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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
    OT -

    I would love to spend a summer chasing tornados!! Talk about a rush! Plus, should I get on with a university (or something) gathering the data! Wow! I would also love to sit through a hurricane. A minor one. Cat 1 or Cat 2. I'm not completely crazy after all.

    My husband thinks I'm nuts for wanting to do that. My brother completely understands!
    My step dad wants to chase tornados at some point too my mom is an amuture photographer and she wants pix of one in 2006 or 2005 (I am horrible with dates) an F1 went through DownTown Ft Worth which is visable from my moms house and she was in the back yard with her camera hopeing to be able to get some photos of it. Me on the other hand heard it was in Dowtown Ft Worth like 20 minutes from my home and that it wasn't headed in my direction and got tired of listening to the weather and I put in a DVD so that I could be entertained.

    and since this is an R/J thread



      Morning everyone, I'm happy, Gateworld works!!!!

      I think most of you noticed that the new chapter is up. Thanks for the review Blen

      I think you don't need to envy that Everlovin gets the chapter at first... She has a lot to do, my gramatics and using words is sometimes.. how to say... Czech

      OT Tornados - I have no need to see some, thanks God we have nothing similar by us...


        Yes, GW is back, drat and blast it though. I have to go to work now! I haven't time to stay & read through last nights posts or play with the new features or anything.

        Brilliant new chapter SeNedra!

        That's all I've time for now. See you later.


          Well I'm back! All this new stuff is going to get some getting used to! I'm browsing around and hoping people will be my friend. Doesn't that sound sad and pathetic!

          I'm now off to have a look at my profile page & see what lies information i can put in it!

          Are we wanting to make a Doctor and the Wild Man social group?


            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            Well I'm back! All this new stuff is going to get some getting used to! I'm browsing around and hoping people will be my friend. Doesn't that sound sad and pathetic!

            I'm now off to have a look at my profile page & see what lies information i can put in it!

            Are we wanting to make a Doctor and the Wild Man social group?
            I'm here just for ten minutes, no time this evening. I'll probably have some funny stories tomorrow
            We could have a social group, why not, I'm already in one


              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
              Well I'm back! All this new stuff is going to get some getting used to! I'm browsing around and hoping people will be my friend. Doesn't that sound sad and pathetic!

              I'm now off to have a look at my profile page & see what lies information i can put in it!

              Are we wanting to make a Doctor and the Wild Man social group?
              I think we should


                Errr. OK Does anyone know how?


                  I don't sorry


                    Actually I think I may have it sussed. Give me a moment!


                      will do


                        Right. I've created the social group here..


                        I've made it a moderated group. Only because that's what Wraithlord did with the Pro Jewel social group & I don't know what it means exactly!

                        So can any of you join? It's showing me different stuff cos I made it, I think. *wibble*


                          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                          Right. I've created the social group here..


                          I've made it a moderated group. Only because that's what Wraithlord did with the Pro Jewel social group & I don't know what it means exactly!

                          So can any of you join? It's showing me different stuff cos I made it, I think. *wibble*
                          I joined (i think!). I like the idea of a moderated group.... you get approve of the member so no mean people sneak in!


                            I joined but I think that you have to agree to let us in Blen


                              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                              Right. I've created the social group here..


                              I've made it a moderated group. Only because that's what Wraithlord did with the Pro Jewel social group & I don't know what it means exactly!

                              So can any of you join? It's showing me different stuff cos I made it, I think. *wibble*
                              I just joined!


                                OK. Now I'll go & see if I can let you in!

