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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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      Challenge #4

      We are going really simple [but really fun] for this challenge. This idea was from dragongirl because my brain was just not working this week

      Make art with your favorite cartoons form the '80's and '90's!! You can just use the cartoons, throw in some text from your fave shows/movies for a little crossover, what ever you want to do, the main focus should just be cartoons from the 1980's and 1990's.

      For fic challenge, 500-1000 words and it must include cartoons from those two decades as well.

      Remember GW image limits. If you do a wallpaper or any size bigger than a sig, please send me the thumbnail image of that please. Due date is next Sunday 23rd. PM's to copter!


        Good evening, Love Shack! How's it going?

        I've been slammed this last few days with busy. Flood, Dad's birthday, teaching, more rain. I'm tired!

        Sorry to hear about your cat, Blenca. It's hard when those connections are tenuous.

        I'll have to see what sort of cartoons I have for the challenge. Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks included?

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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
          I'll have to see what sort of cartoons I have for the challenge. Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks included?
          No, we will probably save those for a later challenge since those are mostly movies. We are looking more for Saturday morning cartoons.


            Well then, I'd have to go with old cartoons - Looney Toons and the like. Maybe Veggie Tales? I need to look.

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            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
              Well then, I'd have to go with old cartoons - Looney Toons and the like. Maybe Veggie Tales? I need to look.
              both of those are perfect I'm thinking Scooby Doobie Doo


                It all depends on what I get time for this week. God only knows.

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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  my first thought when I thought of the challenge was He-Man and She-Ra


                    Actually, my first thought was Veggie Tales or Animaniacs. I don't have any Animaniacs - especially Pinky and Brain. Must get one day.

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Oh Marvin Martin! I LOVE him


                        Aww, Blen I'm sorry to hear that
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                          I've just had word from the vet about Red's x-ray, and it is bad news as he does have bone cancer. I'm bringing him home for a few days on pain killers just to see how he gets on but the vet recommends euthanasia. It's such a difficult decision to make though. Apart from the limp he is fine. He looks well, he's eating and he came and sat on my knee last night for a cuddle. One the one hand I want to keep him but on the other I don't want him to be in pain (the vet says he will be in pain with this type of cancer). I don't know what to do.


                            Oh Blen I am so sorry about your little one. It is so hard to know what to do for animals when they are in this type of situation. We want to keep them with us and alleviate their pain. I know you will do what is best for him. Give love and snuggles from me.


                              Thank you Pocus. I've decided that I'm going to take each day as it comes. At least we will have a few days with him.


                                We did that for our girl dog when we found out she had cancer in her throat. We were told 3 months and we had her for 8 instead. We made sure we paid attention to her quality of life and her pain levels. Sadly for our boy Rem we didn't have that option. The day we found out was the day we had to say goodbye. At least you have some time. It is never easy to say goodbye. NEVER! My heart and prayers are with you.

