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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    No stupid clouds are are over me right now so I can't see the sun. 30% chance of rain no rain but clouds have been over me almost all day.

    Glad Prince Philip is doing better today. and yes God save the Queen!


      Yes I was disappointed we wouldn't get to see it on this side of the world.

      Thanks DG!

      Off to bed now. I'll leave you with Paul McCartney. Check out Live and Let Die! (9:18)


        Okay... watching Survivors and...

        Noticed that when Abby told the man that ends up living in his manner with the "lord of the flies - children" about her son, she tells him that her son went on a field trip and she is trying to find him and one of the workers, yet the worker she ran into a few episodes before said that her son was taken to the hospital in very bad condition. I was wondering if that is a UK vs US thing. Would a trip to the hospital be called a field trip?

        I also wondered at the lack of bodies outside, especially in the bigger cities. When Martha Jones was at the hospital and they were showing footage on the news about the long, long lines to get into the hospital to get seen and then they showed people having breakdowns while in line, anyway... it made me think that some people would have died trying to get to the hospital or waiting to get into the hospital, yet the scenes they showed after showed bodies in cars and inside buildings, but none outside... just found that odd.

        Just started the chapter with the religious group and the pregnant woman. You just know it wasn't a good idea to bring them home. I've been thinking that the baby might not be immune, so I wonder if it will die after it is born... no spoilers, but I've been thinking about it a lot since I started the episode.

        That is one thing this show does is make you think about what it would be like if this actually happened.

        Anyway... just wanted to share a few of my thoughts. Hope to watch a bit more tonight.


          Cool concert Blen Sir Paul McCartney (he was knighted wasn't he?) went all out

          bailey Survivors [spoilers]Her son was I think (at east my understanding of it) on the Field Trip when he got sick a second worker at the camp (Not the one Abby talked to) took him to the hospital when he got sick.[/spoiler]

          There is also a second trailer out for the Bourne Legacy.

          Looks like the car chase in this one will be on another good one


            Oh my gosh, DG... that video looks sooooo good. Can't wait for it to come out!


              Same here bailey. I might have changed my mind and decided to see it before my obsession started


                Well a few days ago one of the local news stations was celebrating the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and during it the weather guy was caught dancing and mouth the words to the song they were playing. It was funny and pretty much if you watch that news channel you have seen it (I know I did) well it looks like someone in the UK media also saw it and it was posted here That is pretty cool


                  *whistles innocently*



                    That's great fan vid.

                    I could do with getting moving on my vid. But I haven't been feeling too great this last couple of days.

                    The BBC have released an official pic of Matt with the new companion.


                    I just LOVE his new look. I hope it isn't just a one off & he gets to keep it a bit longer.

                    Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                    Okay... watching Survivors and...

                    Noticed that when Abby told the man that ends up living in his manner with the "lord of the flies - children" about her son, she tells him that her son went on a field trip and she is trying to find him and one of the workers, yet the worker she ran into a few episodes before said that her son was taken to the hospital in very bad condition. I was wondering if that is a UK vs US thing. Would a trip to the hospital be called a field trip?

                    I also wondered at the lack of bodies outside, especially in the bigger cities. When Martha Jones was at the hospital and they were showing footage on the news about the long, long lines to get into the hospital to get seen and then they showed people having breakdowns while in line, anyway... it made me think that some people would have died trying to get to the hospital or waiting to get into the hospital, yet the scenes they showed after showed bodies in cars and inside buildings, but none outside... just found that odd.

                    Just started the chapter with the religious group and the pregnant woman. You just know it wasn't a good idea to bring them home. I've been thinking that the baby might not be immune, so I wonder if it will die after it is born... no spoilers, but I've been thinking about it a lot since I started the episode.

                    That is one thing this show does is make you think about what it would be like if this actually happened.

                    Anyway... just wanted to share a few of my thoughts. Hope to watch a bit more tonight.
                    Survivors -


                    Regarding the field trip, I think she was just talking to the man generally rather than going into detail about Peter going to hospital. To me a field trip means the same as it does to you.

                    I thought that the lack of bodies on the streets was down to the nature of the disease. People felt ill and then took themselves off to bed. So I guessed there were plenty of bodies inside the houses. Though I agree, a few more corpses on the streets would have been more realistic.

                    You have filled me with enthusiasm for a re-watch Bailey. I think I'll watch a few tonight.


                      I am liking the new look of Doctor Who and am excited to see the new companion Wonder where she will fit in my list of Companions

                      I am glad you are feeling better Blen.

                      It has been a while since I watched Survivors doing a re-watch would be fun


                        Hiya Blen and DG.

                        Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, Blen. I hope you bounce back soon.

                        Great Doctor Who vid, DG and pic, Blen. Can't wait to see the episode with Ben... not to keen on a new companion though...
                        Rory and Amy were why I watched. I'm sure I'll get sucked in and enjoy it though...

                        Done with Survivors. It was a very tense show to watch.
                        I would be so tired if I was them... the need to constantly be vigilant and fight for survival would be very overwhelming and exhausting.

                        I was so, so sad to see Sarah succumb. I really liked her and Al together.

                        Verdict was still out on Tom for me, but I think that is the point. Just when you start to like him and think he's changing... he doesn't. He is a very vital part of their group though and needed. I think he just didn't want to think he'd changed... like a point of pride. He kept saying people couldn't change, so to acknowledge that he had and that he cared about them all would be admitting that he was wrong.

                        Abby knew though. I did love that Abby and Najid seemed to know that they all needed to stick together as a group and kept that faith alive for the others.

                        Its a bummer that there aren't more episodes. I'm sure that there would have been plenty more secrets to reveal.



                          I liked Tom and in a strange way I think the group needed him. He had a black and white view on things. Does this person hurt the group? Yes, then they must be killed for us to be safe. Does this person help the group? Yes, let them live but keep an eye on them.

                          Don't get me wrong to meet someone like Tom on the street I would be terrified but in a position like that I would want someone like him on my side.

                          The Sarah thing was sad but I have to admit that I pretty much hated her until just an ep or so before the one she died in If it had happened at the beginning of Season 2 I would have been happy to see her go.

                          I hate that we didn't get more than that. I wanted to know where the plan (and Tom) were headed. If Tom would get back to the group, there was even some shippy stuff that needed answering.


                            Survivors -


                            I love Tom. He's got that edge which does make you wonder what he might do next. Interesting character, I thought. I also thought much the same as DG. He's not the sort of person you would want to know in ordinary circumstances but in a post-apocalypic world, he is pretty much invaluable. And of course then there is the Tom/Anya thing. I'm a great Tom/Anya shipper.

                            Sarah was such an unsympathetic character at first. But by the time she died, she had really grown on me. Poor Al.

                            As for what might happen, I thought that Greg's wife and children would turn up - possibly in Landry's community & that Tom would find them there.

                            It will be sad to say goodbye to Amy & Rory. But I'm looking forward to the new one. The Moff says she will be "different". But of course that could mean anything. Apparently somebody overheard her name on set. It could be a false one of course but they say she is called



                            That is Elisabeth Sladen's real middle name. Bailey, Lis Sladen was the 4th Doctor's companion Sarah Jane Smith, who died of cancer just last year. So a nice tribute to her.

                            Anyway, here's a fantastic video showing all the Doctor's companions right from the beginning.


                              Oh Blen if that is the new Companions name it would be so awesome!!

                              That was a great vid it is a little odd to see all the companions on the show before I was born. I mean I know the show is turning 50 but to see it like that with the years like that


                                It's a great vid. It shows the long history of the show really well I thought.

                                Talking of naming things after people, rumour has it that Ridley Scott named the main character in Prometheus (Elizabeth Shaw) after Liz Shaw, one of the 3rd Doctor's companions - 1:26 in that video.

