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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by sanssong View Post

    GLOAT FEST 2007 HAS BEGUN!!!!!!

    Oh, man are they going to accuse me of being an insider now!!! I love this I can't EVEN tell you how much. My kids are totally laughing at me, but I don't care. More later when I get back from dinner.
    lol....Suz just loves being right...hehehe....

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
      doh!....thanx scifan!....
      LOL. NP WB. LOL.



        SQUEEE!!!...Oh that was great. So, the boys totally fixed it so Ronon could be with Keller, it's undeniable, come on John get a lucky hit way is he that, John looked a bit uncomfortable, when Ronon asks him for a rematch like he knew there would be hell to pay for setting it up...Plus when Ronon finally tells her John isn't seeing anyone he did not look like he was saying it to be helpful, he seemed a bit sad, like he was telling her so he'd know up front, and I loved how she rushed to correct him. Then when she tells him to lay back, he had to watch her a few times, with this smirk on his face as if that's exactly where he wants to be.

        So it worked out great, I'm loving it...

        R.I.P Wraithlord

        Awesome sig by SciFan


          i saw the sci fi q&a clip and now this pairing seems to be turning into canon. not that i don't mind much. but yeah i think keller probably does remind ronon a lot of his late wife. we don't know malena very well and she couldve just been like keller. but yeah my insides did squee when i saw it. i didn't really expect it out of ronon but yeah... now im looking forward to that ep and the build up between them.

          maybe i'll post more in here when i see more development between the 2. i didn't really see any in doppleganger but *shrug* at least he's not *grr* around her. for now i'll duck out as i don't care for gloating. on that note, i can see ladybozi's pov and didn't feel her post to be that rude. some posters can be pretty obnoxious.


            Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
            Oye! I know when you start talking there's no end.....And Rain girl i've only seen him in Full House, and OMG, after episode 1 I just couldn't stop, I watched the whole thing in one week, and instantly feel inlove with hottie...*faints*...

            I'm more than excited, I'm twitterpatted..*wonders about that word*...I'm now going to watch the vid, since I all but sprinted out the house when I last posted. But I think there's sure to be some interesting moments to come for this duo.
            Oh MY [insert deity]!!!
            You're totally missing out there's a film called " A Love to Kill" where he's a bodyguard---he takes hotness to another level. Oh my lord. You have no idea!!! And guess what, FH2 will be coming out next year. Apparently filming is going to be underway soon. I knew you must be my long lost sister. Have you seen other Asian tv? I'm all about that man, that's all I do all day. I'm actually moving in Jan 2009, I haven't decided on Taiwan or Korea yet, but I'm outies. I decided I need to get one of these hotties. I'm wasting my time in this utterly fruitless country.

            I think there will be as well for R/K. I just saw the vid as well and let me tell you, naughti-ness shall ensue.

            Witchy, come back to MSN so we can chat. I miss you, actually everyone was asking for you.

            Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
            See, I don't think it's Quarantine, since isn't Teyla and Ronon the only ones who are alright, while the others are infected?...

            Anyway, let me watch the Vid and get back to you.

            ja mata!
            I don't know what that clip is from, I hope it comes up soon.

            Originally posted by eri-chan View Post
            i saw the sci fi q&a clip and now this pairing seems to be turning into canon. not that i don't mind much. but yeah i think keller probably does remind ronon a lot of his late wife. we don't know malena very well and she couldve just been like keller. but yeah my insides did squee when i saw it. i didn't really expect it out of ronon but yeah... now im looking forward to that ep and the build up between them.
            First off, I'd have to say, I get the feeling people are using this whole Keller must remind Ronon of Melina as a form of marginalizing the relationship and making it a "rebound" sort of relationship---which I don't agree with.

            From what we know of Melina, she seems to have two similarities to Keller, but they're far from the same woman. I find Keller, from what I've seen of her and what I've seen of Melina, to be more aggressive, bold and in your face. I find Melina to be more "docile" in some respects. Secondly, Melina was a nurse and Keller was a doctor. Just by the clips we were given we see Keller
            shooting a man in the leg (a great shot by the way) and saying something along the lines "I need something to heal first."
            For the life of me I can't see Melina doing something like that.

            I think Keller is stronger and can stand toe to toe with Ronon and is far more resilient than Melina. I just find Melina to remind me a lot of Katie Brown, and Katie Brown is a doormat. Keller is far from a "doormat". I think the only real similarity between the two is that both are in the medical field and are civilians, after that they differentiate a great deal. Especially watching eps like Doppelganger, Keller's personality is interesting and she seems to have a level of pessimism about her that's endearing. In any event, I think she's great and even if I do get the impression people seem to discount the possible Ronon/Keller relationship as rebound, I see otherwise.

            Originally posted by eri-chan View Post
            maybe i'll post more in here when i see more development between the 2. i didn't really see any in doppleganger but *shrug* at least he's not *grr* around her. for now i'll duck out as i don't care for gloating. on that note, i can see ladybozi's pov and didn't feel her post to be that rude. some posters can be pretty obnoxious.
            Actually her post was rude and it was obnoxious or is it me you're defining as obnoxious?! Do you think that it's of great importance for people to declare they won't post in a thread that they just posted at?! Because I don't understand the purpose or the reasoning behind it.

            Further more, it's extremely insulting to make generalized accusations and claims upon posters in said thread (but I guess you agree with her since you see her POV and don't find her rude) mainly because you (general "you") probably have your own bias you need to defend, promote, and believe. That's not something sweet and I don't understand someone's POV to do something like that.

            Fortunately, unlike others on this board I don't accept stupidity well, nor do I tolerate it. Lastly, I won't sit here, play kumbaya and the pacifist role when said poster has spammed and basically trolled this thread in the past. <---And here in lies the crutch of the situation.

            Note: I won't be revisiting this discussion again as it's severely off topic. But felt it necessary at first since the original post was insulting.

            Originally posted by sanssong View Post
            EVERYBODY PARTY!!!!!!!

            GLOAT FEST 2007 HAS BEGUN!!!!!!

            Oh, man are they going to accuse me of being an insider now!!! I love this I can't EVEN tell you how much. My kids are totally laughing at me, but I don't care. More later when I get back from dinner.
            I'm joining the happy day!!! Woohoo!! But I've been gloating since
  , Yunho!!! Tell me about it. You get the title and it was my pairing from season 2. Ah well, you deal with the resulting drama then, one load off my back.

            Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post

            SQUEEE!!!...Oh that was great. So, the boys totally fixed it so Ronon could be with Keller, it's undeniable, come on John get a lucky hit way is he that, John looked a bit uncomfortable, when Ronon asks him for a rematch like he knew there would be hell to pay for setting it up...Plus when Ronon finally tells her John isn't seeing anyone he did not look like he was saying it to be helpful, he seemed a bit sad, like he was telling her so he'd know up front, and I loved how she rushed to correct him. Then when she tells him to lay back, he had to watch her a few times, with this smirk on his face as if that's exactly where he wants to be.

            So it worked out great, I'm loving it...
            I so totally agree with the bolded section.
            The whole thing looked like a total set up. The way John was looking under his eye, his total lack of remorse. The sort of flippant way he agreed that Ronon has taught him too well. I was like Ronon has a huge "crush" and is taking that extra step to making his crush become a viable love interest. I'm glad I'm not the only one to read that, it just seemed so blatant on screen. It was utterly kawaii. Great development so far and I can't wait for more. Woohoo!!
            Last edited by vaberella; 20 October 2007, 07:43 AM. Reason: To add the red/bolded note.
            Click statement above to read article.


              Originally posted by eri-chan View Post
              i saw the sci fi q&a clip and now this pairing seems to be turning into canon. not that i don't mind much. but yeah i think keller probably does remind ronon a lot of his late wife. we don't know malena very well and she couldve just been like keller. but yeah my insides did squee when i saw it. i didn't really expect it out of ronon but yeah... now im looking forward to that ep and the build up between them.

              maybe i'll post more in here when i see more development between the 2. i didn't really see any in doppleganger but *shrug* at least he's not *grr* around her. for now i'll duck out as i don't care for gloating. on that note, i can see ladybozi's pov and didn't feel her post to be that rude. some posters can be pretty obnoxious.

              I'm sure you mean me, of course. But for your information, the gloating is over being RIGHT about this pairing being canon. I knew it from the first moment she was announced for the show and EVERYONE, especially from the other ships, said I was following a crack-ship and laughed at me. So forgive me if I take just a moment and get a bit excited about being right. And you know to me its a bit suspect for you R/T shippers to come in here and pretend to be excited or positive about Ronon/Keller. I'm thinking maybe you only wanted to throw some cold water on our party because your pairing isn't going to work out. It wouldn't be the first time that's happened. And to ME that's obnoxious, posting in a thread just to cause trouble.

              OT Response to Rudeness
              Ladybozi had NO right to come in here and say that we only supported this ship because it somehow helped John/Teyla. That was rude. John/Teyla doesn't need Ronon/Teyla to go away for JT to be canon, they never did, so her comments are way off base. I just love Ronon and have wanted to see him with someone since he came on the show, I own no less than THREE groups dedicated to Ronon so this isn't just a lark or made up whim for me. I never saw anything but brother/sister friendship with Ronon and Teyla so that option never occurred to me. Never mind that everyone who ever spoke about these two in the PTB's from he show said the same thing. So it was always a lost cause as far as I'm concerned.

              So here's my word to you. If you come here, stay on topic and if you have something of a personal nature you need to say to someone who posts here, do it in a private message, not on the board.


                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Come bearing a gift....

                Jewel Q&A over at scifi....

                Major spoilers in the beginning of the interview
                for me that is just PURE confirmation...
                You are the most awesome! I'm dying to comment on everything in this vid, but I've got so dang much to do today, it's gonna be this evening before I can really get to it. Suffice it to say that I have many many thoughts and fan fic ideas. We need a Keller smilie!!!!!!!


                  Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                  You are the most awesome! I'm dying to comment on everything in this vid, but I've got so dang much to do today, it's gonna be this evening before I can really get to it. Suffice it to say that I have many many thoughts and fan fic ideas. We need a Keller smilie!!!!!!!
                  You're welcome...I thought it was the place to put the vid link... and I knew the fans that enjoy these two would be happy about this..
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                    Why post at all then? (rhetorical---~sigh~) Slightly OT
                    You've proven in the past what your alliance is and made no qualms about spamming this thread before, and now you come here to give your stance when no one really cares as it's a PRO-thread (and those who post here; post here for all intents and purposes because they like the pairing) which is pro---without the snide comments needed to make a veiled point (or not so velied); as in your case.

                    Further more, I think you have a lot of nerve to presume to know why many of us post here and even more gall to state such a claim in this thread. I would like to know how that would flow if I said it something similar in the case of Ronon/Teyla, in the Ronon/Teyla thread. Until you know the posters and their mind-sets I'd refrain from making outrageous claims on their likes and dislikes and the reasons behind it.

                    Bloody rude people on this thread!!!

                    Back on topic: Does anyone have a clue (or can make a realistic guess) as to which episode those "lets get to know each other better" line comes from?

                    im thinking either Quarantine or Trio
                    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                      Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post

                      SQUEEE!!!...Oh that was great. So, the boys totally fixed it so Ronon could be with Keller, it's undeniable, come on John get a lucky hit way is he that, John looked a bit uncomfortable, when Ronon asks him for a rematch like he knew there would be hell to pay for setting it up...Plus when Ronon finally tells her John isn't seeing anyone he did not look like he was saying it to be helpful, he seemed a bit sad, like he was telling her so he'd know up front, and I loved how she rushed to correct him. Then when she tells him to lay back, he had to watch her a few times, with this smirk on his face as if that's exactly where he wants to be.

                      So it worked out great, I'm loving it...

                      I sooo agree with you...
                      I smelt the "set up" the second John and Ronon arrived at the infirmary. I thought.. come on a big guy like Ronon needing to see doc for a little bobo like that?? hehe. And John is coming with him for that??
                      That's actually sweet.
                      Oh and John was way to cheerful when he left them alone.
                      Ronon was smilling during the entire Sheppard is single conversation and even as he laid down.
                      *happy sigh*

                      This pairing is gonna rock!!!


                        Originally posted by Leliana McKay View Post
                        I sooo agree with you...
                        I smelt the "set up" the second John and Ronon arrived at the infirmary. I thought.. come on a big guy like Ronon needing to see doc for a little bobo like that?? hehe. And John is coming with him for that??
                        That's actually sweet.
                        Oh and John was way to cheerful when he left them alone.
                        Ronon was smilling during the entire Sheppard is single conversation and even as he laid down.
                        *happy sigh*

                        This pairing is gonna rock!!!
                        Oh, YEAH! I ADORE Ronon/Jennifer and am SO going to write them together in my latest fic.

                        *runs off to make a Jenon (Ronon/Jen), Sheyla (what else?), and (cause he isn't dead,) Beckweir fan club*

                        Join me!
                        Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
                        "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
                        dA | tumblr | twitter


                          Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post
                          Oh, YEAH! I ADORE Ronon/Jennifer and am SO going to write them together in my latest fic.

                          *runs off to make a Jenon (Ronon/Jen), Sheyla (what else?), and (cause he isn't dead,) Beckweir fan club*

                          Join me!
                          Hah...check out the first post, I think I stated no acros (acronyms) at all on this thread. I hate acros, they suck. Unless it's Ronon/Zelenka or Ronon/John where you'll have Zex/Sex (respectively. <---I'm just naughty that way. So no there is no Jenon, cause it just sounds stupid. Or Kex, or Kenon, or Reller----they all sound like dog names. In any event, it's just plain R/K or Ronon/Jenny or whatever...just no acros.

                          But that's cool about the fic. Totally post the link when you have it written. You should check out Suz's work, she had a fic that is so Ronon/Keller, but she had given the doctor another name, and she wrote this about 2 years ago. Suz has divine premonitions when it comes to SGA. She was sure it was a medical doctor with a quirky personality that would hook up with Ronon, and I think even the name sort of rhymes----good start to the pairing.
                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                            Hah...check out the first post, I think I stated no acros (acronyms) at all on this thread. I hate acros, they suck. Unless it's Ronon/Zelenka or Ronon/John where you'll have Zex/Sex (respectively. <---I'm just naughty that way. So no there is no Jenon, cause it just sounds stupid. Or Kex, or Kenon, or Reller----they all sound like dog names. In any event, it's just plain R/K or Ronon/Jenny or whatever...just no acros.
                            Oops... Sorry. I was being a dork. and besides, you can blame my friend for that one. It's her fault! Just kidding. But I love R/K fics. Maybe I'll write some pointless fluff for R/K instead.Well I need to write anyway.

                            Off to write my BIG fic. If you wish to know the plot, just say the word!
                            Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
                            "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
                            dA | tumblr | twitter


                              okay that's enough. I was just stating my opinion..and a lot ppl would agree. So
                              IT WASN'T AN ATTEMPT TO BE RUDE. I just don't feel comfortable posting here because I see so many PRO J/T comments. >:[ I ACTUALLY DO LIKE THIS PAIRING. So stop acting like a child. I was just expressing how I FELT. I think Ronon/Keller is cute. I think ppl HERE are RUDE To me. I was never trying to be rude. okay. I really wasn't. I just expressed my FREEDOM of speech. >:[ So stop it already.

                              icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                                I took some screencaps of the Q&A - MAJOR SPOILERS here, but they're seriously squeeful!!


                                Er... THUNK!!!

                                OK, seriously people, we need a Jen smiley!!!

                                anyway, about the squeeful moment:
                                I'm pretty sure it's from Quarantine, as at the beginning when Ronon is lying on the bed Jen says 'we can just use the time to get to know each other better' - implying they have time to kill... probably from being stuck in the infirmary together - SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
                                Oh, Ruby, these are just too good! Almost as good as the vid itself! I feel some graphics coming on!

                                Are these two not just the CUTEST? The chemistry is zinging across the screen like lightening. I love the way he just responds with her, and how she's not afraid or intimidated by him. I am in total heaven right now and can't wait to see where this goes!

