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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    first I am on my phone cool

    second i reject your reality and substitute my own is my SGA motto

    third I would like to announce COPTER IS NOW A SHIPPER!! Okay so it is in buffy but it is a start


      What's this???!!






        I knew it!! I was only a matter of time until she caved and admitted she is a shipper


          I have NO idea what you guys are talking about


            I am away working for a while and what I find out when I come back? We knew that copter!

            Really, tell me, you are not a shipper at all? I mean, at any tv show / movie?


              Apparently she thinks there are many couple in Buffy. Buffy and Angle, Spike and Dru, Giles and um she said it was a techno pagen teacher (I tried Buffy and never quite got into it) there was mention of Oz, Xander, Cordelia (I think) and a bunch of other people some of which I have never heard of.


                Ha!!! I knew it! We should keep an eye on Copter's sigs for shippy ones that might appear.


                  No kidding I told her being a shipper starts somewhere for me it was ST: TNG (I started young apparently )


                    I was a late starter getting into real shipping. In fact Ronon & Jenn were my first real obsessive ship. Before that I used to think that couples would be cute together like Picard & Crusher or Picard & Guinan in ST:TNG but I didn't give much more thought to it than that.

                    Psst - I'm up to no good. Mr Blen has made corned beef & onion sandwiches for his packed lunch at work tomorrow. He commented that people in the office will be moaning about the onion smell. He's now gone to bed & I'm busy boiling an egg. I'm going to hide the hard boiled egg in his packed lunch box. Now THAT will stink. Shhhh. Don't tell him.
                    Last edited by Blencathra; 23 March 2011, 02:24 PM.


                      sneaky Blen I wont say a word

                      I shipped a few people but I was never like I am with Ronon and Jennifer


                        who knew I would be such good news!

                        Okay, let me set the record matter what y'all might think, I am still not a shipper!!! My kiddo has recently started watching Buffy [the TV series]. First time for her of course but a semi rewatch for me. I just made the very casual and offhand remark that I could see why people are shippers. Angel had just pushed Buffy up against a wall and was about to kiss her and it was all very hot and stuff..........and then I jokingly told DG that there were several couples that belonged together. And I see it has snowballed.

                        SeN ~ no, I don't ship anyone on any TV show at all. I know, I am so weird. There are times when people should be together, like Sam and Jack, which the writers are just so stupid about it. But I don't count that as shipping because I don't make art about them, or write about them, or talk about them being together. It's more of an obvious thing.

                        Blen ~ don't know if I will make any shippy sigs. But if I find any HG promo pics of any of the charactors, I might. Bufy is really pretty and I sorta thunk Spike, but probably nothing shippy, sorry. I also love the boiled egg sneaky bit


                          but but but You said...


                            I said what???


                              You said and I quote...wait let me get my said *ahem*

                              Omg it has finally happened, I have crossed over to the dark side...With buffy I finally see why people become shippers LOL
                              I asked if you were a shipper you said

                              Only for buffy though
                              I asked if you shipped Buffy and Angel or Spike and Dru if they were in that season you said

                              And Willow and Zander and...
                              When I asked about you shipping 3 couples you said

                              Then there is willow and oz, then willow and anya, then zander and cordelia, buffy and riley... (then later you said) Giles and the teacher to the list
                              To me it sounds like you are a shipper


                                darn those text messages!!

                                umm, umm, in my defense I was on medication.....for allergies.....yeah.....I was out of my mind, didn't know what I was saying.

