little *gag*


                                Laughed at that too!


                                I can't wait to see Regina and Robin Hood meeting too! Will be interesting to see how that changes things and what twist they will have with Maid Marian/Robin Hood... oh and little John.

                                The history with Hook and Rumple/Neal's family is rather weird. I always thought it odd too that Neal isn't more upset that Rumple killed his mother. With the way this set of fairy tales keeps twisting and turning it makes the back histories seem like something you'd see in a small town or a soap opra.

