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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?
    Still cold with snow on the ground here. but it should warm up into the 40s today so it should all go away.

    I've got a couple of good possibilities for the Advent calendar. I'm just futzing with coloring some see if I can get it to blend better.

    Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
    Doctor Who reminds me of a color version of the Twilight Zone, only with reoccurring main characters. I'm not sure if I was a DW devotee if I'd find that offensive or not... so just know I didn't mean it that way. Just struck me that way after a few episodes.
    As a fan of Twilight Zone as well, I can kind of see that. Never thought of it that way before.

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      question about the advent calendar.....

      can they be funny-ish?

      I also did one for one of the open days, the 19th, just in case no one takes it. I didn't want nothing to be done that day.

      Don't know if they are any good.....I've never done an advent calendar....but I did put the date on them.

      and do we post our work on the day we picked? Like I would post mine on the 23rd and 25th?


        It's ok with me if they're funnyish. And yes, you post them on the date you chose.

        I'm still trying to decide what quote to put on mine.

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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Yeah, they can be funny, copter, why not

          I have never done an advent calender too, I think no one here has. But it really doesn't matter. And I suggest we post the art on the date it is meant for. Or send it to someone who can post it for you if you are unavailable that day.

          EDIT: Ever was faster


            okay cool, thanks

            I will hold onto my 19th unless someone pops up before then and says they are taking the day. The 22nd was open as well....I could try to do one more if need be......


              *waves hello to Copter*

              I believe the answer is yes to all that, Copter. AFA thread has two posted each morning if you want to take a look at what they look like. Just to get a few rough ideas. I'd love seeing one that made me smile. I had to ask several times what one would look like because I was worried. Jumble took the one from last year and set the 25 days to a music type slide show. It was kind of fun to see all the different styles and such.

              I had the second of December on the AFA thread for their advent this year and this is what mine looked like... kind of fun to make are this size. Not as big as a wallpaper but more space to work with than the sigs


                All three of you were faster than me. *waves to everyone*


                  thanks bailey!! I guess mine are acceptable I really like the one you did of Jack!


                    Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                    okay cool, thanks

                    I will hold onto my 19th unless someone pops up before then and says they are taking the day. The 22nd was open as well....I could try to do one more if need be......
                    If we need on the 22nd, I can do something with that manip I did earlier this week.

                    Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                    *waves hello to Copter*

                    I believe the answer is yes to all that, Copter. AFA thread has two posted each morning if you want to take a look at what they look like. Just to get a few rough ideas. I'd love seeing one that made me smile. I had to ask several times what one would look like because I was worried. Jumble took the one from last year and set the 25 days to a music type slide show. It was kind of fun to see all the different styles and such.

                    I had the second of December on the AFA thread for their advent this year and this is what mine looked like... kind of fun to make are this size. Not as big as a wallpaper but more space to work with than the sigs
                    Great job on that card!

                    I did an Advent calendar sort of thing a couple of years ago for the John/Teyla thread. Not so much the cards, but whatever Christmas-y artwork we wanted to do. Lots of fun!

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                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                      thanks bailey!! I guess mine are acceptable I really like the one you did of Jack!
                      I'm sure your's are wonderful... can't wait for us to start posting those up.

                      Thanks to both of you on the Jack one. I have one more for AFA coming up on the 20th.

                      One fun thing is that if we do this again next year, maybe we can somehow incorporate the old ones too... post two a day, the old and then new or maybe post all the old ones on a designated day

                      Originally posted by Ever
                      If we need on the 22nd, I can do something with that manip I did earlier this week.
                      What we should start doing is taking days before the 14th and we can start sooner if anyone has the art bug.


                        It is a good idea. I am out of time to do more now but if anyone wants to do some art, just let the rest now what day it is in case more people wanted to do one more.



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                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                            I get busy yesterday and no one stops by? I miss you guys!

                            I'm about this |-----| close to just slapping on the text etc for the advent calendars I've got going and saying good enough! I've been trying to fiddle with the hue of the pics I've added in and am about to pull out my hair, throw up my hands in frustration, all sorts of stuff. I can not make it look even similar! Grrrr!

                            On the plus side, I've added on to three of my fics in the last couple of days Just a paragraph or two, but still!

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Sorry to hear that the advent art is frustrating you, Ever. I still need to make my second one. Hopefully over the weekend.

                              I'm looking forward to Christmas getting here. Not because I'm even remotely ready for it, but because after that work will be slowing done (I hope) and I will have somehow found the time and inspiration to complete all of my Christmas shopping.

                              I've watched more Doctor Who.
                              Enjoying the 10th doctor, still liked 9th better. Wasn't big on the companion Donna from the episode with her wedding, but I do like Martha Jones. Oddly I like Martha here in Doctor Who much more than I did in Torchwood.

                              I think Donna just talked too much. The Doctor talks fast and a ton and that is one of the fun things about his(9th & 10th) personality, so adding her in with her non-stop talking meant that he talked less or they really both got going...

                              Just finished the episode Blink. That was a little freaky to watch... wanted to yell at them the whole time to pay attention and quit turning their backs to the windows and walkways! It was an interesting episode too because it has so little Doctor and Martha in it. It still has that Twilight Zone feel to it, but I am enjoying them.

                              I made this last year with Blen in mind. Like it even more now that I've actually watched the show.



                                I'm also in a minority for liking Martha. I guess I liked Martha in Torchwood because I saw her growth this season in Doctor Who and her appearances in the next season.

                                Blink is definitely a favorite! OMG, so freaky!

                                I love this time of year as well. I've only got a few presents, but I'm having fun decorating!

                                Sorry work is so crazy for you. This too will pass.

                                What's frustrating with the Advent calendar, is from the same scene I'm using a pic of Ronon from one frame and a pic of Jenn from another and the lighting is totally different. Driving me nuts! The other one I'm doing blends a little better, but I'm not totally happy with it.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

