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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    You know... it was a very quiet weekend for us as well. Hubby spent a little time running a few errands on Saturday, and Church that night. Otherwise we spent most of the weekend at home. The weather was terrible here as well, so really no reason to leave the house. *grumbles* Of course since it is Monday it is actually warm and nice here.

    Making beds is actually a chore I don't mind... so wish I could help out. Now if you had said dishes or folding laundry... yuk.


      My Grandmother would help in a heart beat she can't stand an unmade bed she will be sick and in bed all day and she would still get up and make her bed before bed time As a result hearing she has not made her bed in the morning causes a stamped into her room to see an unmade bed


        Oh, I hate folding laundry and doing dishes, too, but my grandpa's leaving for the software I'm stuck with dishes >.<


          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
          My Grandmother would help in a heart beat she can't stand an unmade bed she will be sick and in bed all day and she would still get up and make her bed before bed time As a result hearing she has not made her bed in the morning causes a stamped into her room to see an unmade bed
          That is cute and funny, DG. It seems that the older the generation, the more important bed making is.

          We don't have a dishwasher in our house and so dish washing is at least a twice a day chore, sometimes more. I don't mind when there is just one sick full (about a meal and all its makings) but I hate, hate it when we've put it off until after dinner because then it takes so long and there isn't anywhere to put the drying dishes, so they have to be hand dried. - Yuk - I always try to wash while the load will still fit in the dish drainer... and can air dry.


            I would go crazy without my dishwasher I fill it and then start it just as I am going to bed I don't know where I would put a drying rack I have so little space as it is on my counters


              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
              I would go crazy without my dishwasher I fill it and then start it just as I am going to bed I don't know where I would put a drying rack I have so little space as it is on my counters
              *smirks* I have small counters too, and it only leaves a small squared area to prep stuff and I use the top of the stove a lot too... but I'm a lazy not a very complicated cook. I think I'd hate it if I actually cooked anything complicated. I do a lot of grilling, even during the really cold winters I grill a lot because it is less clean-up.


                Done! Almost...made my bed and folded laundry, now I need to do dishes. dishwasher here either, it's busted.


                  Sounds like you are knocking out those chores though.


                    Finished chores, other than putting away clean dishes...about to do that...then I went on a brief walk with my aunt and cousin, like halfway down the block to see who's selling their house on our street, then I went to help my aunt with her grocery shopping, and we came back and she made burgers I got hummus out of the deal, because whenever she takes one of her grandkids on errands with her, they get a treat for helping her out.


                      Well sounds like a nice treat for the days work

                      These two need to do something together it would be like that pic times 100 *fans self*


                        Right? Delicious eggplant hummus is now mine!!! And I would *LOVE* that!!! Captain Jack and Cap'n Tightpants in the same show/movie? The world would implode from sheer awesomeness.


                          Yes it would. Look at them they could be brothers so that would have to be part of it they would be brothers


                            Just wanted to say goodnight, all! I'm sleepy, so it's off to bed and a atcha all later!


                              Oh, I am sad. A hero of mine, Professor Mick Aston from the archaeology programme Time Team, has died. A great man, he will be very much missed.


                              Strange, isn't it, how losing some famous people can knock you sideways. Even though you don't actually know these people, their death affects you so much.
                              Last edited by Blencathra; 25 June 2013, 01:48 AM.


                                Sorry to hear that, Blen, but I agree. I think that there are just some people who play a significant roll in either informing/entertaining/educating us and because they are a public/famous type of person they wouldn't even know it or us for that matter... but their death is still significant to us personally.

