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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    *hughs Ever* Great to see you back! I am glad you enjoyed it It is a bit silent here but we are alive


      Why am I so depressed lately? It seems as though I'm crying over almost everything. I cried watching X-Men Evolution yesterday, 'cause one character mentioned that he thought of the others as his family! -is annoyed at self-

      Edit: Before I go to bed...hasn't anyone gotten word from Blen yet? I'm really worried now, it's been almost two months, hasn't it?


        Nope and I am worried too. I tried email and msn but still nothing It is about 6 weeks since she showed up the last time. I really hope she is ok.


          (((((EVER))))))))))) wb we missed you so much. glad you had a wonderful time.
          *izn't going anywhere near the Ocean this year... but next year New England. *
          Nope not seen nor heard from Blen in forever. i wonder how her hands are doing.
          GG-- great job with photoshop! Maybe I should buy that? or DL gimp on my pc.

          We had flooding rains yesterday. snookie and I went shopping and i got completely soaked... wet t-shirt contest soaked I swear! It's dry today but there is loads of standing water in roads, on the fields, etc.... south of us got it bad!


            Played with PS yesterday:


              lovely job snowy! just lovely!


                Thanks, Rac!


                  Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                  *hughs Ever* Great to see you back! I am glad you enjoyed it It is a bit silent here but we are alive
                  Had lots of fun. Great to see you too

                  Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                  Why am I so depressed lately? It seems as though I'm crying over almost everything. I cried watching X-Men Evolution yesterday, 'cause one character mentioned that he thought of the others as his family! -is annoyed at self-

                  Edit: Before I go to bed...hasn't anyone gotten word from Blen yet? I'm really worried now, it's been almost two months, hasn't it?
                  *Hugs DrJenn* Sorry you're feeling so down, dearheart. Say, I didn't ask, how did it go with the job interviews a few weeks ago?

                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  (((((EVER))))))))))) wb we missed you so much. glad you had a wonderful time.
                  *izn't going anywhere near the Ocean this year... but next year New England. *
                  Nope not seen nor heard from Blen in forever. i wonder how her hands are doing.
                  GG-- great job with photoshop! Maybe I should buy that? or DL gimp on my pc.

                  We had flooding rains yesterday. snookie and I went shopping and i got completely soaked... wet t-shirt contest soaked I swear! It's dry today but there is loads of standing water in roads, on the fields, etc.... south of us got it bad!
                  I miss Blenca too.
                  DL gimp!! Yeah! Do it!

                  Originally posted by Snowy View Post
                  Played with PS yesterday:

                  Play with PS more often, dearheart! Love it!

                  My morning sucked! Huge rocks!! The dogs were barking this morning so I went out to see at what. There was a !#%^&%##^&*(* cow in our yard! So, here I am, dressed in jammies and flip flops and I'm going to chase the stupid thing out of the yard. Dumb move. The cow and one of the dogs start playing "Let's butt heads" and there's a lot of mayhem that I'm in the middle of. %&()*^*&%*&$&^#&%# I end up on the ground, bruises happen. I limp my way back to the house and hubby chased the (&^%(^&%*&^ cow out of the yard.

                  So, now I'm feeling sorry for myself and am going to have a nice big beef roast for dinner (not that cow) but I'm not feeling too charitable towards the beasts!

                  How have all of you been?

                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    Snowy, this is really great I think I should open my gimp after a month maybe

                    Sorry Misi you had so rough time! You should have eaten that cow, really... I hope you will eb feeling better, take a rest


                      Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                      Snowy, this is really great I think I should open my gimp after a month maybe

                      Sorry Misi you had so rough time! You should have eaten that cow, really... I hope you will eb feeling better, take a rest
                      A month without gimping? SeNedra, how do you do it?

                      And if the cow was mine? I might have shot it and carved it up. Not mine though. I'm just doing little things today. There's a reason I've got three slaves I mean kids! And I don't hurt myself often so they're all jumping to help me do this and that.

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Luck you

                        I don't know, I still haven't finished a sig I started before the camp, have work on it cause it is for VSS shipper rewatch. I took Shades of Grey casue of one hot pic of Jack I am not in the mood lately and the time.... I have some testing task this week at work, it shoul dshow if I am able to do also another things than till now,quite difficult and takes long... I have two hours overtime now in three days. So that's it


                          Hey all.

                          I had a weird morning this morning. I dunno if I mentioned this here or not, but a little over a week ago I called one of the employees at the company that I rent my place from to arrange a pick-up of keys, since my cousin is moving into my building and wouldn't be able to pick them up herself. After going back and forth on the matter she started yelling at me, telling me I had no business calling about this.

                          Well, today just as I was gonna leave for work a woman enters the apartment (I share with three others, so it's not just my place), looks around, introduces herself and asks us if there are any upcoming residential changes at our floor. I politely answers the question, points to my right and tells her that the girl living there has informed us that she will be moving out by November. When the woman remarks about where all the four rooms are, I point out that the layout on our floor is exactly the same as the two floors below us. I also have to tell her that there are no one living above us, that it's just an attick full of junk. She thanks us and leaves.

                          I turn to my roommate standing next to me and says: "That was the woman who yelled at me over the phone last week... I don't think she realized."
                          He comments back "That was not at all awkward."
                          My Site || My Blog


                            Hi, Kitten! Sorry you had a bad morning too. Maybe it's something in the Ronon/Jenn waters?

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Hello Hello.
                              I really wish the weather would make up its mind, its raining one minute the next its not.Gahh if only it wasn't so humid!
                              sig by


                                Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
                                Hello Hello.
                                I really wish the weather would make up its mind, its raining one minute the next its not.Gahh if only it wasn't so humid!
                                Send the rain my way! We need it here - as always.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

